
Bus 111
Marie Kroehn
What is Snapchat?
 App used on mobile phones
 Take a picture or a video add text and send it to a
 Can be viewed for 1-10 seconds before
 Can add to “Your Story”
Snapchat History
 Snapchat was founded by Evan Spiegel and Bobby
Murphy while they were studying at Stanford
 Attempted 34 projects before Snapchat
 Launched in the summer of 2011 as an iPhone app
called Picaboo
 Later expanded to Android, added video and the
ability to draw on the screen
 People loved it because it was faster than MMS
Snapchat Concerns
 Snapchat being used to send inappropriate content
 Not the main appeal to teens
 Cyberbullying
 The pictures instantly disappear so there is no evidence of
what was said or done
 Retrieving the pictures
 Can take screenshots, but it notifies the sender
 On Android the photos are only hidden and can be found with
forensics software
 Snapchat Hack is an app that allows people to get around
Snapchat’s privacy protection
Social Marketing
 Pros:
 Fast way to reach a large number of
 Can have multiple friends and use the My
Story feature
 Give people a quick glance at what you
 Similar to a commercial but shorter
 Allows you to see who is viewing your
snaps and responding
 Cons:
 Only valuable if your customer base has
 Target market would have to be teens and
young adults
 Need to know how often to snap to keep
customers interested, but not becoming
Snapchat Website
 Snapchat Website
 Stories YouTube Video