Institute for Gender Studies - Radboud University

Institute for Gender Studies - Radboud University Nijmegen January 23, 2014
Transnational Families, Migration and the Law - Seminar - 18 February 2014
One of the consequences of transnational developments is the existence of transnational
families: families that have kin ties across national borders. In this seminar, we look at the
role law plays in the lives of transnational families. In their everyday activities and
relationships they are at least potentially influenced by multiple sets of law and institutions
and they may be orientated to plural and possibly fundamentally different legal systems and
normative orderings at the same time.
Date: Tuesday February 18, 2014
Time: 12.30 - 15.00 uur
More information: Agenda Institute for Gender Studies.
Transnational Divorce in Dutch-Moroccan and Dutch-|Egyptian Families - PhD defence
- 18 February 2014
Iris Sportel will defend her thesis "Maybe I’m still his wife”. Transnational Divorce in DutchMoroccan and Dutch-|Egyptian Families
Date: Tuesday February 18, 2014
Time:16.30 sharp
Place: Aula, Radboud University Nijmegen
More information: Defence Iris Sportel
Moedermelk in kunst, cultuur & gezondheidszorg - IVD Lezing- 13 maart 2014 (In
Willy Jansen verzorgt dit jaar ter ere van Internationale Vrouwendag de jaarlijkse lezing aan
de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Waarom werd het beeld van de borstvoedende Maria zo
beroemd in de katholieke religieuze kunst? En waarom is zij tegenwoordig bijna alleen nog in
musea te vinden?
Volgens de koran creëert moedermelk een verwantschapsband wanneer een vrouw daarmee
een ander dan haar eigen kind voedt. Welke macht hebben islamitische vrouwen aan deze
leerstelling ontleend? In de Nederlandse multiculturele gezondheidszorg worden zogende
moeders opgeroepen een deel van hun melk af te staan voor andere baby’s. Wordt daarbij wel
rekening gehouden met de opvattingen van islamitische moeders waarin melkverwantschap
vergelijkbaar is met bloedverwantschap? Na de lezing toont Margriet Smulders, Nijmeegs
kunstenaar en fotograaf, aan de hand van haar werk de zachte kwaliteiten van melk en
moederschap. Vooraf is een lunch voor RU medewerkers (opgeven voor lunch is
Tijd: 13.00 - 14.00 uur
Plaats: RU, Zijzaal De Refter.
Meer informatie: Agenda Institute for Gender Studies
Vrouwen in de Spotlight - Congres - 13 maart 2014 (In Dutch)
Voor iedereen gratis toegankelijk een congres met lezingen rondom het thema Inspanning &
Stress, georganiseerd door het Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren van de Radboud
Universiteit Nijmegen ter ere van Internationale Vrouwendag
Datum: donderdag 13 maart 2014
Tijd: 14.45 - 17.45 uur
Locatie: De Lindenberg Nijmegen
Meer informatie: Nieuws Institute for Gender Studies
Rebecca Jordan Young - Nijmegen Gender Studies & Sexualities Lecture I - 25 March 2014
Rebecca Jordan-Young is currently KNAW Visiting Professor at the Institute for Gender
Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen. She is Tow Associate Professor of Women's, Gender,
and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College, and Director of the Science and Social Difference
Working Group at Columbia University. June 2013 she gave the first Nijmegen Gender and
Sexualities Lecture at the Institute for Gender Studies. March 25 she will present her new
Time: 12.30 - 14.00 uur
Place: to be announced
More information: Nijmegen Gender Studies & Sexualities Lectures
Practices of intersectionality - Symposium - 27 March 2014
This one day symposium focuses on how intersectionality is done in a variety of contexts and
to explore the ideas, concepts and challenges on practices of intersectionality in management,
academia, politics, the economy and society at large.
Date: 27 March
Time & place: to be announced
More information: Agenda Institute for Gender Studies
Curt Rice - Nijmegen Gender Studies & Sexualities Lecture II - April 10, 2014
Confessions of a sexist man: How implicit bias holds women back and what we can do about
Curt Rice is curently a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, where he is
writing a book on implicit bias and how it affects the career trajectories of men and women
differently, especially in academia. He has been involved in many European projects on issues
related to gender equality in research institutions and has written extensively on this topic,
including pieces in The Guardian, Inside Higher Ed, The Telegraph, Aftenposten,
Morgenbladet and many others; he was also recently interviewed in Opzij. Rice has also just
been named by the Norwegian Minister for Education and Research to be the new head of the
Norwegian Committee on Gender Balance in Research ( For a sample of Rice’s
perspectives and an overview of his activites, see In this talk, he will argue that
many of the structural barriers women encounter are rooted in implicit bias and he will
discuss some of the responses people in leadership positions can effectuate to reduce these
Time: 12.30 - 14.00 uur
Place: GN1
More information: Nijmegen Gender Studies & Sexualities Lectures
Things to Remember: Materializing Memory in Art and Culture – Conference - 5 & 6
June 2014
Memory matters. It matters because memory brings the past into the present, and opens it up
to the future. But it also matters literally, because memory is mediated materially. Materiality
is the stuff of memory. Meaningful objects that we love (or hate) function not only as aidemémoire but as memory itself.
