ROADSHOW 2011 on NSDS III and the 2011/-12 SLA JOHANN ENGELBRECHT Minister’s Foreword on the Strategy Priority will be given to strengthening the relationship between Public Colleges and Universities; SETAs and employers The real value of SETAs is their understanding of labour market issues in their respective industrial and economic sectors The Strategy aims to achieve skills and qualifications to support New growth Path, Industrial Policy Action, HRDS and in particular Sector Development Plans CHALLENGES NSDS III RESPONDS TO 1. Poor work readiness of young people 2. Unemployed do not possess entry-level skills 3. Continuing shortage of artisans, technical and professional skills 4. Need for substantial programmes to improve qualifications and support career-pathing 5. Equip workforce to adapt to growing knowledgebased economy 6. Systemic blockages 7. Absence of coherent economic and industrial strategies 8. Urban bias of economic development N S D S III NSDS III GUIDED BY KEY DEVELOPMENTAL AND TRANSFORMATION IMPERATIVES 1 2 3 4 RACE GENDER AGE DISABILITY 5 6 7 CLASS GEOGRAPHY HIV/AIDS PILLARS OF NSDS III P1: SECTOR STRATEGIES ALIGNED TO GOV. & IND DEV. STRATEGIES P2: SECTOR BASED PROGRAMMES AIMED AT UNEMPLOYED AND FIRST ENTRANTS P3: PROFESSIONAL, VOCATIONAL, TECHNICAL & ACADEMIC LEARNING PROGRAMMES P4: REVITALISATION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING SECTOR P5:DEVELOP CAPACITY OF COOPERATIVE AND NGO SECTORS P6: PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE TRAINING PROVIDERS P7: SKILLS FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS OF NSDS III 1: ESTABLISHING A CREDIBLE INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISM FOR SKILLS PLANNING 2: INCREASING ACCESS TO OCCUPATIONALLY-DIRECTED PROGRAMMES 3: PROMOTING GROWTH OF A PUBLIC FET SECTOR WHICH IS RESPONSIVE 4: ADDRESSING LOW LEVEL OF YOUTH AND ADULT ACCESS TO LEARNING 5: ENCOURAGE BETTER USE OF WORKPLACE BASED LEARNING 6: ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT COOPS, SMALL ENT. , WORKER, NGO TRAINING INITIATIVES 7: INCREASE PUBLIC SECTOR CAPACITY FOR IMPROVED SERVICE DELIVERY 8: BUILDING CAREER AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AGRISETA OVERARCHING AIMS FOR 2011/-12 1: Target to disburse 78% of possible mandatory grants– R85 million 2: Target to disburse all (100%) discretionary funds – R84 million 3: Target to disburse all (100%) PIVOTAL grants – R22 million 4: Roll-out large scale land reform project – R64 million over 3 years 5: One of the leading SETAs re. occupationally aligned qualifications – piloting year 6: Learnerships, skills programmes, bursaries, internships, mentoring, ABET 7: Increased focus on Commodity Organisations 8: New Board and Chairperson – aim to continue with same sense of stability LINKING AGRISETA PRIORITIES TO NSDS III P1: Sector intelligence Goal 1: Credible skills planning Goal 8: Career and vocational guidance P2: Goal 1: Credible skills planning Goal 9: Career and vocational guidance Responsive MIS P3: Scarce skills information Goal 1: Credible skills planning Goal 8: Career and vocational guidance P4: Responsive to rural needs Goal 6: Support coops, small enterprises, etc. P5: Goal 6: Support coops, small enterprises, etc. Partnership with government Integrated rural support P6: Impact on BEE and equity Goal 5: Better use of workplace learning P7: Goal 2: Access to occupational learning Goal 4: Low level of youth entrance Decent work P8: Responsive provider sector Goal 3: Growth in FET sector P9: Environmental focus Goal 2: PIVOTAL – Occupational programmes P10: Good governance Internal P11: Provincial presence Partnership with Government HOW DID AGRISETA ALLOCATE ITS R106M DISCRETIONARY FUNDS FOR 2011/-12? P1: SECTOR INTELLEGENCE R1,3m P2: MIS REVISED AND ALIGNED TO NSDS III R0,3m P3: CAREER INFO AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT SECTOR R0,6m P4: SKILLS DEV. SUPPORT TO THE RURAL ECONOMY R45,0m P5: EXTENSION OFFICERS DEVELOPED R2,0m P6: AGRI-BEE CHARTER SUPPORTED R0,3m P7: DECENT WORKPLACE WORK R38.9m P8: PROVIDER DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION R5,0m P9: ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS R1,3m P10: GOOD GOVERNANCE & DECENT CONDUCT R5,0m P11: PROVINCIAL PRESENCE R1,3m LEARNING PROGRAMMES TO BE SUPPORTED LEARNERSHIPS (18.1) 800 – R14,7m LEARNERSHIPS (18.2) + INTERNS 850 – R27,9m SKILLS PROGRAMMES (employed) 1200 – R5,3m SKILLS PROGRAMMES (under resourced) 800 – R3,5m 80 – R3,4m APPRENTICES FOUNDATIONAL LEARNING PROGRAMMES 180 – R5,3m 1 200 – R5,1m ABET 120 – R4,4m BURSARIES NEW VENTURE CREATION RURAL STRUCTURES, COMMODITY ORGANISATIONS, ETC SUPPORT 5 000 + LEARNERS 50 – R1,8m N/A – R12,5m WHAT are PIVOTAL SKILLS? These are Professional, Vocational, Technical and Academic Skills linked to fully occupationally-directed qualifications. It normally starts at a college or university and would include supervised practical learning in a workplace. It involves a SETA, Educational Institution, Employer and a Learner. Pivotal Grants are in the form of 10% of Levy paid and treated on a mandatory basis. The focus is on apprenticeships, internships, work experience placement, work integrated learning and professional placement, but can include learnerships and skills programmes. STRENGTHS STABLE GOVERNING BOARD, MANAGEMENT TEAM AND STAFF SPENDING PATTERN CONSISTENTLY HIGH – BUSY ELIMINATING ANY ACCUMULATED FUNDS STRONG ACCEPTANCE WITHIN THE BROADER AGRICULTUAL SECTOR GOOD WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH DAFF AND DRDLR CHALLENGES DELAY IN OBTAINING SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS FROM DHET RURAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIRES HIGH LEVEL OF COMMITMENT OF GOV. DEPTS POOR AND AD-HOC ACCESS TO NSF LOW LEVELS OF EDUCATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR FEW YOUNG PEOPLE ENTERING THE SECTOR Johann Engelbrecht Operations Manager 012 301 5628 082 571 3526