

Shanghai Community

Voluntary Service Research



Zhiyuan Yu

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Fudan University




Research Background, Objectives, and Methodology


Research Framework


Research Findings


Conclusions and Recommendations


Questions and Answers

1. Research Background, Objectives, and


The main objectives of the research is to better understand the current status, problems and challenges of community voluntary services in Shanghai, and propose some policy recommendations.

This is a collaboration project between the Department of

Philanthropy and Voluntary Service of the Shanghai Bureau of

Civil Affairs and Fudan University.

The fieldwork was conducted between January to August


1. Research Background, Objectives, and


The major research questions are:

What are the major characteristics of community voluntary services in Shanghai?

What are the driving forces for the development of community voluntary services in Shanghai?

What are the problems and bottlenecks in the community voluntary services in Shanghai?

What will be the future of community voluntary services in

Shanghai? What will be the proper role of government in facilitating the development of community voluntary services in Shanghai?

1. Research Background, Objectives, and


A mailed survey of 222 neighborhood organizations in 17 districts in Shanghai. The response rate is 81.98%. We also selected 28 neighborhood organizations for in-depth telephone interviews.

In-depth interview with 23 voluntary service organizations.

In-depth interview of 17 community service volunteers

In-depth interview with 48 citizens in Shanghai, regarding their experiences or lack of experience of community voluntary services, motivations and other opinions.

Content analysis of various awards materials of voluntary services, philanthropy, and social innovation projects.

2. Research Framework

We argue that the community voluntary service sector is composed of four elements, including volunteers, voluntary actions, voluntary organizations, and voluntary culture. The core component is volunteerism.

志 愿 者

志 愿 文 化 /

慈 善 公 益 文 化 志 愿 精 神

志 愿 行 动

志 愿 者 组 织

3. Research Findings

We identify two major characteristics of community voluntary services in Shanghai. The first characteristic is its diversification.

There are four major players in community voluntary services in Shanghai:

Neighborhood organizations and residents committee


Corporate volunteer groups

Student volunteer groups


Four major actors in community voluntary services

•Most of the volunteers are old and retired .

•Traditional forms voluntary activities








•Volunteers are young adults, white collars, professionals.

•Innovative forms of voluntary services

•Online mobilization

•As part of CSR activities

•Can mobilize corporate resources







• College students and middles school students

•Based on school activities.


(1) community voluntary services organized by neighborhood organizations

Most of their volunteers are people over 60 and retired.

The volunteers are recruited through residents’ committees, and local association of elderly people.

Offer traditional volunteer programs. For instance, community policing, community environment programs, community health, community education, services for the disabled, legal assistance, and senior citizen activities.

Most popular programs are senior citizen activities, community policing, community environment, convenience services, and transportation safety program.

Table 3.1: various community voluntary service programs



社区 环境


社区法律援助 /



文明礼 仪




社区 卫生


公共 场所文明引导


Table 3.2: most popular community voluntary service programs



社区 环境


社区法律援助 /



文明礼 仪





社区 卫生


公共 场所文明引导


Case study: Pudong Weifang Community senior care program

(2)Community voluntary services organized by NGOs

NGOs have been growing rapid in the past decades.

The growth of NGOs has provided more opportunities for citizens to participate in community services.

NGOs are good at developing innovative volunteer programs, and better volunteer management systems.

Case Study: Jiu Qian Volunteer Center

Case Study: A Yan and His Friends

Case study: 1kg project

Case Study: Xie Li Hui

Family Volunteering Model

Case Study: Ting Dao Forum

Case Study: Hands On Shanghai

(3) Corporate Volunteering

Corporate volunteer programs are usually part of corporate social responsibility programs.

Corporate volunteer programs help employees develop better team work capabilities and nurture employee loyalty, and also promote the corporate image.

Company employees who have participated in corporate volunteer programs said that those programs have provided them an opportunity to make a positive contribution to society, and increase their senses of social responsibility.

Case Study: Bayer

(4) Student Volunteering

Almost every university in Shanghai has a or several student volunteer associations.

84% of neighborhood organizations that we surveyed have some collaboration methods with local schools.

But most with universities, less with middle schools or primary schools.

Students like volunteering because it broadens their perspectives and improve their social skills.

3. Research Findings

The second characteristic is that people’s understanding of what does volunteering means is deepening.

3. Research Findings

The problem of volunteering organized by the neighborhood organizations and residents committee is its top down mode of mobilization which could lead to the problem of lack of motivation or forced volunteering.

How to make the community volunteer service less government oriented and more socially oriented?

How to attract different age groups to community volunteer services? How to better connect community needs with the interest of voluntary groups and volunteers?

3. Research Findings

Involve more NGOs in community service.

Understand different needs and motivations of volunteering for people of different age, education background and occupations.

More and more people choose volunteer programs based on their interest. Thus it is important to design better volunteer programs that is meaningful and innovative. This result is particularly prominent among people who are 18-54 years old.

Table5.1: factors to consider regarding whether to participate in a volunteer program

Table5.2: Comparison of younger population vs. elder population

Table5.3: Reasons for not participated in any voluntary services yet

How to better connect community needs with the interest of volunteer organizations?

Case Study: Horizon Corporate Volunteer

Consultancy- 1001 Wishes Project

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

Strengthen the management of voluntary services

Improve volunteer recruitment and mobilization

Improve volunteering incentive system

Involve more NGOs and corporate volunteer groups into community services

Build better capacity for existing voluntary organizations

Develop better voluntary service programs

Better promote the culture of volunteering

Better connect voluntary groups with community needs

Improve the government-run volunteer database and websites

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

Driving forces for the future development:

Increasing need for community services

People are more interested in volunteer work

More diversified voluntary organizations

Government support

Development of culture of philanthropy and social responsibility

5. Questions and Answers

Discussion questions

How do you think of corporate volunteer programs as part of CSR strategy?

How can corporate CSR/corporate volunteer programs and NGOs get more involved in community services?

How to motivate your employees to participate in community service programs?

How can corporations and NGOs better work with government in community service?


Thank you!

Yu Zhiyuan

Department of Sociology, Fudan

