We*re ALL in it Together:

OLIS planned,
organized, and
sponsored this
The OLIS PD Panel
Prof. Mary MacDonald
URI Libraries
Jen Thomas
High School Librarian
Prof. Cheryl A. McCarthy
Amanda Richman
Rhode Island Hospital Library
Julie Holden
Cranston Public Library
Why? Goals of PD Workshop
Present best practices of information literacy instruction
Engage Participants in Round Table Discussions
Provide facilitators and note takers to add to the LibGuide
Share ideas for future PD and collaboration across libraries
LibGuide for Communication and Collaboration
Success of PD Workshop:
Participation with Facilitators and
Note Takers!
Patricia Brennan, RIC Library
Amanda Izenstark, URI Libraries
Round Table Discussion Topics:
1. Information Literacy
Continuum K-20
2. Are You Ready for the
Common Core?
3. Free and Cool Tech Tools
4. Finding and Evaluating Health
5. Marketing Your Invisible
Information Literacy Across
Rhode Island
• Can we do it? Yes, we can! It exists and we can
build more bridges!
• School Libraries: over 300 in RI
• Academic Libraries: 11 in RI
• Public Libraries: 39 Cities and Towns in RI
• Special Libraries: All types including hospital, law
libraries, corporate libraries, historical libraries,
museum libraries, and other special libraries
Best Practices:
Sharing Ideas and Program Models
Building Bridges
Outcomes: Sustainability
• Keeping the conversation moving forward!
• Conveners and participants shared
hopes to sustain and nurture ideas
• Plans simmering for new adventures!
Outcomes: ILART
Information Literacy Action Round Table (ILART)
RILA as state-wide umbrella for librarians
Information Literacy Proclamation Project
October Celebration of IL Month- Governor’s Proclamation
ILART Events!
What Do College Professors Expect?
Building Bridges
Articulating ACRL Framework
Threshold Concepts
ILART: How can we build capacity?
Things To Consider
• How can we help librarians embrace the role of
teaching information literacy in all types of libraries
or should we?
• How can we become more effective teachers of
information literacy in all types of libraries?
Your Questions?
Thank You!
Cheryl A. McCarthy chermc@mail.uri.edu
Mary C. MacDonald marymac@mail.uri.edu
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ACRL. Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. (2014)
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ACRL. Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Draft 1. Part 1. (2014)
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Office of Library and Information Services. (2014)
State of Rhode Island. Retrieved May 2, 2014, from http://www.olis.state.ri.us/
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Owen, P. (2010). A Transition Checklist for High School Seniors.
School Library Monthly, 26(8), 20-23.
Pennsylvania Libraries. (2014) PA Forward. Information Literacy sponsored by the
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Rhode Island Department of Education. (2014) Transition to the Common Core State
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Rhode Island Library Association. (2014) RILA Constitution Article XI.:
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from http://rilibraries.org/rila-roundtables
School Librarians of Rhode Island. (2014) Retrieved May 2, 2014, from http://www.slri.info
We’re All In It Together: Connecting Reference & Information Literacy Across All Rhode Island
Libraries. (2014) Retrieved May 2, 2014,
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