Body 1

General statement tentang topik.
2. Posisi penulis terhadap soal.
3. Diakhiri dengan Thesis statement.
1 + 2 + 3 menjadi satu (1) paragraf
yang disebut dengan introduction. Ini
menjadi paragraf 1.
Body tergantung berapa thesis
statement 2 atau 3 (diluar untuk
IELTS dan TOEFL, bisa 1 atau lebih
dari 3 tergantung kebutuhan).
Body 1 adalah penjelasan Thesis
statement 1. Body 1 akan menjadi
paragraph 2.
Body 2 adalah penjelasan Thesis
statement 2. Body 2 akan menjadi
paragraph 3.
Body 3 adalah penjelasan Thesis
statement 3. Body 3 akan menjadi
paragraph 4.
Menyajikan argumen
Pilih argumen yang paling penting lalu
akan diletakkan di awal atau di akhir.
Kalau diletakkan di awal maka cara
menuliskan ekspresi-nya adalah:
The first and the most important reason
The second reason is…
The third reason is…
Kalau diletakkan di akhir maka cara
menuliskan ekspresi-nya adalah:
The first reason is….
The second reason is…
The final and the most important
reason is…
Thesis statement:
Alcoholic beverages should be
banned from college campuses.
Drinking can cause academic
failure, and drinking while driving
can be deadly.
Body 1:
Drinking can cause academic
Body 2: Drinking while driving
can be deadly.
Menulis body
Body 1, Drinking can cause academic
failure, ditulis dulu sebagai topic
sentence menjadi:
1. The first reason is that drinking can
cause academic failure, atau
2. The first and the most important
reason is that drinking can cause
academic failure.
Setelah topic sentence selesai, maka harus
dijelaskan dengan supporting ideas, yang
mendukung argumen body 1.
Bagaimana drinking alcohol dapat
menyebabkan kegagalan prestasi
Jawablah dengan supporting ideas,
1. Unable concentrate.
2. Miss classes, fail exam, and miss paper
Langkah selanjutnya adalah menuliskan
body 1 secara lengkap yang didukung
fakta dan contoh.
The first reason is that drinking can cause
academic failure. If students drink before
class or have headache from drinking too
much the night before, they will unable to
concentrate on their school work.
They will miss classes, fail exams, and miss
paper deadlines. This behavior could force
them to drop out of school. For example, last
semester, my friend X, who liked to party
every night, dropped out of school. He failed
English class twice and barely passed his
other classes. Therefore, his parents refused
to pay for his education any longer. Recently,
XY college did a study of student dropouts.
Out of ninety cases reported, 65 percent
dropped out because they had failing grades
due to too much drinking. Therefore, it is
true that drinking can break the college
How to combine sentences
Independent clause, and + independent clause
I like swim, but I do not like to jog.
Swimming is good exercise, so I swim everyday.
Swimming is good exercise, yet I rarely do it.
Independent clause;
furthermore , + independent clause
in addition,
on the other hand,
I dislike jogging; therefore, I never do it.
I dislike jogging. Therefore, I never do it.
Independent clause + although dependent clause
I exercise every day although I hate it.
Walking is good for you because it exercises the
Because I have gained ten pounds, the doctor
ordered me to get into an exercise program.
Although it is expensive, I still buy if for my
Conclusion: restate TS
Thesis statement:
In fact, television may be a bad influence
on children. Some programs are not
good for them to see. Besides that it
can affect children’s reading ability.
In addition, it may affect children’s
schoolwork in other ways.
Signal words for conclusion
In conclusion,
In summary,
To conclude,
All in all,
To summarize,
Some programs are not good for
them to see. Besides that it can
affect children’s reading ability. In
addition, it may affect children’s
schoolwork in other ways.
In conclusion, if children watch too much
television or watch the wrong programs,
their personality can be harmed.
Furthermore, their progress in school can
be affected.