The International Profiler The International Profiler Presentation Overview Background of The International Profiler WorldWork’s International Competency Set The tool – overview of “The International Profiler” What kind of output does it produce? What is it? The International Profiler Background The Rationale for The International Profiler Cultural Values Focus Culture Specific Individual Generic Qualities and Competencies The International Profiler Background The Tool – Why did we do it? Identify individual gap “ What do I need personally to be more effective in an international context?” Close individual gaps “ What can I DO at a personal level to close any gaps?” Understand organizational implications “ How can we find out the potential skills gaps for a target group of individuals?” The International Profiler Background What makes an individual highly effective in transferring professional skills to an unfamiliar, cross-cultural context? Specific quantitative and qualitative research on competencies – e.g. Ratiu, Myers & Kelley, Ting Toomey, Milton Bennett The work of cultural ‘gurus’ – e.g. Nancy Adler, Hampden-Turner, Susan Schneider, Andre Laurent Our own experience of living abroad, experiencing ‘ culture shock’ and training 1000s of international managers and professionals The International Profiler International Competency Set PULL COMPETENCIES COMMUNICATION 1. 5. Perceptiveness Openness New Thinking Welcoming Strangers Acceptance 2. Flexibility Flexible Behaviour Flexible Judgement Learning Languages PUSH COMPENTENCIES 3. Personal Autonomy Attuned Reflected Awareness 6. Active Listening 7. Transparency Clarity of Communication Exposing Intentions CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE 8. Cultural Knowledge Information Gathering Valuing Differences Inner Purpose Focus on Goals 4. Emotional Strength Resilience Coping Spirit of Adventure Listening Orientation LEADING ACROSS CULTURES 9. Influencing Rapport Range of Styles Sensitivity to Context 10. Synergy Creating New Alternatives The International Profiler TIP– what is it? It is a questionnaire that explores The relative energy, emphasis and attention professionals bring to the competency set when involved in transferring their skills to unfamiliar, cross-cultural contexts The feedback provides structured discussion of this energy in light of present or future international challenges identification of three or four qualities requiring greater energy in the future initiation of a development process involving creation of a ‘Personal Development Plan’ (PDP) by the coachee 7 The International Profiler How you can use The International Profiler As a platform for coaching your clients, face to face or at a distance As a way of converting group training into personal development plans Provides individual guidance prior to relocation when taking up a more challenging international role Acts as a diagnostic for skills development through group training Supports leadership development Enables an organisation to focus training expenditure effectively for people working internationally 8 The International Profiler Overview of the tool The tool – Who has used it? Over 5,000 Profilers completed from 100 different countries There are 765 from UK, 1029 from Germany, 463 US American, 520 from Italy, 211 from France 134 from Mexico and 186 from China. 63% men; 37% women; 52% have lived outside their home culture Clients include: Cisco, Tesco, AGIP, General Motors, Electrolux, TMobile, Saipem, BP, Beiersdorf, Telecom Italia, Intesa-SanPaolo, Deutsche Bank, Heinz, Henkel, UBS, Accenture, BG Group, Continental, Maersk, IVECO, Oxfam, BAe Systems, SSL International, Shell International, Standard Bank, Zurich Financial Services, Universal Silencer, MIB Business School etc 9 The International Profiler Overview of the tool The tool – how does it work? The questionnaire 80 questions & biographical section Available in English, French, German & Italian Average of 40 minutes needed Web-based The process WW licensees: consultants, trainers and HR professionals Clients complete tool on-line – copy of scored report sent to licensee Licensee gives feedback to client over telephone or face-to-face (in German, French, Italian or English) Client receives development suggestions and completes Personal Development Plan 10 The International Profiler Overview of the tool Example: Questions People might say of me that I keep an open mind I am proud of the fact that I avoid of judging people on the basis of stereotypes The key to working successfully in an international environment is continuously updating assumptions about people in the light of experience The International Profiler Overview of the tool The tool – how does it work? Forced choice with discretion Compares each competency with all the others Question 11 of 80 When travelling abroad I... MOST NEXT a. think about the impression I make on local people 5 4 3 2 b. adapt to the local ways of doing things 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 c. 12 actively find out about the country and its people The International Profiler Overview of the tool Example: The model- Elements of Flexible Judgement Definition Does not judge on first impressions Updates assumptions about people in the light of new information Spontaneously restructures knowledge as adaptive response to changed situations Maintains adaptable opinions and avoids fixed stereotypes Flexible Judgement Holds balanced views about the relative merits of different cultures The International Profiler Overview of the tool The model – Implications for low emphasis on Flexible Judgement LOW SCORES Potential Advantages Can make quick decisions about people when necessary Can tell those whose ‘faces fit’ Can make effective use of instinctive reactions in familiar environments May assume the best about others (especially with high Rapport),etc. 14 Potential Disadvantages Can misinterpret and misevaluate May avoid people they do not understand (especially with low Welcoming Strangers) Can reinforce overly negative /positive stereotypes of foreigners (especially with low Acceptance) Less likely to consult and be open to advice from others with different views (especially with low Active Listening), etc The International Profiler Overview of the tool FEEDBACK BOOK – Implications for high emphasis HIGH SCORES Potential Advantages Keeps learning about others (especially with high Active Listening) Revises opinions in the light of new evidence Makes informed and balanced judgments Able to meet the needs of customers and partners at deeper levels Avoids misunderstanding others (especially with high Attuned) 15 Potential Disadvantages Increased levels of stress resulting from unfamiliar settings (especially with low Coping) May take longer to make commitments and reach decisions May fail to trust instincts Can be taken advantage of