Every member is registered If still have problems, please contact us at info@iafflocal975.org Or Call 441-7572 To present the potential benefits and negatives of creating a metro AFD Department by merging with ESD To summarize the timeline for the project; what has been accomplished to date and what comes next To educate AFA members on the AFA Eboard recommendations to the membership for the ESD merger proposal To explain the 5 additional surveys which will prepare AFA for the final vote to be held in February Dates for final vote and what this vote means February 19th through 21st There are 3 educational videos; this summary video and in addition 2 more detailed videos on the ESD 6 financial analysis and the training plan for the potential merging ESD firefighters. Other resources like sub-committee notes and AFA discussion board can be found at www.local975.org 4 Stakeholders involved with ESD Mergers 1. Austin Firefighters Association 2. COA/ AFD 3. Respective ESD Board of Directors 4. Respective ESD Labor Association Local 975 Our Association grows 70 more firefighters (ESD 6) Our department grows 4 new stations and creation of Battalion 7 (ESD 6) AFA Political Influence grows Local 975 Increased promotional opportunities, especially the day the merger takes effect, but in to the future as well. 3 BCs, 6 Captains, 15 Lts, 27 FSs… 51 promotions in all (ESD 6) AFA has a high level of control in the process. In the case of ESD6, AFD would gain four stations immediately instead of possibly gaining one station every four years over 16-20 years. City of Austin COA anticipates improved service delivery (particularly close to COA periphery) and improved continuity of service Merging removes an potential obstacle to annexation. The City of Austin annexes, NOT AFD ESD Board of Directors ESD 6 is the governmental agency responsible for providing fire protection in their jurisdiction. As the city annexes their area, they lose revenue but must still provide fire protection to what the city does not annex (generally lower value, higher demand areas). This practice has already crippled some Travis County ESD's, leaving AFD to cover their area with no compensation. A merger eliminates this very real future problem for both jurisdictions. ESD Labor Association Long term job security and stability Better benefits Multiple career paths not available at ESDs Risks Mergers do sometimes fail over time Drawing from a smaller pool of candidates Trained for a shorter period of time. Large and fast changes to a good existing system can sometimes result in negative unexpected outcomes Personnel integration issues August 2011 – Letter to AFA membership AFA’s position is that the framework of any final deal would have the below minimum requirements as a starting point: 1. 4 person staffing (ESD currently rides 3-4 on their engines) 2. No negative effect on our pension system (zero 3. The merger must be financially feasible (we do costs) not want to negatively affect the Austin citizenry or ourselves in the next budget cycle) November 2011 – November 2012 Meeting occurred between all stakeholders AFA COA/AFD ESD Management ESD Labor Business Case developed Work toward meeting the 3 minimum AFA requirements Financial analysis materially completed November 2012 3 days of AFA membership workshop to discuss merger (January 2012). Attended by 120 members. November 2012 – Current AFA meeting with Austin City Managers Office Formation of 4 AFA ESD merger subcommittees Seniority, Union Merger, Entry Standards, Training Surveys and more surveys… AFA member and ESD personnel presentations Eboard Recommendations Future View videos and other educational materials available at www.local975.org Take the 5 additional surveys AFA membership surveys will be open for an extended time January 26th through February 3rd Future After the 5 final survey results are available, the AFA Eboard will construct the final ESD Merger Template The Final ESD Merger Template will be put before the AFA membership for a final vote in February (19th-21st) IF this vote passes, the template will be forwarded to the bargaining team as a “scope of work” Really a contract for service NOT a merger ESD would remain in place AFA Eboard recommendations are for an ESD merger template NOT an ESD 6 merger proposal. The AFA Eboard Recommendations have all ESD firefighters from all ranks entering AFD as firefighters Originally, the AFA Eboard was going to recommend that the ESD firefighters enter AFD close to their current ESD pay, Now this project decision will depend on the result of an upcoming AFA survey The Eboard recommendations are based on 975 Member Surveys and AFA ESD Merger sub-committee recommendations The AFA Eboard did include most of the survey and sub-committee recommendations but not all of the survey and sub-committee recommendations This project is membership driven. Much of the work performed by AFA members working on sub-committees After this next set of membership surveys are completed AFA should be closer to the final direction of this project. AFA members will have the final vote on the project (vote will be scheduled for February) Once the AFA membership has determined a final direction for this project, this scope of work will be provided to the Bargaining Team. 3 other groups of stakeholders need to weigh in and ultimately decide to accept the AFA designed ESD merger template before any merger would occur. