Jesse Owens - Mr. Reidman

By: Robert Magee
This is Jesse Owens. The people
called him the Olympic Legend
because he was fast.
Jesse Owens was born in
September 12, 1913 at
Oakville, Alabama. He died
on March 31,1980 at
Tucson, Arizona.
Jesse Owens
This is Jesse Owens when he
came in first place when he was
This is Jesse Owens’
running team.
When Jesse Owens was old he
liked to sing a lot.
This is Jesse Owens when he
was older.
When Jesse Owens was young.
Jesse Owens was the seventh
of eleven children. Jesse was
nine when his parents moved
to Cleveland. His nickname
was J.C.
How he became famous.
Jesse is famous because he
thought he had a passion for
running, so he tried running
and he was fast and good. So
when he was in college a lot of
colleges wanted Jesse for
running. And because he won 4
olympic gold medals.
This is Jesse in college
In college he attended
Ohio State.
This is Jesse getting
ready to run.
This is Jesse jumping a hurdle when he
was running.
I learned that Jesse was very
fast and that people called
him a Olympic legend. I also
learned that in college he
attended Ohio State.
Berlin Olympics
When Jesse went to the Berlin Olympics
in 1936, Hitler saw him and thought no
black man could win anything. But then
when Jesse was racing he was winning
and he didn’t slow down or look back.
When he was close to the finish line he
started sprinting.
When Jesse came in first
place, Hitler was ashamed
and didn’t want to give the
medal to Jesse. Hitler was
embarrassed because he was
racist. Hitler didn’t want any
black man to win, but Jesse
did it and won. Now everyone
knows anybody could win.
This is a Medal Jesse
Another medal Jesse won.