CTE EMIS Presentation

Intended for the EMIS Professional who completes
the EMIS/Career Tech work for your district
Presented by:
Teri Belt
Miami Valley Career Technology Center
EMIS Specialist
•1st step to complete when:
•New Program Initiated
•Change current CTE program to Tech
•Not funded prior year
•Work with Tech Prep Consortium to
garner relationships with Post-Secondary
•Course Master
•Student Profile/Demographics
•Student Schedule
•Student Memberships
•Correlation and Mapping Tables
•Program/Area of Concentration
•Student Assessment Results
•ODE Reports in FISCWEB
•CTE FISCWEB Reports to review each
reporting period
•Communication between districts
•Performance Report goals
•CTPD/Local District Performance Data
•ODE/CTE Program Override Request
CTE is an acronym for
• Career Technical Education
When did Career Tech start?
• In November, 1968 – a constitutional amendment was
voted and approved by Ohio voters which provided the
issuance of $100 million in bonds for vocational, technical
and higher education.
What is the mission of Career Technical Education
in Ohio?
• The Ohio Career Technical and Adult Education mission is
to provide quality programs and services to meet the
lifelong career education need of Ohio’s youth and adults.
The system creates, maintains and empowers the workforce
of today and tomorrow and is critical to the economic
future of Ohio.
The Numbers
◦ In FY2009
 127,085
 the number of students in Career Tech Education in Ohio
 23,000
 the number of students enrolled in Tech Prep programs
 91
 the number of JVSD/CTPD’s in Ohio
 94.63%
 the Graduation Rate for CTE students in Ohio
 FY10 Grad Rate for MVCTC CTPD: 99.14%
What is a Workforce Development Program?
• Curriculum that combines academics and concentrated study
in specific career fields and prepares students for college and
There are 16 Career Fields used to organize and
create pathways to further learning opportunities for
Agricultural and Environmental Systems
Business and Administrative Services
Engineering and Science Technologies
Government and Public Administration
Health Science
Human Services
Law and Public Safety
Arts and Communication
Construction Technologies
Education and Training
Hospitality and Tourism
Information Technology
Manufacturing Technologies
Transportation Systems
What is a Tech Prep Program
Tech Prep is Career Tech
Tech Prep is a combination of college prep/articulated
academics and advanced career tech education with the
goal of a seamless, nonduplicative transition from high
school to postsecondary education.
In FY 2009, all locals were required to implement a
minimum of one state-approved program of study of
their choice.
For all new programs to be implemented in FY 2010 and
thereafter, submission of a program of study will be
required as part of the State Application for Approval of
Secondary Career-Technical Education Programs (CTE26), which is required for state weighted funding of
secondary CTE programs.
ODE has set a goal that by 2014 all CTE Programs
will transition curriculum to meet Tech Prep
This goal aligns the Perkins IV Tech Prep indicators of
performance legislation to the State of Ohio indicators of
The state will develop a phase-in plan that will ensure that
existing programs transition to POS and that 100 percent
of state-approved secondary CTE programs have a stateapproved program of study in FY 2014.
Postsecondary recipients will be required to
develop/review/revise POS in collaboration with their
secondary partner(s) following the same schedule as the
secondary recipient.
CTE Program Delivery
◦ Ohio has over 650 individual secondary school
districts and each must belong to one of the 91
CTPD’s under a formal agreement to offer CTE
programs that meet state and federal requirements.
Programs may be offered at:
A central location (at a JVS/CTC)
Satellite programs
Middle school delivery
Compact/Comprehensive districts (43 in Ohio)
Career Technical Planning District
◦ Local education agency configuration
(comprehensive, compact, contract or joint
vocational school district) that meets the minimum
requirements of law and subsequent standards to
offer state sanctioned career-technical
The CTPD Plan and the school district
membership of a CTPD must be approved by
the State Board of Education.
CTPD Name (and IRN)
CTPD Lead School District (and IRN)
CTPD Member School Districts
◦ Greene County Joint Vocational SD (051045)
◦ Students in these school districts may enroll in careertechnical education (CTE) programs in the CTPD. Data
reported by all member school districts with CTE workforce
development programs that are approved and funded by the
Ohio Department of Education are combined to calculate the
CTPD performance results.
