Embedding careers education within our geography teaching Kate Amis k.amis@rgs.org Why do it? 1.OFSTED A: Outcomes: how well are pupils doing, taking account of any variation? The extent to which pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of work and develop skills and personal qualities which will serve them well in education, training, employment and their future lives ► The extent to which pupils understand their future options and develop aspirations and understand how to achieve them ► 2. Making it real ►Geography is not just something we learn about , it is something that people do 3. The value of planning and target setting ► Dreams ► Using are just unmade plans ?? ladders to plan backwards from a recognised goal, through a series of planned targets to an end result. Making plans Looking at my future from here Your Career as a Ladder My career choice My university or training Course choices 16+ Work experience choices Course choices 14+ Here and now choices Three stages to robust progression ► Research ► Planning ► Target setting Improve quality and quantity of options cohort at GCSE and A Level 4. ► Understanding ‘What you can do with it ‘is the most important factor in why young people take (or don’t take ) geography beyond 14+ Discuss How to do it Get an ambassador in ! ► Careers clips at start of new topic http://www.geographyteachingtoday.org.uk/ambassadors/ambassadorsonline/physical-systems/ ► Career cards and Careers brochures ► Going places events ► Role play activity & Hot air balloons ► Company brochures ► Online job pages ► University courses and research projects ► Venn diagrams ► Geography team names ► Skills auditing ► Discuss is no such thing as a geography job – there are jobs that geographers do’ ► ‘There Skills audit for geographers ► Academic ► Literate scientists ► Numerate social scientists ► Synthesisers ► Extended writers ► Field researchers ► Analytical ► Proactive ► Hands on Sources of information ► The ambassadors section of Geography Teaching Today ► Study geography section of the RGS website ► GPWG brochures and DVD, Michael Palin letter and loan of careers displays @ no charge direct from RGS education dept ► Careers pull out from geographical magazine September of each year ► New GA careers resources ► Uni geog dept web sections on employability ► Prospects careers site