Japan International Cooperation Agency Framework of the Project Project on Dissemination of Quality/Productivity Improvement (KAIZEN) Practice for Small and Medium Enterprises in Jordan Framework of the Project This is the project To introduce, promote and disseminate KAIZEN practices to SMEs Component of the Project The Project consists of 3 major components: (1) Promotion of KAIZEN at the individual company level: Program to support “model SMEs” to practice KAIZEN (2) Support sustain the KAIZEN practice in Jordan: Training programs for KAIZEN consultants, and staffs of the relevant government/organization/institute on KAIZEN guidance (3) Building a mechanism to activate the KAIZEN movement, and step up the level of KAIZEN practices in Jordan: Promote forming a Network for KAIZEN dissemination Component of the Project The Project consists of 3 major components: (1) Promotion of KAIZEN at the individual company level: Program to support “model SMEs” to practice KAIZEN (2) Support sustain the KAIZEN practice in Jordan: KAIZEN consultants training program (3) Building mechanism to activate the KAIZEN movement, and step up the level of KAIZEN practices in Jordan: Promote forming a Network for KAIZEN dissemination First day Orientation Preliminary company diagnosis Identification of issues, and discussions to set Kaizen themes Second day Kaizen theme proposed by the company Modification, if necessary Advices on the theme Finalization of the theme Third day Introductory lectures to the employees Fourth day onward Implementation Monitoring & evaluation Component of the Project The Project consists of 3 major components: (1) Promotion of KAIZEN at the individual company level: Program to support “model SMEs” to practice KAIZEN (2) Support sustain the KAIZEN practice in Jordan: Training programs for KAIZEN consultants, and staffs of the relevant government/organization/institute on KAIZEN guidance (3) Building mechanism to activate the KAIZEN movement, and step up the level of KAIZEN practices in Jordan: Promote forming a Network for KAIZEN dissemination Recruitment and selection (Dec 2010 - Mar 2011) Open recruitment of Kaizen consultants Selection Implementation of training program (Apr 2011 - Mar 2012) Follow-up trainings Basic training On the job training on Kaizen guidance in model SMEs Follow-up (Apr 2012 - Mar 2013) Monitoring and guidance by JICA Team Kaizen guidance by the consultants KAIZEN Consultants Training Program Basic training Hands-on training through field exercises, and Follow-up training The training program will offer the following 5 training modules. Module 1: Introduction of Kaizen Module 2: Kaizen practice guidance (1) Module 3: Kaizen practice guidance (2) Module 4: Production management tools (1) Module 5: Production management tools (2) Component of the Project The Project consists of 3 major components: (1) Promotion of KAIZEN at the individual company level: Program to support “model SMEs” to practice KAIZEN (2) Support sustain the KAIZEN practice in Jordan: KAIZEN consultants training program (3) Building mechanism to activate the KAIZEN movement, and step up the level of KAIZEN practices in Jordan: Promote forming a Network for KAIZEN dissemination Kaizen dissemination & awareness activities Establishment of a network for Kaizen dissemination (on a trial basis) Seminar for Kaizen dissemination & awareness Kaizen dissemination conferences Project introductory seminar Kaizen practice experience sharing meetings Project wrap-up seminar Kaizen textbooks and publications PR activities Three (3) years project Phase 1: Establishment of implementation framework – Selection of model SMEs, and KAIZEN consultants (Dec. 2010-Mar. 2011) Phase 2: Implementation (Apr. 2011-Mar. 2012) Phase 3: Follow-up (Apr. 2012-Mar. 2013) Kaizen consultants training program Model SME support program for Kaizen practices Preparation of course materials Kaizen dissemination and awareness campaign Dec. 2010 Study on the present situation Phase1 (Establishment of implementation framework) Kaizen Project introductory seminar Finalized Project Plan Selection of Kaizen consultants Selection of the model SMEs Dissemination and awareness campaign Preparation of course materials Mar. 2011 Phase 2 Second Seminar Basic training (Implementation of programs ) Follow-up trainings Mar. 2012 Phase 3 (Follow up) Model SME support program for Kaizen practices KAIZEN practice by the SMEs Monitoring & guidance Update of course materials Kaizen practice experience sharing meeting Third Seminar Kaizen practice experience sharing meeting Recommendations on Kaizen practice dissemination Mar. 2013 Fourth Seminar Development of Course Materials Course materials will be prepared for: 1. Consultants 2. Company’s Kaizen leaders 3. Employees participating in Kaizen practice These course materials will be revised and improved continuously, by taking into account the needs of the industry in Jordan and verifying the usability of the SMEs for the Kaizen practices.