Stationing Code 2015 - Ministers

Stationing Code of Practice for
ministers involved in Stationing 2015
The Context
Methodism: a connexional Church
Committed to the best use of resources for the
good of the whole church
Committed to best & consistent practice
Committed to trust & prayerful discernment
Free from all wrongful forms of discrimination
Ministry: an itinerant system
Attention to the needs of the Circuits
Ministers matched to appointments
Attention to needs & aspirations of ministers
Supreme Court ruling
Ministers are not employees
There is no contract with the circuit (or indeed with
anyone else)
All Ministers are stationed annually by the
(consultation, CPD, but not consent!)
A two-part process
1. Consideration of current invitation [June –
Should the present invitation be extended ?
Vocational Reflection & Circuit Consultations
Discernment & Recommendation (up to 5 yrs)
Circuit Meeting Decision
New letter of understanding
2. Stationing [September onwards]
What ministry should I exercise next ?
Writing & reading profiles
The Matching Process
Part One: Consideration of current
invitation: an overview
Initial preparations*
Briefing of those involved
Consultation with minister
Consultation with churches
Preparing a recommendation and CIC
The Circuit Meeting
Letter of understanding or seeking new
1. Initial Preparations
Personal prayer & reflection [D6]
Who else could help me discern the way ?
Where am I being led in ministry ?
What is my experience in this appointment so far ?
What are the opportunities for development here ?
How do my gifts match the future needs of the Circuit ?
What other factors are important ?
Colleagues; mentor; spiritual director ?
Stationing Advisory Committee?
Personal support
What are my anxieties?
Who might walk this journey with me?
2. Consultation with minister part 1.
Chair & Lay Stationing Rep
Exploring the vocational journey
Reviewing the current factors
Circuit Stewards (& Invitations Committee)
Initial reflections
Personal and vocational aspirations
2. Consultation with minister part 2.
Feedback from Circuit stewards
Meeting with Invitations Committee
Exploring feedback
Reflection on response to feedback
Who reflects on it with you if it is difficult?
Hearing feedback and response
Personal and vocational aspirations
Opportunity for conversation
On-going conversation and support
3. Briefing
Circuit stewards and church stewards
Presbyters & Deacons
Others involved in the process
4. The Consultation Process
Questions to be asked *
People to be consulted
Within the local churches
As ecumenical or community partners
Discernment & recommendation
Right to prepare alternative statement
Asking Appropriate Questions
What are the gifts & skills you appreciate ?
Are pastoral needs being addressed ?
Are styles of worship helpful ?
Has there been outreach to the community ?
How might a change of ministry affect
ecumenical or community partners ?
What ongoing work would benefit from
continuity ?
Is there a need for a change of ministry to
bring different gifts & skills
Asking appropriate questions for a
diaconal appointment
In what ways has the vision… developed ?
Have the expectations of the Circuit and
Deacon been met ?
Has the work developed in new directions ?
How does the appointment relate to Circuit
priorities ?
What kind of ministry does the Circuit wish to
offer and to whom ?
Is a different set of gifts/skills now needed?
5. Preparing a recommendation
Circuit stewards receive reports & check
range of those consulted
Circuit Stewards produce report of
consultation & share with minister
Invitation Committee meets to receive
written report, hear minister’s reflections
and produce written recommendation, with
5. Preparing a recommendation
Invitations Committee
Recommendation shared with
Minister, District Chair & Lay
Stationing rep
 circulated to Circuit Meeting
 Right to prepare alternative statement
 NB E11 re unopposed extension
6. Circuit Meeting
Ct Stewards present recommendation
Minister can address meeting and/or respond
to points raised in discussion
If no opposition registered, recommendation
taken as agreed; otherwise…
Minister (and any family member)leaves
before ballot vote taken
60% of those present & voting required for reinvitation;
75% if for 11th or more years
Minister informed of result
7. After the circuit meeting
Letter of understanding
Importance of using template
Subject to the Conference
Seeking of new appointment
What kind of appointment?
What do I need to say to the church in terms of
important considerations?
Part Two: Stationing
The Minister’s Profile
The Circuit Profiles
The Matching Process for Presbyters
The Matching Process for Deacons
The Visit
The Invitation & Letter of Understanding
Before September 2015
The Minister’s Profile
What is it for ?
How is it prepared ?
By you – checked by those who know you ?
In consultation with the Chair
When is it needed ?
To describe you: experience, gifts, aspirations
To inform the matching process
25 September (Chair & Warden)
Other Options ?
The Circuit Profiles
Profiles dispatched by 17 October
Identify possible matches
Consult Chair re 5 (3) best matches +
NB no direct contact allowed
The Matching Process [H1-12/M1-2]
Matching process:
Matching practice:
3-6 Nov/1-2 Dec: SMG 1 & 2
5-6 January:
Initial Stationing Sub-committee
13 January:
Ministers are matched to appointments
Each appointment is matched as it is called
Stationing Matching Group
until 31 May 2015
The Visit [I1-13; N1-12]
Within 10 days of the matching process
Normally Saturdays – 8 or 15/11; 6 or 13/12;
mutual discernment – not interview!
Information pack
Programme – Presentation?
Conversation with Invitations Committee
Hospitality & family considerations ?
Invitation & Letter of Understanding
The Circuit issues the invitation – or not
Delegated authority for Invitation Cttee ?
Special Circuit Meeting in place ?
Feed-back to Circuit (& Chair) within 2 days
Letter of Understanding
confirming any verbal agreements re (eg)
Tasks, Manse, Resources etc.
Before September 2014
Agree how you will keep in touch
eg re Manse; Circuit changes; dates etc.
Help current Churches & Circuit prepare for
new ministry
Plan well for ‘good endings’
Note Charter for Incoming Ministers
CPD p. 741
applies to your successor too!
Key Dates & Deadlines
By 20 September - Circuit Meeting
25 September - all profiles to Chair/Warden
By 17 October – Circuit profiles available
6 November/2 December – matches emerge
8/15 November – 1st round visits
6/13 December – 2nd round visits