10 years ago ASB was unmanageable on Bemerton
BVMO was formed and a new security system installed
There was a plan to install £1 million CCTV system
100 new cameras
Residents voted against it
BVMO begun looking for another answer...
BVMO undertook a 2 year central government pilot coordinating local services called the Neighbourhood Options Study
At the end of the pilot BVMO partnered with Team Cally to employ a full time Neighbourhood Coordinator.
He is sitting at the front!
Bemerton’s design makes it more vulnerable to ASB
BVMO produced a plan to redesign the open spaces called
Bemerton Links and Spaces (BLiS)
BLiS works are done to improve the estate as money becomes available
BVMO also ran an employment pilot.
This was a central government pilot in partnership with the Council
The pilot became a full time employment coach based on Bemerton for 2 years until funding cuts.
Job Fairs
Training Schemes
Employment Coach
BVMO now spends it’s housing money in ways that also produce training outcomes for unemployed people
We’ve had schemes in ground maintenance, caretaking, repairs and office work
100 unemployed people have been through BVMO training schemes in the last 4 years
BVMO are planning more schemes for this year
Landscaping works to the paths and greens (BLiS)
Redecorating the estate (cyclical maintenance)
Get More Local: Bicycle Mechanic Apprenticeship
Training opportunities for 100 local people
Convert a disused underground garage into a training workshop
Customers can take a hire bike whilst theirs is serviced, project pays for itself
Plan to open this year