Beavercreek City SD
Fairborn City SD
Greeneview Local SD
Xenia Community City SD Yellow
Cedar Cliff Local SD
Greene County JVSD
Sugarcreek Local SD
Springs Exmpt
CTPD Name (and IRN)
CTPD Lead School District (and IRN)
CTPD Member School Districts
◦ Miami Valley Career Technology Joint Vocational SD (051284)
◦ Students in these school districts may enroll in career-technical education (CTE) programs
in the CTPD. Data reported by all member school districts with CTE workforce development
programs that are approved and funded by the Ohio Department of Education are
combined to calculate the CTPD performance results.
Ansonia Local SD
Bethel Local SD
Carlisle Local SD
Franklin Monroe Local SD
Jefferson Township Local SD
Miami Valley Career Technology JVSD
Milton-Union Exempted Village
National Trail Local SD
Northmont City SD
Preble Shawnee Local SD
Tri-County North Local SD
Trotwood-Madison City SD
Valley View Local SD
Versailles Exempted Village SD
Arcanum Butler Local SD
Brookville Local SD
Eaton Community City SD
Huber Heights City SD
Miami East Local SD
Miamisburg City SD
Mississinawa Valley Local SD
New Lebanon Local SD
Northridge Local SD
Tipp City Exempted Village SD
Tri-Village Local SD
Twin Valley Community Local SD
Vandalia-Butler City SD
West Carrollton City SD
CTPD Portal
•ODE Website
Role of the CTPD
◦ The Career Technical Planning District:
Ensure students are offered a wide variety of programs
Act as fiscal agent for federal funding
Report student achievement/data
Guidance to member districts planning/implementation of CTE
How is CTE funded?
◦ Federal
 In 2008, Ohio received an estimated $45 million from Perkins
Basic State Grant and $4 million from Tech Prep
 Funds allocated throughout Ohio:
 79% to secondary, 21% to postsecondary
◦ State
 FY09 Foundation per student was $5,732
 Additional weighted (.57%) funding based on program
An Application for Preliminary Approval to the Ohio
Department of Education for a Career Technical
Program/Workforce Development program.
 Complete when:
◦ A new program is started
◦ Subject codes change for a program
 ODE Transition may be available
◦ Building has changed for a program
◦ If you were not funded the prior year but want to offer the
program for funding
◦ Significant changes to a program
 Moving to meet Tech Prep standards
◦ Five-year program approval has expired
◦ Program design must meet Administrative Rule criteria
Who should complete the CTE-26?
◦ The person(s) who best understand the curriculum
◦ Usually an administrator and teacher team
Page One of
the CTE-26
It is important for
the EMIS
Coordinator to
have copies of all
Page 1 of the CTE-26 is used for:
Proper EMIS reporting of course elements
Proper EMIS reporting of Building/District
information for the program
 Subject Code
 Course Type
 Career Field
 Career Pathway
 Area of Concentration
 Course Hours
 Also can see what courses need to be correlated to the
 Contact information for district personnel
Tech Prep Information
 Consortium ID for EMIS reporting
Page 2 of the CTE-26 includes:
◦ CTE-26 assurances
◦ District and CTPD Superintendent Signatures
◦ Information of where/how to mail
Not what you are thinking….
Program of Study
◦ Is a collaboration between the district, CTPD and
college specified in the POS
◦ Based on a career pathway identified as one of
Ohio’s career fields
◦ Identifies required/recommended/elective
academic and technical coursework
◦ Identifies articulated/dual enrollment credit
opportunities for students
◦ Identifies industry/state credential opportunities
The Program of Study is used:
◦ To identify CTE College Credit courses
 This element is important to the Performance Report
◦ To identify elective, required courses
◦ Contact information for reference
The Program of Study Assurance Page is
◦ Agreed assurances and guidelines
◦ Signatures of district, CTPD, college, and Tech Prep
This is a communication from ODE as to the
status of your CTE-26 Application.
