SESSION 6 Knowing God GOD’S CHARACTER 神的性质 “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Daniel但以理 11:32 b (NKJV) Having FAITH in God 对神有信心 KNOW who is God and Trust Him absolutely 了解神是谁并彻底相信他 GOD’S CHARACTER神的性质 Adapted from Paul Hawkins’s teaching – knowing God` 1.Omnipoten : Heb 1:3, Ps 62:12 2. Omniscient: Ps.139:2, Ps.90:8 3. Omnipresent : Ps.139:7, Genesis.16:13, I Kings 8:27 GOD’S ATTRIBUTE神的称呼 1. ETERNAL GOD 永恒的神 Eternal and forever, NO START and NO ENDING. Exodus 3:14-15/John 8:58 Romans 1:20 Deuteronomy 33:27 I Timothy 1:17 Psalm 45:7 Revelation 1:8,18 * Psalm 90:1-2 Psalm 93:2 Nehemiah 9:5b Isaiah 26:4 * Jeremiah 31:3 * 2. GOD ALMIGHTY全能的神 Powerful in command, control everything, nothing He can not do. 1 Samuel 2:6-8 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 2 Chronicles 20:6 Job 42:2 Psalm 33:10-11 Psalm 47:3-4,8-9 Psalm 93 Psalm 135:6-7 Isaiah 40:10 Isaiah 46:9-10 Matthew 10:29-30 Romans 8:28 3. GOD KNOWS 无所不知的神 Know everything and no secret is unknown. Psalm 诗篇44:22* John约翰 6:64 Psalm 139:1-6* Romans 罗马11:33-34 Psalm 142:4* Colossians 歌罗西2:3 Psalm 147:5* Hebrews 希伯来4:13* Isaiah 以赛亚65:24 Daniel 但以理2:22* Matthew 马太6:8 Matthew 10:30 4. GOD’S PRESENCE无所不在 的神 Presence anytime and anywhere I Kings 列王纪上8:27 Psalm 诗篇139:5-12 Jeremiah 耶利米23:24 Matthew 马太28:20 Acts 使徒行传17:27-28 GOD’S NAME神的名字 1. JEHOVAH JIREH耶和华以勒 : GOD IS OUR PROVIDER神为我们预备: God can provides from nothing into something他能把无变成有. Genesis 创世纪22:8, 13-14 2 Corinthians哥林多后书 9:8 Acts使徒行传 14:17 Phillippians 腓立比书4:19 Romans 罗马8:32 1 Timothy 提摩太前书6:17 2. JEHOVAH RAPHA GOD IS OUR HEALER神给我们医治 He heals our body, but most important is He heals and renew our spirits and souls. Exodus 出埃及记15:22-26 Isaiah以赛亚 53:4-5 Deuteronomy 申命记32:39 Matthew 马太8:16-17 Psalm 诗篇103:1-4, 147:3 3. JEHOVAH SHALOM GOD IS OUR PEACEFULNESS神是我们的 平安 We are justified by faith, we live in peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Judges 士师记6:22-24 John约翰 14:27 Isaiah 以赛亚9:6 Ephesians以弗 所书 2:14-18 Isaiah以赛亚 26:3-4 Colossians 歌罗西1:19-20 4. JEHOVAH SHAMMAH GOD IS PRESENCE神是无所不在 This name promise His presence; For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them (Matthew 马太18:20) Deuteronomy 申命记31:6 Matthew马太 28:20 Isaiah 以赛亚12:6 I Corinthians哥林多前书 3:16 Ezekiel 以西结48:35 Revelation启 示录 21:1-3 5. JEHOVAH TSIDKENU GOD IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS神是我的 公义 There is no righteous, no, not one (Romans 3:10), and if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins (I John 2:1-2) Jeremiah 23:5-6 Romans 5:17-19 Ezekiel 36:25-26 2 Corinthians 5:21 Romans 3:21-22 1 John 1:7,9 6. JEHOVAH ROI GOD IS MY SHEPPERD神是我的牧者 Psalm 诗篇23 Matthew马太 18:12-13 Isaiah 以赛亚40:11 John 约翰 10:11, 2728 Jeremiah 耶利米34:14-16 Revelation 启示录7:17 7. JEHOVAH MEKADDISHKHEM GOD PURIFY US神洁净我们 Human with all the effort can not clean their sins(Jer 耶利米2:22), that is why God wants to cleanses human from all the sins. Exodus 出埃及记31:12-13 Phillipians腓立 比书 1:6 Leviticus 利未记20:8 I Thes 帖 撒罗尼迦前书5:23-24 Ephesians 以弗所书 4:11-16 I Peter 彼得前书2:9 8. I’m not afraid…verse 4 JEHOVAH NISSI耶和华尼西 (The Lord is my banner神是我得生旌旗) Exodus 出埃及记17:15 LET’S PRACTICE练 一练 1. Pray according God’s Name. 按神的名称祷告 2. Pray for your friends who are sick in the name of Jehovah Rapha.以医治的神 的名义为我们生病的朋友祷 告 HOMEWORK功课 1. Pray according to God’s name, also for your family and those who needs. 按神特殊的名称为有需 要的人祷告 2. Next class on 27th of June and 4th of July is off, start again on 11th of July 2009, bring Rp 30.000 for every children for children mission prayer book. TEACHER PREPARATION 老师备课 1. FASTING PRAYER BEFORE TEACHING 禁食祷告 2. BE CREATIVE, USE ALL THE TOOLS THAT YOU NEED, 创意!使用道具,神名 称的旌旗 3. ASK THE CHILDREN ABOUT FASTING PRAYER HOMEWORK WHETHER THEY HAVE DONE, GIVE REWARD TO THOSE WHO DID IT. 问小朋友他们禁食的 功课 4. DISTRIBUTE THE PAPER “SPEND TIME WITH GOD”.分发“与神交流”的纸张