DUAL CREDIT AND ADVANCED PLACEMENT: Indiana’s Approach to Student Success STATEWIDE TRANSFER AND ARTICULATION COMMITTEE (STAC) Legislatively created in 2000 Placed under the direction of the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) Purpose was to advance State transfer initiatives Chaired by a past Faculty Commission member Membership includes all public institutions and representatives from the independent colleges WORK OF STAC 2001: Articulation agreements with all 4-yr public campuses for 8 VU associate degrees (1st statewide agreements in State’s history) 2002: STAC increases approved statewide transfer courses to 40 2003: General Assembly passes law demanding accountability from STAC WORK OF STAC (CONTINUED) 2005: General Assembly establishes the Core Transfer Library (CTL) with 70 courses and 12 programs that will transfer and count at all State institutions 2006: Transfer Indiana Central Office was established and funded TRANSFER INDIANA 2008: Launched TransferIN.net Purpose: the State’s official resource for transfer information Originally developed to address transferring credits college-to-college With the advent of Indiana Core40 Honor’s diploma, it became a resource for dual credit and Advanced Placement information RESOURCE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND COUNSELORS Information you will find: Admissions Advanced Placement Core Transfer Library Dual Credit Financial Aid Indiana Colleges and Universities Terms to Know Transfer Contacts TRANSFERIN.NET www.transferin.net ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) Background Legislation (House Enrolled Act 1135) passed in 2009 “a student who…receives a satisfactory score on the advanced placement examination is entitled to receive…post-secondary level academic credit at a state educational institution that counts toward meeting the student’s degree requirements, if elective credit is part of the student’s degree requirement.” The law defines a “satisfactory score” as a 3, 4, or 5 Went into effect July 1, 2010 ADVANCED PLACEMENT SEARCHABLE DATABASE Public Colleges/Universities: www.transferin.net/ap.aspx Independent Colleges/Universities: www.icindiana.org/pal/index.asp CORE TRANSFER LIBRARY (CTL) Background 2005: General Assembly established the CTL with 70 courses that will transfer and count at all State institutions Currently there are 85 courses listed in the CTL Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI) were not included in the original CTL but have recently developed a searchable database to reflect their courses CTL SEARCHABLE DATABASE Public Colleges/Universities: www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/CTL.aspx Independent Colleges/Universities: www.icindiana.org/pal/index.asp DUAL CREDIT Background ICHE develops Policy on Dual Credit Courses in November, 2005 Legislatively mandated study group (HEA 1246): Concurrent Enrollment Partnership formed in 2008, final report provided in September, 2009 Governor’s Education Roundtable formed the Dual Credit Advisory Counsel in 2010 Dual Credit Advisory Counsel names Dual Credit Review Subcommittee in 2010 DUAL CREDIT REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE Subcommittee of STAC Purpose was to develop a method of assessing dual credit programs in all State higher education institutions (public and independent) 2011: Developed a set of standards relating to programs where high school students are taught college courses by high school teachers in the high school during the regularly scheduled high school day DUAL CREDIT APPROVAL PROCESS The State process involves a National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) like method developed specifically for State institutions (public and independent) who are not NACEP accredited Institutions needing State approval have completed the first stage toward approval and have begun collecting information for the second stage to be completed by November 2012 PREFERRED PROVIDER LIST FOR HIGH SCHOOL DELIVERY ICHE and IDOE encourage high schools to choose from the Preferred Provider List when establishing a program in the high school Schools may also choose to establish a program with an out-of-state NACEP accredited provider. This ICHE endorsement and/or NACEP accreditation are a quality control assurance that high schools should consider when entering in to a partnership. PREFERRED PROVIDER LIST FOR HIGH SCHOOL DELIVERY Institutions who are approved by the State approval process or NACEP accredited are placed on this list www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx ON-CAMPUS OR DISTANCE EDUCATION/ONLINE DUAL CREDIT PROVIDER LIST Institutions who provide dual credit by bringing high school students to campus, take professors to the high school to teach a course, or through distance education or online delivery methods www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (IDOE) LIBERAL ARTS PRIORITY LIST IDOE has developed a Liberal Arts Priority List which lists courses that will fulfill the Core40 Academic Honors diploma option starting with the class of 2016 www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx IDOE PRIORITY DUAL CREDIT COLLEGE AND CAREER PREPARATION COURSES PRIORITY LIST IDOE developed a list of courses that will fulfill the Core40 Technical Honors diploma option starting with the class of 2016 www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx ADVISING STUDENTS To maximize the transferability of the courses students take for dual credit; the CTL (public and independent), the Dual Credit webpage, and u.select become primary resources CTL www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx ICI CTL www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx ADVISING STUDENTS (CONTINUED) Dual Credit www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx u.select www.transfer.org/uselect/login.htm ICHE POLICY ON DUAL CREDIT The Policy developed in 2005 has recently been reviewed and updated to reflect the new technologies and formats available www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx DUAL CREDIT Q&A If you have questions concerning Dual Credit, the Q&A is a good resource www.transferin.net/High-School-Students/DualCredit.aspx QUESTIONS? CONTACT INFORMATION Dr. Ione Y. DeOllos STAC Chair Associate Professor Department of Sociology Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306 ideollos@bsu.edu 765-285-5470 Ms. Tari G. Lambert Director, Transfer Indiana Indiana Commission for Higher Education 400 ½ N. McKinley Avenue Muncie, IN 47306 tglambert@bsu.edu 765-285-5810