Institutionen för socialt arbete SW2221, Omsorg i ett livsloppsperspektiv, 15 högskolepoäng Avancerad nivå SW2221, Social Care in a Life Course Perspectiv, 15 credits Second Cycle Litteraturlistan fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen 2007-12-11, med ändring 2014-11-10 att gälla från vårterminen 2015. Börjesson, Mats & Palmblad, Eva (red)(2003): Problembarnets århundrade: normalitet, expertis och visionen om. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 215 s. Dunér, A & Nordström, M (2007): The roles and functions of informal support networkd for older people who receive formal support: a Swedish qualitative study. Ageing & Society, 27. 67-85. 18 s. Dunér, A; Nordström, M & Skärsäter I (2012): Support networks and social support for persons with psychiatric disabilities – a Swedish mixed methods study. European Journal of Social Work; 15(5), 712-732. 20s. Grönvik, L; Söder, M (red) (2008): Bara funktionshindrad? Funktionshinder och intersektionalitet. Malmö: Gleerups. 214 s. Hughes, B; McKie, L; Hopkins, D & Watson, N (2005) Love’s labour Lost? Feminism, the disabled people’s movement and an ethic of care. Sociology, 39(2): 259-275. 16 s. Järvinen, Margaretha, Elm Larsen, Jørgen & Mortensen, Nils (red)(2005): Det magtfulde møde mellem system og klient. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 200 s. Lindqvist, Rafael (2007): Funktionshindrade i välfärdssamhället. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB. 200 s. Priestley, Mark (2003): Disability: a Life Course Approach. Cambridge, UK: Polityt Press. 240 s. Ringsby Jansson, Bibbi & Paulsson, Jan (red)(2007): Boende och sociala sammanhang: för människor med funktionshinder. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 200 s. Shakespeare, T (2014) Disability rights and wrongs revisited. London: Routledge. 270 s. Torres, S; Magnússon, F (2010) Invandrarskap, äldrevård och omsorg. Malmö: Gleerups. 178 s. Ungerson, Clare (2005): Care, work and feeling. Sociological Review, 53:188-203 Watson, N; McKie, L; Hughes, B; Hopkins, D & Gregory, S (2004): (Inter)dependence, Needs and Care: The potential for disability and feminist theorists to develop an emancipatory model. Sociology, 38(2):331-350. 19 s. 141110/jm 2/2 Öberg, Peter (2007): ”Åldrandet ur ett livsloppsperspektiv” i Socionomen 4/2007. ss 1216. 5 s. Tillkommer en vetenskaplig artikel kring omsorg i någon av livsfaserna barndom, ung vuxen, medelålder, ålderdom. Cirka 20 s. Artiklar kring omsorg i olika livsfaser: Hammarström, Gunhild & Torres, Sandra (2010) Being, feeling and acting: A qualitative study of Swedish home-help care recipients' understandings of dependence and independence. Journal of Aging Studies, 24(2): 75-87. Höjer, Ingrid (2007) Sons and daughters of foster carers and the impact of fostering in their everyday life. Child and Family Social Work, 12: 73-83. Meyer, Michelle (2007) ’They’re taking the place of my hands’: perspectives of people using personal care. Disability & Society, 22(6):595-608. Olin, Elisabeth & Ringsby Jansson, Bibbi (2009) On the outskirts of normality: Young adults with disabilities, their belonging and strategies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies of Health and Well-being, 4(4): 256-266. 141110/jm