◦ May include:
 Agreed changes to application
 Approved Application number
 ODE CTE Consultant contact information
Ted Strickland, Governor
Deborah S. Delisle, Superintendent of Public Instruction
June 17, 2010
Harold Niehaus, Director of Instructional Development
Miami Valley Career Technology Center
6800 Hoke Road
Clayton, Ohio 45315
Keep a copy with
your CTE-26
for future
Dear Mr. Niehaus:
Your district’s CTE-26 Application for Preliminary Approval of Secondary CareerTechnical Workforce Development (WFD) Program and Program of Study (POS) for
Cosmetology at Miami Valley Career Technology Center have been approved.
Application Number HUS-11-0002N
Changes that were agreed upon with you or your district’s representative have been
incorporated in the CTE-26 approval and are as follows:
 _None________
 ______________
 ______________
Please share this information with your district’s EMIS personnel so that EMIS data can
be accurately submitted.
As you know, approval of the CTE-26 and POS is a preliminary approval of the program
design. Final approval is contingent upon submission of correct EMIS data.
If you have any questions or concerns as you implement this new career technical
program, please feel free to contact me at 614-466-2901 or by e-mail at
Joyce.boudreau@ode.state.oh.us. I will be glad to assist you.
Joyce R. Boudreau
Joyce R. Boudreau, Education Consultant
Ohio Department of Education
25 South Front Street, MS 608
Columbus, OH 43215
Office Phone: 614-466-2901
FAX: 614-644-6720
E-Mail: Joyce.boudreau@ode.state.oh.us
25 South Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(877) 644-6338
(888) 886-0181 (TTY)
Where/what are the
CTE elements in
Any shortcuts?
What tools or
resources should I
Where do I find
information, or who
do I get it from?
Course Master CTE Elements
◦ Hours of Instruction
 Use CTE-26 to determine
◦ CORE Subject Area
 Your home districts will love you
if you mark for all classes…
◦ EMIS Location IRN
◦ CTE College Credit
◦ EMIS Subject Code
◦ Curriculum Type
 Used for Satellite Bldg IRN
 Use CTE-26 to determine or EMIS
Manual, Appendix C
◦ EMIS Subject Area for Credit
• Use CTE-26 to determine or EMIS
Manual, Appendix C
 Use POS to determine
 Use CTE-26 to determine
◦ Delivery Method
 Most usually FF (Face to Face)
◦ Student Population
 Most usually RG (Regular)
Student Memberships/CTSO (Program Codes)
◦ Career Technical Student Organization
 Examples:
 BPA – Business Professionals of America
 FFA – formerly Future Farmers of America
 Skills USA – formerly VICA
Enter this information at the student level in DASL
◦ Home » SIS » Student » Edit Memberships
 Select correct membership code from drop down list
Information on student Program Codes
◦ EMIS Manual, Appendix E, pgs. 14 – 16
◦ EMIS Manual, Chapter Two, Student Program Record (GQ)
Record is reported in EMIS at “K” and “N”
Single Parent (Performance Indicator)
◦ Report this element for any student who is participating in
a Career Technical program and is:
 Married parent - male or female
 Single parent - male or female
 Single pregnant student
◦ Reported at the student level
 Home » SIS » Student » Edit Memberships
 Select correct membership code from drop down list
◦ Use program code 305010 – CTE Single Parent Subgroup
◦ Record is reported in EMIS at “K” and “N”
◦ Additional information can be found:
 FY11 EMIS Manual, Appendix E, pg. 15
 FY 2011 CTE EMIS Manual, Section 3
Student Program
Career Assessment
Work Experience & Career
Exploration Program (WECEP)
Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG)
CTE Single Parent Subgroup
Business Professional
of America (BPA)
Family, Career and Community
Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Technology Student Association (TSA) 410005
Future Educators of America (FEA)
Oct (K)
Yearend (N)
DASL has two new fields to replace the
Concentrator element
◦ CTE Program Area
◦ CTE Program of Concentration
 Two dropdowns added to FN Tab at student level
 One to select the area of concentration
 Once CTE Program Area is selected, program list is populated
with only the codes available for the CTE Program of
Record is reported in EMIS at Year End (N)
UNCLEMIS – Student Verification
◦ New checks for Tech Prep Completer value
 If value = “Y” and Concentrator = “**”, “Student cannot be
completer if not a concentrator”
CTE Program Area (NEW)
• New Terminology for 2011
Program Area Definition:
• The primary CTE Workforce Development Program for which a student has met the
requirements to be considered a concentrator.