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 5 additional surveys will begin next week and will cover the following areas of the Eboard recommendation: Seniority Union Merger Entry Standards Training Upcoming ESD Firefighter Pay Scale Seniority: Maintain system as it exists currently with seniority accrual beginning with Austin Fire Department hire date. Promotion Eligibility: Maintain the requirement of two years in classified rank with the Austin Fire Department prior to promotional exam eligibility. Promotion Tie Breakers: Maintain current system with final tie breaker being rank held at ESD Vacation Selection: Maintain system of selecting vacation dates as it currently exists. Force Reduction: Maintain current civil service order of release and rehire for any future force reductions. UNION INTEGRATION & APPEALS Merging ESD members will have the opportunity to join Local 975 upon completion of their probationary period. Merging ESD employees shall integrate into the Austin Firefighters Association (Local 975) using the same procedure as regular candidates hired by the Austin Fire Department with the exceptions as follows: The ESD labor organization shall absolve all debt prior to becoming members of the AFD. The ESD labor organization shall keep all assets prior to becoming members of the AFD. A merging ESD member shall have the ability to grieve/arbitrate the matter of termination only. The person wishing to arbitrate their termination shall bear the cost of all of the proceedings. STATION ASSIGNMENTS Merging ESD employees shall receive a station assignment upon completion of the AFD Training Academy through the normal AFD station assignment process. The exceptions below shall remain in place until successful completion of their probationary period. STATION ASSIGNMENTS Merging ESD employees shall not receive an assignment to any fire station located within the former ESD's response area. Merging ESD employees shall not be grouped in one geographical area but shall be dispersed throughout the entire department. Merging ESD employees shall not be assigned to the same unit on the same shift. Physical ability tests: o o CPAT 12 METS Incumbent medical Psychological/enhanced criminal background check Minimum experience of 2 years in a Travis County ESD. TCFP Structure firefighter Certification Utilize AFD Hiring Process??? There should be a preparation packet delivered to the ESD firefighters while still employed at their ESD - Time Frame (3.5 – 4 months) Upon entry into the AFD lateral academy ESD firefighters will be expected to be prepared to quickly start further familiarizing with skills because they were introduced to the skills during the Preparation Period The ESD firefighters should attend an lateral training Academy at Shaw Lane as AFD employees assigned to a forty-hour week. The lateral academy will include 360 hours of instruction – 10 week academy period The ESD firefighters should be tested on all initial cadet and PFF skills while in the Academy There will be more scenario based training than the previous lateral class (113) allowing for more evaluation of understanding of AFD Policies The exams to complete the ESD firefighters' Probation should consist of maps, resources and/or target hazards. They should not, however, test on Policies, as this has been completed during the Lateral Transfer period There will be more scenario based training than the previous lateral class (113) allowing for more evaluation of understanding of AFD Policies The exams to complete the ESD firefighters' Probation should consist of maps, resources and/or target hazards. They should not, however, test on Policies, as this has been completed during the Lateral Transfer period Each probationary module, would be practiced and be tested by their Captain. The practices are required and test results would be placed in RMS No test on skills at the end of probation. Review Upcoming ESD firefighter pay scale survey question www.local975.org Please, EVERYONE, watch the videos, review the materials and take the upcoming surveys. Vote in February on the Final ESD Merger Template This up/down vote will decide if the AFA membership chooses to venture down the road of creating a metro fire department or not