Edci 5035 Erikson presentation

Karina Bober
Marisa Thibodeau
Ashley Campbell
Erik Erikson’s
Stages of Psychosocial
Stage 1 of 8: Infancy
Birth to 18 months
Basic trust vs. Mistrust
Emphasis on parents’ nurturing ability and care for the child
Maladaptation: sensory distortion, withdrawal
Stage 2 of 8: Toddler / Early
18 months to 3 years
Autonomy vs. Shame
Opportunity to build self-esteem and autonomy as child
learns new skills and right from wrong
If well-cared for, the child will carry themselves with pride
rather than shame
Maladaptation: impulsivity, compulsion
Stage 3 of 8: Preschooler
3 to 5 years
Initiative vs. Guilt
Children exhibit a desire to copy adults, create play situations, make up
stories, play out roles, etc.
Oepedial struggle which is resolved through social role identification
Child experiences guilt if frustrated over natural desires and goals
Most significant relationship is with the basic family
Maladaptation: ruthlessness, inhibition
Example of children trying different roles or making up stories
Stage 4 of 8: School age child
6 to12 years
Industry vs. Inferiority
Children are capable of learning new skills and knowledge, thus developing
a sense of industry
A very social stage; Problems with competence and self-esteem if the child
experiences unresolved feelings of inadequacy/inferiority among our peers
Most significant relationship is with school and neighborhood, and less with
Maladaptation: narrow virtuosity, inertia
Example of achievement, competence, acquiring knowledge
Stage 5 of 8: Adolescent
12 to 18 years
Identity vs. Role confusion
Before this stage, development is related to what is done to a
person. Following this stage, development depends upon
what a person does.
Maladaptation: fanaticism, repudiation
Example of identity struggle, peer relationships
Stage 6 of 8: Young adult
18 to 35 years
Intimacy and solidarity vs. Isolation
Seeking companions and love, deep intimacy and satisfying
If unsuccessful, isolation might occur
Most significant relationship is with marital partners and
Maladaptation: promiscuity, exclusivity
Stage 7 of 8: Middle-aged Adult
35 to 55-65 years
Generativity vs. Self-absorption or stagnation
Career and work are most important, along with family
Attempting to produce something that makes a difference to society;
fear of inactivity and meaninglessness
Also a time of major life shifts
Most significant relationship is with family, workplace, local church,
other communities, etc.
Maladaptation: overextension, rejectivity
Stage 8 of 8: Late adulthood
55-65 years to Death
Integrity vs. Despair
Time of reflection
Contentment and fulfillment vs. despair, the fear of death
Maladaptation: presumption, disdain
Links to Examples
Stage 1(Optional): Baby
Stage 3: Preschool
Stage 4: Primary - Middle School
Stage 5: High School
Stage 8(Optional): Old Age
Discussion Questions
Q1) Identify the eight stages of Erik Erikson’s psychosocial
development theory.
Q5) Compose a short story about an individual who is in one
of the eight stages of development. Be specific to the crisis
involved in the particular stage, and include the possible
outcomes of going through this stage, positive and negative.
Q6) Erikson suggests that each stage is never truly complete,
and that each stage can be revisited. Evaluate whether or not
this theory should be considered valid.
Harder, A.F. (2009). Erik Erikson Stages of Development.
Retrieved June 13, 2011.
Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2011). Erikson’s Stages of
Development at LearningTheories. Retrieved June 13th, 2011.
Moore, D. Erik Erikson Summary. Retrieved June 13, 2011.