Concentrator Definition:
• A student who has completed a minimum of 50% of the high school credits allowed
for a single career and technical education (CTE) workforce development program,
and has enrolled for additional credit at the secondary level.
Tools to utilize:
CTE-26, page 1, Career Field
EMIS Manual, Chapter 2, pgs. 88 – 91
EMIS Manual, Chapter 4, pgs 26 – 30
FY11 Career Technical (CTE) Technical Assessment System Matrix
FY11 CTE Secondary Workforce Development Career Field, CTE/Tech Prep
Program, CTE Subject – Crosswalk document
CTE Program of Concentration (NEW)
• New Terminology for 2011
Program of Concentration Definition:
• The primary CTE Workforce Development Program for which a student has met the
requirements to be considered a concentrator.
Concentrator Definition:
A student who has completed a minimum of 50% of the high school credits allowed for a single
career and technical education (CTE) workforce development program, and has enrolled for
additional credit at the secondary level.
Tools to utilize:
CTE-26, page 1, Career Pathway
EMIS Manual, Chapter 2, pgs. 88 – 91
EMIS Manual, Chapter 4, pgs 26 – 30
FY11 Career Technical (CTE) Technical Assessment System Matrix
FY11 CTE Secondary Workforce Development Career Field, CTE/Tech Prep
Program, CTE Subject – Crosswalk document
Updated Functionality of CTE Management Page
◦ You can update CTE Program Area and CTE Program
of Concentration by course
 In DASL “Go To” box, type CTAE, the update screen will
load allowing you to update these fields
Select the instructor
Select the course
Select the CTE Program Area
Select the Program of Concentration
Select the Check All box, or individual students
Click UPDATE to mark the students
Tech Prep Completer Element on FN Tab
◦ New for FY11
 Indicates a student completed a Tech Prep Program
 Element is reported at Yearend only
 Option “N” may be used for students who are enrolled
in a Tech Prep program but have not met the completer
 You must select the CTE Area of Concentration and CTE
Program of Concentration before marking this field
Definition of a Tech Prep Completer
◦ Complete the secondary part of the Program of Study.
 Earning a proficient level defined minimally as a “C” or better in
technical coursework that includes the approved Ohio Career Field
Technical Content Standards;
 And meeting the Ohio graduation requirements as defined by the Ohio
Core legislation.
◦ Complete coursework eligible for articulated credit as determined by the
postsecondary institution and defined in the signed articulation
agreement. Minimum standard for eligibility is a “C.”
◦ Complete applicable technical assessments.
 Successfully pass applicable Ohio Technical Competency Assessment;
 A state-recognized industry assessment
Definition of a Tech Prep Completer – con’t
◦ Complete a postsecondary-approved assessment indicating
the student is college ready in English and mathematics.
ACT/SAT or COMPASS/Accuplacer may be considered as an
indicator for college placement. These scores reflect a
minimum benchmark of readiness for the first college-level
course in English or mathematics. The ACT/COMPASS
benchmarks are:
◦ English
 ACT of 18 or higher (or an equivalent SAT)
 COMPASS of 69 or higher
◦ Mathematics
 ACT of 22 or higher for Algebra (or an equivalent SAT)
 COMPASS of 65 or higher
How do I find out who is a Tech Prep
Guidance Office
Program Supervisor
Program Instructor
Program Transmittal Forms for Postsecondary
◦ CTE Tech Prep Consortium Mapping Record (DC)
 Not part of mapping classes
 Reported at Year End “N”, used to match each Tech
Prep Program with the Tech Prep Consortium for that
individual program
 Use CTE 26/POS to verify
Technical Skill Attainment
◦ This information is based on the accurate reporting of CTE
Technical Assessments
The Student Assessment Record (GY) is required to assess any
secondary student who is in the last class of a series of career
technical classes. These students are considered Concentrators.
