Research Network on Integrated Health Care in

Research Network on Integrated Health Care in Western Norway
The Research Network on Integrated Health Care in Western Norway was founded in 2009.
Our focus is research on coordination and collaboration in health care. The aim of the network
is to increase knowledge about coordination and integration of care. Through international
collaboration with the European Pathway Assosiation and others, we share knowledge,
experience, and research. Dr. med Eva Biringer is the leader of the network. The network is
funded by the Regional- and Local Health Authorities (Helse Vest and Helse Fonna).
Organisation and collaboration
The network has five employees and 14 projects in the project portfolio. The network has a
board with members from the region. In addition, the network has international collaboration
with several larger research institutions.
The network organize workshops, seminars and courses with the aim of stimulating research
and increasing knowledge on integrated health care and care pathways.
Contact information
Coordinator Kristin Ingvaldsen Folven: Phone: +47 52732718
/ +47 52732000
Leader Eva Biringer:
Visiting address: Sjøhuset, Møllerveien 22, N-5525 Haugesund
Postal address: P.O.Box 2170, N-5504 Haugesund
Eva Biringer,, is the leader of the network. She is supervisor for PhD
candidates and master students in the network. In addition, she is a postdoc researcher in the
project “How and to what extent is the mental health chain of care useful for recovery? -clinical-,
user-, and administrative perspectives on the organization of Norwegian public mental health care”.
Kristin Ingvaldsen Folven is coordinator in the network. She is responsible for administration
in the network in addition to workshops and courses hosted by the network.
Prof. Kris Vanhaecht is connected to the network and contributes with supervision
and training. Vanhaecht is employed at The Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium.
Miriam Hartveit is PhD candidate with funding from the Regional Health Authority
(Helse Vest) for the project “Interface between primary care and specialist mental health care
- the referral letters”.
Merete Røthing is PhD candidate funded by Helse Vest. She is working on the
study: ”Living with Huntington’s disease: a study of families’ need for care, mastering
strategies and experience with health care”.
Aslak Aslaksen,, board member of the 'Programme for patient flow', head of the Dep.
of Radiology at Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, employed at the Dep. of Public
Health and Primary Health Care, University of Bergen
Anders Bærheim, Prof., Dep. of Public Health and Primary Health Care, University of Bergen
Eva Biringer, Network leader, head of Norwegian national section of E-P-A.
Kristin Ingvaldsen Folven, Coordinator
Collaborating institutions
Nordic School of Public Health
(Hälsovårdhögskolan, NHV), Gøteborg, Sverige
European Pathway Association (E-P-A)
Projects in Helse Fonna Local Health Authority
Project title
Project leader
Interface between primary care and
specialist mental health care
- the referral letters
Miriam Hartveit
Helse Fonna HF
Living with Huntington’s disease: a
study of families’ need for care,
mastering strategies and experience
with health care
How and to what extent is the mental
health chain of care useful for
-clinical-, user-, and administrative
perspectives on the organization of
Norwegian public mental health care
Merete Røthing
Helse Fonna
Eva Biringer
Helse Fonna
Postdoc project
Validation of Norwegian versions of
international instruments useful for
the evaluation of coordination in
health care
Community outreach teams as a
means of improving
inter-sectorial collaboration around
service users with
substance abuse- and mental
Regional kartlegging av helsetjenester
for personer med autisme
Sverre Størkson
Helse Fonna
Research project
Øivind Johnsen
Helse Fonna
Research project
Oddbjørn Hove
Helse Fonna HF
Project by post doc
Health care workers’ experience of
Astrid E. Solheim
Masters project
the organisation of care processes in a
Norwegian Community Mental
Health Care Centre
Erfaringer i møte med personer med
psykiske lidelser eller atferdsvansker
som oppleves som ressurskrevende
Health team for the elderly
Projects in other institutions
Project title
Helse Fonna/
Høgskolen i Oslo
Haldis Økland Lier
Oddbjørn Hove
Helse Fonna HF
Arvid Rongve Helse
Fonna HF
Lars Kvinge, HSH,
N. Carstens,
apotekene i Helse
Collaboration project by
post doc researchers
(initiated 2012).
Planned application for
Project leader
Eldre pasienter, pårørende og
sykepleieres erfaringer med
overføring mellom ulike
helsetjenestenivåer. En studie om
Else-Cathrine Rustad
University college StordHaugesund
PhD project
Work title: Kartlegging av tilsette si
oppleving av koordinering i
helsetenesta målt ved norsk versjon
av ”Relational Coordination”
Odd Naustdal, SOP,
Masters project
Haukeland University
Master in Health management,
quality improvement and
health economics, Centre for
Continuing Education (EVU,
University of Bergen)
Heidi Børresen
Masters project
Master in Health management,
quality improvement and
health economics, Centre for
Continuing Education (EVU,
University of Bergen)
Astrid Fjell, University college PhD project
Work title: Kartlegging av tilsette si
oppleving av koordinering i
helsetenesta målt ved norsk versjon
av ”Care Process Self-Evaluation
Tool (CPSET)”
Collaboration between two levels of
health care in “Health team for the