introduction 1. the Significance of promote Chinese culture 2.What do we learn Chinese culture Linnan culture (Translation ) 3. How do we learn Reading, watching ,discussing,researching The importance of promoting Chinese culture Unfamiliarity with the western world, Chinese government, institutions, enterprises and mass media did not make efforts to introduce our culture to the Western society. Research has repeatedly found that most westerners are unaware of the present conditions of China. Some biased reports about China on Western dominated media, there exists some misunderstanding of Chinese culture and certain steretype of Chinese image in their minds. Some western countries are trying to demonize China for complicated reasons. Problems in promoting Chinese culture Scarcity in the education of Chinese culture for domestic students. Not enough courses focussing on traditional Chinese culture. Many aspects of traditional culture are in danger of dying out. Many young people are greatly impressed by Western culture. 《岭南文化英语导读》课程旨在: 1. 引入中华文明的教学内涵,为大学英语学习者提供真实、 丰富的语篇,将“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”、“译” 等技能训练综合于一体,努力提升英语学习者的综合应用能 力; 2. 教学中国传统文化和岭南文化内容,帮助大学英语学习者 得体地用英语向世界传播中华文明和本土文化,促进跨文化 交际的顺利开展; 3. 努力提升大学英语学习者自身的文化素质和人文素养,激 发大学英语学习者的民族归属感和自豪感; 4. 提升大学英语学习者在区域社会发展的竞争力和社会适应 能力。 reference 李霞著、董玉国译,《英语畅谈中国文化50主题》,外文出 版社,2007 Common Knowledge about Chinese Culture 《中国文化常 识》 刘泽彭,高等教育出版社2007 50 《中国传统文化概论》薛明扬,上海复旦大学出版社 2003 《中国文化掠影》丁望道外语教学与研究出版社,2001 《中国地方文化英语导读》顾卫星苏州大学出版社2009 《英语话中国》(修订版)冯伟年,西安电子科技大学出版社, 2005 《中国文化通览》,杨敏等,高等教育出版社,2006 Contents 1. General survey 2. Culture (education and philosophy) 3. Folk custom( festival) 4. Food(tea) 5. Architecture 6. Folk Art (handicraft,music, painting) 7. Gateway to Guangzhou 8. Famous scenic spots 9. Summary and ppt requirements Attendance 30% Group work 30%(ppt, 5minutes) Essay on Linnan culture 40% (Chinese or English) 第一章 中国文化通览(General Survey) 中国文化是一个历史的范畴,它经历了5000 年的发展才形成了今天的面貌,底蕴厚重, 博大精深。中国文化在某种程度上指的是传 统文化。同时,它又是一个民族的范畴,在 长期的相对独立的发展以及中外文化的冲撞 交流中,以我为主,中国文化形成了自己的 特色,卓然立于世界民族文化之林,成为东 方民族文化的主要代表。 Chinese culture belongs to the historical category, having undergone 5000-year development before it turns into today’s splendid sight, bothe extensive and profund. To some extent it indicates the Chinese tradition. Meanwhile it can be relegated to the national category. After a long process of relatively independent developoment followed by the collision and exchange afterwards between China and foreign countries, the Chinese culture assumed unique characteristics, became an outsttanding member in the brilliant global falmily of national cultures, and grew to be a main representative of Oriental national culltures. 季羡林: 东方文化 中国文化体系 印度文化体系 西方文化 古希伯来、埃及、巴比 伦、亚述以至阿拉伯伊 斯兰闪族文化体系 古希腊、罗马以至近现代 欧美的印度欧罗巴文化 体系 冯友兰 基督教文化重的是天,讲的是“天学”,佛 教讲的是大部分是人死后的事,如地狱、轮 回,这是“鬼学”,讲的是鬼;中国的文化 讲的是“人学”,注重的是人。 为什么中华民族也称为华夏民族?为什么中 国人是炎黄子孙? 中国文化的起源 东夷文化:The Eastern Yi culture oringinated in the region of present Shandong Province and the northern part of Jiangsu Province 西夏文化: The Western Xia culture culture originated in the region of present Shanxi and Gansu provinces and Southern Shanxi Province in the upper and middle Yellow River Valley.The renowed leaders included Yandi, Hangdi, Zhuanxu, and Yao. 南蛮文化: The Southern Man culuture originated in the Yangtze –Huaihe Valley.the leader was Panhu. baidu 炎黄子孙是华人的自称。“炎”指炎帝(Yan Emperor),以姜水成(今宝鸡市境内)。“黄” 指黄帝(Yellow Emperor),以姬水(今陕西武功 漆水河)成。炎黄二帝为中华始祖。传说他们出自 同一个部落,后来成为两个敌对的部落的首领。两 个部落展开阪泉之战,黄帝打败了炎帝,两个部落 渐渐融合成华夏族,华夏族在汉朝以后称为汉人, 唐朝以后又称为唐人。