◦ Testing is typically referred to as WebXam, tests are administered through Ohio
State University
◦ Test results are uploaded from OSU to your ITC, ITC downloads results to your
database – it is your responsibility to verify
◦ Reported in Year End and March
Information about this element can be found:
◦ FY 2011 Career-Technical (CTE) Technical Assessment System
◦ FY11 EMIS Manual, Chapter 2, pgs. 135 – 141
◦ FY 2011 CTE EMIS Manual, Section 3
This element is reported in DASL at:
◦ Home>>SIS>>Student>>Assessment>>CTE Student Assessment
Technical Skill Attainment
 This information is based on the accurate reporting of CTE
Technical Assessments
 The CTE Industry Assessment Record (GU) are industry,
technical or state licensing assessments developed by
industry associations. Students may take assessments
during or after completion of the CTE Program.
 May be reported during N or D.
 Reference information may be found:
 EMIS FY11 Manual, pgs. 141 - 144
 FY 2011 Career Technical Education (CTE) Technical Assessments Matrix
 FY 2011 CTE EMIS Manual, Section 3
This element is reported in DASL at:
◦ Home »SIS » Student» Assessment» CTE Industry Assessment
Mapped Local Classroom Record (CM)
◦ This process should be used when:
 Only used for CTE classes
 One instructor teaches same students
 Classes must have same:
Subject Code
Educational Option
Employee Id
Delivery Method
Student Population
 Only Semester or Year classes are eligible for mapping
Types of Mapping
◦ Map two classes from same semester
◦ Map first and second semester classes together
◦ Combination mapping
Types of Mapping
◦ Combination Mapping
 necessary to combine two first semester classes into one
class, also combine two second semester classes into one
class, and then map the combined classes into a single all
year class
Mapped Local Classroom is found in DASL at:
◦ Home » EMIS » Maintenance
Tips for Mapping
◦ First Column (Mapped From)
 Usually has the Second Semester Class
 Each student that is reported in the “From” local
classroom code will be removed from this class and
moved into the “To” local classroom code
 This class “disappears” – the students are moved to the
“TO” class.
Tips for Mapping
◦ Second Column (Mapped Two)
 Usually First Semester class
 Can be used multiple times
 This will be the class that appears on your CTE Agg
◦ DO NOT use the same course in the From and To
Columns– it will cause the course to disappear
Reference Information:
◦ Use EMIS Manual, Chapter 3, pgs: 77-78
◦ FY 2011 CTE EMIS Reporting Manual, Section 3
Correlated Class Record (CV)
◦ Used to indicate a relationship between CTE Program
 Associated technical related class (V3)
 Associated CBI V3 technical classes
 Instructional support time for GRADS V3
◦ One or more classes can be correlated to a CTE program
◦ No longer correlate (VA) Applied Academic courses to
the CTE Program
 Make sure to include the VA courses on CTE-26
 ODE has checks in place to verify these VA students are
enrolled in a CTE Program (VN, VT, VC)
◦ FY2011 EMIS Manual, Chapter 3, pgs. 73- 76
◦ CTE-26/POS
Vocational Correlated Records are found in
DASL at:
◦ Home » EMIS » Maintenance
FY 2011 CTE Programming and EMIS
Reporting Manual, Section 2
These are reports ODE sends to districts
ITC’s load them to FISCWEB, allowing districts to
view and:
◦ Correct any missing/incorrect data
◦ Use to verify CTPD member district data
◦ Use to help determine CTE Program performance and
accountability before it gets to the “Performance Report”
October (K) Reporting
◦ Sets your CTE classes for the year
◦ Want to ensure there are no FATAL errors on any of
the CTE FISCWEB reports
 View all reports weekly – as new business rules are
implemented throughout the reporting period
◦ References:
 Use your CTE-26 application/approval letter to ensure
the course is being reported correctly
 Use the FY11 EMIS Manual, Appendix I to ensure you
have all reporting elements complete
 Make sure all course mapping/correlations are complete
FY11 October (K) Reporting Period – 10/15/2010 ― 1/21/2011
 A district-level report of teacher and career-technical course information,
including (but not limited to) head count, FTEs, approval information and EMIS edit
 Index for looking up teachers in the TXT_2011K_STU_CTE_AGG report.
