Staff Development and Support

Staff Development and
Higher Administration
Admin Services
Outcome 3
The success of an organisation depends largely on
the quality and focus of its staff
An effective organisation will develop and support
its employees to improve their knowledge and skills
and work towards achieving company objectives
Staff Development and Performance
Management is one way in which organisations try
to improve the quality of their staff
May be carried out formally or informally. Formal
processes might include:
Performance Management
Appraisal systems can be used as part of
performance management
They are designed to measure and assess,
rate and record employee performance
There has been employee resistance to the
introduction of appraisal systems, but most
organisations will have have one form or
another in place
Problems with
Early Appraisal Systems
Imposed and carried out by management with
little employee input
Used simple rating methods against broad
factors eg loyalty and scoring was subjective
Did not set targets – indicated weaknesses
rather than identifying opportunities for
Often used for apportioning blame rather than
improving staff performance
Modern Appraisal Systems
Modern appraisal systems involve
 An annual review of performance
 Two-way discussion in which both employee
and employer are evaluated
 Face-to-face interviews discussing rating and
 Setting of targets and discussion of
development needs to achieve targets
 Feedback on performance
Examples of
Appraisal Methods
Management by Objectives (MBO)
Emphasises setting of agreed targets by employer and
Performance is measured against these targets,
development needs identified
Competency-based Method
Like MBO this measures what has been achieved but
Emphasises the importance of how the work is carried
Other Appraisal Methods
360° Method
 Unlike other methods which have a ‘top-down’
approach (ie employer has main role in evaluating
 This method uses a variety of people in the
assessment process eg supervisors, co-workers
and even customers
 This is to build an overall profile by a third party
(usually HR Manager)
 The profile is then fed back and development
needs and target identified
Whichever method is used, appraisal
must be:
Training and Development
Performance Management and Staff
Development go hand in hand
But without training and development,
organisations cannot expect staff
performance to improve
Two ways in which organisations seek to
improve employee effectiveness are:
Gives employees specific skills and knowledge
Training usually takes place for a particular
purpose and has an immediate need ie learning
how to operate a new piece of equipment
Training can either be on-the-job or off-the-job
Tends to be broader than training and is more
about fine tuning or expanding current knowledge
and understanding or developing for future needs
Types of Training
Most organisations will offer training as part of a
planned staff development programme, this is
done in 2 ways
 On the organisation’s premises by external
providers or its own staff
 Outwith the organisation’s premises eg at a
local college
In-house or External?
This will depend on
Availability of specialist trainers
Most organisations tend to deliver development
sessions themselves or may have their own ICT
training facilities however training for formal
qualifications is usually carried out externally
Continuous Professional
Development (CPD)
Employers have realised that training and
development must be a planned,
consistent and integrated process linked to
the achievement of organisational goals
CPD is when the employer provides the
opportunity for employees to receive
training and continually develop
throughout their employment
It is often a requirement of employment
It is the responsibility of both the employer
(to provide opportunity for development)
The employee (to make use of it)
Formal CPD is recorded and used as part of
the annual performance appraisal
Lifelong Learning
The government encourages continuous
training and development
Organisations are often set training
targets, can receive funding and are
encouraged to develop their staff
Staff Support Systems
It is important that organisations
support the staff in terms of welfare at
work as this has an effect on motivation
and effectiveness
A happy worker is a better worker and
more likely contribute effectively to the
There are a number of ways to support
Staff Support Systems
Organisations may offer counselling on a
range of issues such as stress, health etc
Specialist counselling organisations
Staff Support Systems
Organisations will offer advice on such
matters as employment and Health and
Safety Legislation
Employees will have access to written
company policies and procedures
Information can be obtained from Human
Resources or Trade Union Representatives
Staff Support Systems
Grievance Procedures
The aim is to resolve any difficulties
between employer and employees in the
Provides a formal mechanism and support
by which employees can take action if they
feel they are being unfairly treated at work
Staff Support Systems
Return-to-Work Interviews
After a prolonged absence or illness it is
common for employees to receive advice
and counselling
Many organisation operate a planned and
gradual return to work for employees
returning after an extended absence
Staff Support Systems
Family-Friendly Policies
More organisations are realising the
importance of flexible working practices
This helps staff balance home and work life
Policies include paid/unpaid paternity
leave, flexi-time, duvet-days Organisations
offer benefits such as membership of
health clubs, retail discounts etc