Social Tourism

Social Sustainable Tourism
New ways to enable tourism
1. History
2. The Camp
e Concept
3. Development of Social Sustainable
4. Project description
5. Next step
1. History
Sweden has a long history of national
projects in Social tourism:
House wife holidays
Union cabins for workers
Children summer camps
Swedish Right of common access
1. History
e (Entreprenörskollo)
Started 2005 – Proven concept
Over 20 Camps
App 200 participants
25 leaders trained
Very big interest from media
2. The Camp e Concept
• A pedagogical method as a complement to
traditional education with key features:
– Personal responsibility for results and learning
– ”Real life” tasks in close cooperation with
– Focus on ”realizing” – To complete a task under own
responsibility strengthens self confidence
– Experienced leaders support the process
2. The Camp e Concept
• The Camps:
– 7-30 participants
– Duration between 1-8 weeks
– 2-5 leaders
– Age 12-15, 15-18 and 18-25+
– Reference group with Companies, Public sector
and representatives from School sector (Triple
3. Tourism Development
• Reference group:
– Real life Triple Helix (Private, Public and School sectors)
– Task at Camps according to important areas of
development (i e Enabeling facilities for disabled
people, immigrants etc)
3. Tourism Development
Public sector
Private Companies
Reference group
Operational Camp Group
3. Development of Social
Sustainable Tourism
• Camps during and after project period
• Reference group works with development of
tourism industry
3.Benefits of Camp e
• Raising self esteem of participants.
“I could… I can!”
• Increasing availability of new groups
• Real life integration
3. Benefits of Camp e
• Filling low season or new “off-centre”
• Cooperation between tourist companies
and non-tourist companies
• Cooperation between school, public
sector and private sector
3. Benefits for the Community
• Setting new goals and role models
• Initiating the feeling of belonging
• More efficient intervention when out of
ordinary surroundings
Camp e - Example. ”Wildlife”
• Project task: Make a travel package for foreign
visitors to the Swedish wildlife (Adventure,
hunting, fishing)
• Including:
» Marketing – Website, folders, etc
» Product development – ”Making the
» Accounting – Pricing
» Improving wildlife camp
» Sales – Finding partners and clients
• One of Sweden's most successful CSR
• Sweden's most successful youth
integration project
”This is the first time I do not feel
different in this country”
4. Project Description
• Internationalization of Concept: Project
during 2011-2013 (Preparations 2010)
– 15 participating regions, starting with 5
during 2011, 10 year 2012 and 15 year 2013
– One camp per year + exchange of
participants and leaders with other partners
4. Project Description
• Operational Camp organization:
– 3 local leaders with experience of working
with youth and business development
– Housing with cooking facilities (pref Tourist
site where the project tasks will be
– Camp duration app 14 days
4. Project Description
• Reference group organization:
– Representatives from private companies
– Tourist development agency
– Representatives from School sector
4. Project Description
• Reference group work plan:
– Yearly conference with exchange with other
reference groups
– Start up work shop before Camp
– Evaluation work shop after Camp
4. Project Description
• Seeking and contracting partners in
Internationalization Project
• Criteria's:
– Good connections in the school system and public sector for
recruiting and future implementation in the school system.
– Good network in business segments, especially tourism sector to
enabling the finding of companies to cooperate with during the
– Personnel experienced in working with youth, language skilled in
– Dedicated project leader that shares our values and beliefs in
Entrepreneurial development and importance, the need for
strengthening self esteem, the power in integrating different
cultures and personalities and of course with good project
management skills.
Contact information
Lars Ahlin – Project manager
+46 70 634 40 80