 Lists the pages on which teachers’ names appear; and indicates where errors
 A Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD)-level report of approved CTE courses
in each building and district, by career field and by career-technical program, in
 Available to each CTPD school district that operates approved CTE courses.
 A district-level comma delimited file of individual student data for students
enrolled in CTE courses.
 File based on October (K) FY2011 Career-Technical Education Course Listing And
Edit Report.
 CSV file may be converted to a spreadsheet for review of individual student data;
student names may be added locally for ease of review.
Year End (N) Reporting
New elements for FY 11
◦ CTE Program of Concentration (FN tab)
◦ Tech Prep Completer (FN tab)
◦ Tech Prep Consortium Mapping Record
Work with member districts to ensure
graduate data is being collected and reported
correctly by the JVSD – withdraw code 99
Verify all elements are being reported
FY11 Yearend (N) Reporting Period – 5/6/2011 ― 7/15/2011
A district-level report of student counts in each funded CTE course
Index for looking up teachers in TXT_2011N_STU_CTEYE_AGG report
Lists on which pages teachers’ names appear; and indicates where errors appear.
Aggregated and disaggregated (by student subgroup) performance data for approved workforce
development programs.
Two types of reports:
 A school district report for each school district that operates approved CTE courses.
 A Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD) report for the CTPD lead district – Contains all
CTPD district reports and the CTPD-wide report.
A district-level report of student counts by EMIS program code (e.g., 305003, 305005, 305007,
305010, 410001, 410002, 410003, 410004, 410006, 410007)
A district-level comma delimited file of individual student data for students enrolled in approved
CTE workforce development courses.
File based on Yearend (N) FY2011 Career-Technical Education Performance Measures Report
CSV file may be converted to a spreadsheet for review of individual student data; student names
may be added locally for ease of review.
A district-level report for districts with Career Paths for the Teaching Professions program(s).
Student counts and portfolio assessment scores, by course.
Graduate (G) Reporting
Most critical reporting period
◦ This reporting impacts the CTPD, district, and JVSD
Performance Reports
◦ Also impacts the JVSD final Performance Reports for
students who attend the JVSD 100%, or satellite
Impacts Graduation Rate
ODE pulls information for CTE Federal Reports before
reporting period closes
◦ Ensure member districts enter graduate information and
submit regularly
Lead District should pay attention to FISCWEB report:
◦ District Graduate Info (2010x_stu_grad_info.csv)
 This will tell you who did not graduate from the home district
FY11 Graduate (G) Reporting Period – 5/27/2011 11/18/2011
 Aggregated and disaggregated (by student subgroup) performance data
for approved workforce development programs.
 Two types of reports:
 A school district report for each school district that operates
approved CTE courses.
 A Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD) report for the CTPD lead
district – Contains all CTPD district reports and the CTPD-wide
 A district-level comma delimited file of individual student data for
students enrolled in approved CTE workforce development courses.
 File based on Graduate (G) FY2011 Career-Technical Education
Performance Measures Report.
 CSV file may be converted to a spreadsheet for review of individual
student data; student names may be added locally for ease of review.
Other ODE/FISCWeb reports that will assist
you and your member districts to ensure
correct and accurate EMIS reporting:
◦ PASS Adjustment Report
◦ SSID Validation Report ( O errors)
◦ Students w/ Disabilities Not Funded
Follow Up (D) Reporting
◦ Ensure you follow the ODE/Perkins guidelines when
reporting and asking student questions.
 On ODE website – search for “Follow Up” this will provide
guidance, strategies and samples
◦ ODE, Office of CTE is looking for a “Found” rate at or
above 90%. This will only improve state-wide Perkins
 Suggest using Social media to find students
 Facebook, MySpace, ect.
