Career Awareness and Interest Inventory Granite Oaks Middle School Counseling/Guidance Curriculum 2013 - 2014 Objectives To encourage students to begin thinking about career choices/goals, and make good decisions about high school coursework Complete an Interest Inventory to help identify your high interest areas Explore careers that match your high interest areas – the selected careers do NOT have to be the only careers you explore Career Bound – Future Found Your Future is Now! 1. Who Am I? Interests & Skills •What do I like and dislike? (Interests) •What do I do well? (Skills) 3. How will I get there? Academic Plan (Classes) All good roads to your future go through high school. 2. Where do I want to go? Life After High School •There are a lot of “where’s” – apprenticeships, career/technical schools, employment, military opportunities, colleges and universities. It’s important to choose a “where” that fits you. University (Doctorate) Professional School Vocational Technical School Middle School Junior college High School University (graduate) University (Undergraduate) Military What is an interest inventory self assessment tool used in career planning assesses one's likes and dislikes of a variety of activities, objects, and types of persons The theory behind interest inventories: people in the same career (and satisfied in that career) have similar interests Pathways to the World of Careers Instructions For each item, answer the question: Y for YES and N for NO Complete the entire inventory, then put your pencils down Next step Scoring the Interest Inventory: – Total the number of Y’s that you circled straight across (horizontally) Add totals for A - H If you look at the right hand column, there are 2 scores for each letter. Next you will add totals for A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H together. Put the total on the bottom line next to the correct letter. See example: Career Clusters Each letter in the interest survey represents a career cluster There are 8 different career clusters A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Business Management/ Finance Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Health Science Hospitality and Tourism/ Transportation Manufacturing/ Architecture & Construction Human Services/ Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Next Step to explore your career Turn your paper over and circle the letter that corresponds to the highest numbers from the reverse side. Then, pick two careers from each column that has the highest numbers. High School Electives Using your two career choices, find the closest career cluster match Review the classes related to the career cluster and your career choices Circle three classes for each career choice --- these classes may be available as electives for 9th grade Exploring Careers The Next Steps/ Important Information Use the NAVIANCE to research 1-2 of your circled career choices. Find out the following information: How much education does the career require? What type of degree/credential do I need for this career? What is the salary range – does that vary depending on where I live? What other skills would be good for me to have besides the degree/credential? What is the outlook for this career – is it a growing or declining industry? Log into Naviance at Your user name is firstname.lastname (ex. john.smith) Your password is your permanent student ID number On the home page, click on the “CAREERS” tab Click on “Explore Careers & Clusters” Begin exploring! Search for careers by name here Browse careers by cluster here Using your Information Once you know the education requirements of your selected career, you can choose courses in high school that will help you achieve that goal Begin exploring other ways you can increase the skills needed for your selected career Talk to people already working in your selected career