National Policy of Youth 2012-2020 Specific Youth Cabinet - Guatemala Licda. Alejandra Carrillo de León Director National Youth Council -CONJUVEMéxico DF, México Oct. 16 – 17, 2012 National Youth Policy 2012-2020 Target Groups Priorized themes •Young adolescents: People ages 13 to 18 •Young people: Persons over the age of 18 and under the age of 30. National Policy 2012-2020 Specific Youth Cabinet Project Activities Ground Plan Monitoring and Evaluation System Communication Strategy Impact/ Expected outcomes •Encourage the full implementation of young people to improve their conditions and quality of life, giving priority to their integrar development and full excercise of citizenship. •Encourage the adoption of legal frameworks in the field of human rights for young people. •Implement ground plans at the departmental and municipal level with full participation and representation in the decision-making at the local level. •Change the perception of the public in general, and of the decision-makers, in particular, in relation to the youth. •Strengthen the institutions responsible for promoting and implementing policy, promoting synergies between different sectors. MONTH/ YEAR National Youth Policy 2012-2020 APPROACH AND INNOVATION The National Youth Policy 2012-2020 is the basic tool to make the youth of the country develop its potentialities and to be protagonists of their social, economic, political and cultural development. Collects the commitments and tasks of the State, in relation to the conditions of youth development and includes a series of actions. Guides the activities, resources and efforts of public, private, international agencies and youth organizations, that dedicate efforts for the youth of the country. ¿In which phase of the project, programme or policy were involved? STRATEGIC AREAS AND LINES OF ACTION MONTH/ YEAR National Youth Policy 2012-2020 STRATEGIC AREAS AND LINES OF ACTION MONTH/ YEAR National Youth Policy 2012-2020 STRATEGIC AREAS AND LINES OF ACTION MONTH/ YEAR National Youth Policy 2012-2020 STRATEGIC AREAS AND LINES OF ACTION MONTH/ YEAR National Youth Policy 2012-2020 APPROACH AND INNOVATION El protagonismo y participación de la juventud en la transformación de sus entornos locales, genera desarrollo, fortaleciendo además nuestro sistema democrático. The role and participation of youth in the transformation of their local environments generates development, including the strengthening of our democratic system. Promote partnership among young people, as well as children, adults and elderly people. It contributes to the building and increasing of confidence between different generations to strengthen ties in favor of coexistence. MONTH/ YEAR National Youth Policy 2012-2020 LESSONS LEARNT TO SHARE 1. The tools that youth need the most are related with education, health, employment and housing. 2. Education is the means by which youth is incorporared into the life. 3. Health is the basis for the study and work, while the work is one of the best ways to integrate youth into the adult world, developing the acquired tools, thereby obtaining the incomes to live and achieve independence. 4. Finally, housing manages to be a reflection of that independence achieved through employment and through an independent life that allows to them their personal, economic and social development. MONTH/ YEAR THANKS! Licda. Alejandra Carrillo de León National Youth Council – CONJUVE Tel. (502) 2498-0800