◦ The best resources are the instructors
◦ Have used FFE (Flat File Editor – Excel spreadsheet) to
report in EMIS
◦ Additional references are:
 ODE Career-Tech web site
 FY11 EMIS Manual
 FY 2011 CTE EMIS Manual, Section 3, page 25
Fields in March Reporting
Apprenticeship Related
Apprenticeship Non-Related
Employed Related
Employed Non Related
Military Related
Military Non-Related
Postsecondary Related
Postsecondary Non-Related
Status Unknown
Not Reported
Diploma Status Unknown
Earned GED
Not earned Diploma
Diploma Earned
Industry Certificate or Licensure Earned
Incorrectly reported as a Concentrator
Reporting period for students who were CTE
Concentrators in any previous year
◦ and who left secondary education the prior year
(including students reported the prior year with a
diploma date or with withdrawal reason 47, 71, 72,
73, 74 or 75)
◦ If students reported as leaving school the prior year
are found to be enrolled in an Ohio school district
in the current year, they are not included in followup reporting.
Two records are to be reported in the March (D)
reporting period.
◦ Student CTE Industry Assessment Record (GU)
 The Student CTE Industry Assessment Record (GU) is reported in
the Yearend (N) and March (D) reporting periods.
 The March (D) reporting period is the second opportunity to report CTE
Industry Assessment data for CTE Concentrators who left secondary
education the prior year, as some students took industry assessments or
obtained results after the end of the prior school year. See the EMIS
Manual, Chapter 2, for reporting instructions.
 Data reported in this record is used in the calculation of Technical
Skill Attainment (2S1).
◦ CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record (GV)
 The CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record (GV) is
reported in the March (D) EMIS reporting period.
◦ FY11 EMIS Manual, Chapter 2
FY11 March (D) Reporting Period – 2/11/2011 ― 4/22/2011
Index for looking up teachers in TXT_2011D_STU_CTE_MAR_AGG report
Lists on which pages teachers’ names appear; and indicates where errors appear.
A district-level report listing workforce development courses funded the prior fiscal year
Per course, includes number of FY2010 Yearend (N) CTE Concentrators who left secondary
education; CTE Concentrators who left secondary education contacted for follow-up
reporting; and numbers for each follow-up status.
Aggregated and disaggregated (by student subgroup) performance data.
Two types of reports:
 A school district report for each school district that had CTE Concentrators who left
secondary education the previous year (FY2010).
 A Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD) report for the CTPD lead district – Contains
all CTPD district reports and the CTPD-wide report.
A district-level comma delimited file of individual student data of CTE Concentrators who
left secondary education the previous year (FY2010).
File based on March (D) FY2011 Career-Technical Education Follow-Up Performance Report.
CSV file may be converted to a spreadsheet for review of individual student data; student
names may be added locally for ease of review.
◦ You are working with ODE report:
 Career Technical Education Course Listing and Error
◦ You have worked on all errors, fixed as many as you
can – and now have a roadblock
 Example:
 Cannot map quarter length classes in a career academy
and this is putting your instructor over hours, course
under hours
 Have program and ODE does not have an appropriate
subject code/curriculum code match
 Instructor certification mismatch
What do I do next?
◦ Communicate with the CTE Career Field Consultant
listed at the top of the AGG report, work with them
on correcting the errors
 Communicate using email so you will have reference
 Let ODE know specific error codes
 Reference your CTE-26
 Subject code, curriculum type, hours
◦ Overrides are only valid for one year
◦ You may have to submit an Override Request Form
to the Consultant at ODE
 Once submitted, verify Override has been approved
and monitor your CTE AGG report
Information to include on
Contact Name(s)
District Name and IRN
LCC and subject code
Instructor Information
Building Information
Error code
Reason/Justification for
Career Technical Performance Measures
The CTPD (Career Technical Planning District)
Performance Rating is tied to your individual
district reporting:
OGT Test Scores
Student Disability Conditions
Student Economically Disadvantagement (Free Lunch)
LEP, Migrant status
Single Parent
Diploma Date and Type
Completion of Course Awarding Post-Secondary Credit
(VT course type)
◦ Program Area of Concentration
◦ Tech Prep Completer
ODE report similar to a “LRC”
◦ Local Report Card
The CTPD Performance report is Career
Tech’s Report Card for districts and CTPD’s
as a whole
Need to monitor Performance Reports as they
are released from ODE to FISCWEB
◦ Reports are issued for D, G, and N reporting periods
Academic Attainment
◦ Reading Language Arts
◦ Mathematics
◦ Science
This information is based on the results of the OGT test
Results are provided by the vendor and loaded into DASL
Need to keep in mind the Summer Graduates
Found in DASL at:
◦ Home » SIS » Student » Assessment » OGT
Technical Skill Attainment
◦ This information is based on the accurate reporting of CTE
Technical Assessments
The Student Assessment Record (GY) is required to assess any
secondary student who is in the last class of a series of career
technical classes. These students are considered Concentrators.
