TVC “梦想”篇 <The dream> 创意阐述: 奥迪25年的发展,与中国25年的发展交相辉映 每一个个体的梦想,点亮了一个国家的梦想 奥迪则始终与他们并肩进取,点亮他们的梦想 在未来,奥迪依然会践行斯言: “你们的梦想点亮每个时代,我们点亮你的梦想” 2 Creative Relation: The progress of Audi in 25 years, has the same pace with the China’s development in these 25 years Just because of these every individual dream, lighted up the dream of a country Audi be with every individual, keep forging ahead and light up their dream “You light up the dream of every era, and we light up your future dream” 1、黑屏 1、 Blank screen 2、“哧——”,一只火柴燃起,点亮一只孔明灯。 2、“Chi -" a match burning, lighted up a lanterns. 3、孔明灯徐徐升起,升上星光璀璨的夜空。 3、 Lanterns slowly rising up into starry night sky. 4、镜头拉开,只见夜空中,飘起无数孔明灯,蔚为壮观。 4、 Lens from near to far, countless lanterns floating in the sky, very spectacular. 5、孔明灯照亮几个年轻人灿烂的笑容。 字幕:向上的梦想 5、 Lanterns lighted up the young person’s smile. Subtitle: Progressive dream 6、黑屏。 6、 Blank screen 7、深海海底,一束亮光突然亮起,照亮周围的海底世界。 7. In the deep seabed, a bouquet of lights suddenly lighted up the surrounding underwater world. 8、镜头拉开,原来是一艘小型潜艇亮起了强光探照灯,遨游在海底世界。 8. Lens from near to far, there is a small submarine lighted up the searchlight , swimming in the underwater world. 9、一群闪着荧光的鱼也游了过来,游伴在潜艇周围。 9. A group of shining fluorescent fishes swam around the submarine. 10、潜艇里的人透过圆形窗户,与外面的荧光鱼四目相视,甚是有趣。 字幕:探寻的梦想 10. The Man in the submarine, eyes to eyes with fluorescent fish outside through the round window. That is very interesting. Subtitle: Dream of exploration 11、黑屏 11、Black screen 12、一个极其简易、布满电线的机器人眼睛(灯泡)亮起。 12. An eye of the robot (lamp) which has an extremely simply equipped and full of wires lighted up. 13、机器人生硬地伸出手臂,跟一个人的手指头轻轻碰触了一下。 13. Robot stiffly stretched out the arm, and gently touched with a person's finger. 14、镜头拉开,只见几个中学生正惊喜地围着实验台上的机器人。 14. Lens from near to far, several students surrounded with the robot with a pleasantly surprised appearance. 15、跟机器人手触手的中学生,表情尤为激动。 字幕:触摸未来的梦想 15. Students looked particularly excited who touching the robot's fingers Subtitle: The dream which is touching the future 16、黑屏。 16. Black screen 17、空间中,突然connect的光束亮起 17、In space the beam of connect light suddenly 18、从connect科技的光芒中,叠化到实际路况的交通灯 ,交通灯感知到了车内的connect系 统,变成一路绿灯。 18、 From the light of connect technology, into the actual road traffic lights, traffic lights sense to connect car system, it becomes all the way green. 19、一辆奥迪驰骋而去。 19、 An Audi drive away. 20、奥迪极速前进仿佛冲开了一道时光隧道。 20、 Audi Amazing Race seemed rushed to open a time tunnel. 21、主观视角,时光隧道突然极速前进,留下闪闪发光的星尘(类似于“星际迷航”中飞船 启动加速的镜头)。 字幕:超越时空的梦想 21、 Subjective Angle of view, time tunnel suddenly going at an amazing race, leaving sparkling stardust ( Similar with the spaceship’s accelerate lens of “Star Trek” ). Subtitle: Dream beyond time and space 每一个梦想,都是照亮未来的光芒 22、黑屏, 字幕:每一个梦想,都是照亮未来的光芒 每一个梦想,都是照亮未来的光芒 22、Black screen, Subtitle:Every dream, could light up the shine of future 23、特写,奥迪A6L的大灯亮起。 23、 Close-up, the headlight of Audi A6L lighted up. 24、镜头拉开,A6L两侧是奥迪全车系呈弧状排开,车灯依次“啪啪啪”亮起。 24、 Lens from near to far , all models of Audi standing at the both sides of Audi A6L, “Pa Pa Pa” all the lights lighted up in order. 25、镜头拉高,俯拍,全车系车灯将周围环境照亮,这是一个充满未来感的奥迪展厅。 25、 Lens up, high angle shot, All cars lights lighted up the surrounding environment, This is a futuristic Audi showroom. 26、镜头继续拉开,俯拍夜晚都市,通明的奥迪展厅,将周围的楼群照亮。 26、 Lens continue drawing back, high angle shot the night city, Audi showroom was bright and lighted up the surrounding buildings. 27、镜头快速拉开,俯拍,整座夜晚都市逐渐亮起。 27、Lens move from near to far quickly, high angle shot. The whole night of city lighted up gradually. 28、镜头快速拉开,整个中国版图被照亮。 字幕:你点亮每个时代的梦想 28、 Lens move from near to far quickly, The entire Chinese territory was lighted up. Subtitle: You light up the dream of every age 29、镜头继续拉开,中国版图缩小成为一个亮点。 字幕:我们点亮你的梦想 29、Lens continue moving to far, Chinese territory shrink to a bright spot. Subtitle: We light up your dream 30、镜头继续拉开,25周年Logo出现,刚才的亮点只是logo中的一个颗粒。 字幕/旁白:奥迪,和你一起梦·享未来 30、 Lens continue move to far, 25th Anniversary Logo appears, the highlight become a particle of logo. Subtitle/VO: Audi 25 anniversary, Dream & enjoy the future 31、25周年logo 31、 25th anniversary logo 32、标版 32、Label board 字幕汇总 向上的梦想 探寻的梦想 触摸未来的梦想 超越时空的梦想 每一个梦想,都是照亮未来的光芒 你点亮每个时代的梦想 我们点亮你的梦想 奥迪,和你一起梦·享未来 Subtitle Summary Progressive dream Dream of exploration The dream which is touching the future Dream beyond time and space Every dream, could light up the shine of future You light up the dream of every age We light up your dream Audi, Dream & enjoy the future, to be always with you 梦想篇<The dream>