Testing is typically referred to as WebXam
Information for this element can be found:
◦ FY 2011 Career-Technical (CTE) Technical Assessment System
◦ FY11 EMIS Manual, Chapter 2, pgs. 135 – 141
This element is reported in DASL at:
◦ Home>>SIS>>Student>>Assessment>>CTE Student
Technical Skill Attainment
 This information is based on the accurate reporting of CTE Technical
◦ The CTE Industry Assessment Record (GU) are industry,
technical or state licensing assessments developed by industry
associations. Students may take assessments during or after
completion of the CTE Program.
◦ May be reported during N or D.
◦ Reference information may be found:
 EMIS FY11 Manual, pgs. 141 - 144
◦ FY 2001 Career Technical Education (CTE) Technical Assessments
This element is reported in DASL at:
◦ Home »SIS » Student» Assessment» CTE Industry
Secondary School Completion/Student Graduation Rates
◦ This information is based on the accurate reporting of “N” and “G”
EMIS reporting.
Pulls directly from DASL FN Attributes and FN Graduate tab
◦ This information is also important to the JVSD for students who
attend the JVSD full time. The JVSD does not report “G” data.
More information can be found
◦ FY11 EMIS Manual, Chapter 2, pgs. 89 – 90
◦ FY2011 CTE EMIS Manual, Section 3
Nontraditional Participation/Completion
◦ This information is based on accurate reporting of “N” EMIS
◦ Information is based on:
 Course Master Subject Code in DASL
 CTE Participant and CTE Program of Concentration Area
◦ Additional Information can be found:
 FY 2011 Career Technical Education (CTE) Nontraditional
Workforce Development Courses documentation at:
 Perkins IV Secondary Nontraditional CTE Program Lists
Completion of Course Awarding Postsecondary
This information is based on the accurate reporting of the
Course Master Record
Pulls directly from DASL Course Master
Information for this element can be found:
◦ District CTE-26 Application, Program of Study
◦ FY 2011 EMIS Manual, Chapter 3, pgs. 53 - 70
The end result is a yearly report issued by Ohio
Department of Education
◦ Secondary Workforce Development Performance Report
 State-wide and CTPD reports
 ODE website: Perkins IV Secondary WFD Performance Reports
ODE Website: www.ode.state.oh.us
◦ FY 2011 EMIS Manual
◦ Career Tech portal
 College Tech Prep
 Program of Study
 CTE Assessments, Industry Credentials
 CTE Assessments, Industry Credential Matrix
 CTE Communications
 CTE Newsletters, CTE Fact Sheets, CTE Publications
 CTE Performance, Data, and Accountability
 CTE EMIS Reporting, Secondary Workforce Development,
Tech Prep
 CTE Tech Prep, Licensure
 CTE Forms, CTE Teacher Information
ODE CTE Career Field Consultant
Your CTPD Lead District
◦ Curriculum Supervisor, EMIS Coordinator
Your ITC EMIS Support Department
Tech Prep Consortium
Post Secondary Partners
Read, Read, Read – keep in the loop
◦ CTE Newsletters, ODE CTE Website, ODE, CTE
Webinars, Ohio and National ACTE Newsletters &
Questions ? ?
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