Date: 5 & 6 June
Place: Faculty of Arts
The conference committee: Marguérite Corporaal, Vincent Meelberg, László Munteán,
Liedeke Plate, Anneke Smelik, Lianne Toussaint, Wouter
More information: website genderstudies and the at the Art Faculty website.
CFP: Locating voices of marginalised “others”: strategies for engaging textual, visual
and material sources – deadline April 1, 2014 - more info below and in the attachment.
Workshop organisers: Maaike Derksen and Margriet Fokken
Abstracts (ca. 300 words) of a paper can be send before 1 April 2014 to Maaike Derksen
and Margriet Fokken:
Key note speaker: Dr. Kim Wagner (Queen Mary University of London)
The workshop will take place at Friday 29th of August 2014, 10.00 a.m. – 18.00 p.m.
Venue: Radboud University Nijmegen, Erasmusplein 1, E 2.18
In this workshop, we aim at bringing together historians working on colonial history, in order
to discuss the problematics of engaging textual, visual, and material sources, and further
develop our analytical strategies for locating voices of marginalised ‘others’.
We aim at bringing together 6-8 scholars who submit a paper of approximately 4,000 words
as well as another 12-14 scholars who want to engage with us without presenting a paper, as
they have a particular interest in this subject and want to exchange experiences with fellow
researchers. Those submitting a paper are invited and encouraged to write and reflect on
their own experiences with engaging colonial knowledge and institutional archives.
CFP: Workshop 9 Power, Privilege and Disadvantage: Intersecting Gender and
Diversity Studies in the Politics of (in)Equality - Deadline 1 March 2014 - more info
below and in the attachment.
Eline Severs – Vrije Universiteit Brussel –
Marleen van der Haar – Radboud University Nijmegen –
Op 12 en 13 juni 2014 vindt de 13de editie van het Politicologenetmaal plaats.Graag vestigen
we jullie aandacht op de “Call for papers” voor workshop 9 rond ongelijkheden. Deadline
voor papervoorstellen is 1 maart 2014. Gelieve een papervoorstel van maximaal één pagina te
sturen naar Marleen van der Haar ( en Eline Severs
( vernemen voor 15 maart 2014 of jullie paper geselecteerd is
voor de workshop. Het is ook mogelijk om aan het Etmaal deel te nemen zonder een paper te
presenteren. In dat geval verzoeken we jullie om ons jullie interesse tot deelname kenbaar te
maken.Zie hieronder en bijlage voor meer informatie.
Content: The intersectionality paradigm has been crucial in bringing together research on
‘gender’ and ‘diversity’. The understanding that social world privileges and disadvantages –
such as those based on gender, ethnicity/‘race’ and class – do not exist independently of each
other but are intertwined and mutually reinforcing has indicated the shortcomings of studying
single markers of inequality (cf. Crenshaw 1989; Collins 1990). The notion of ‘complex
inequality’ (cf. Jordan-Zachery 2007) has resulted in a variety of studies based on multiple
research traditions: While large N studies have mainly set out to research how intersectional
systems of power – such as, for instance, patriarchy, racism, heteronormativity, and ‘able-ism’
– affect the lives of sets of people differently (cf. McCall 2005; Choo and Ferree 2010), case
studies have researched individuals’ intersectional self-identifications and complex resistancebuilding strategies (cf. Prins 2005; Severs et al. 2013).
Building from these studies, this panel aims to further critical exchanges between ‘gender’
and ‘diversity’ scholars. By investigating the complexities of social relations of power,
privilege, and subordination, we aim to further our understanding of social inequalities, and
the processes and institutions through which these are maintained, challenged or otherwise
affected. We welcome studies that investigate processes of differentiation (such as,
‘gendering’), systems of domination (such as patriarchy, heteronormativity, racism), or
individuals’ reactions against such processes and systems (such as, ‘resistance-building’
strategies). We equally welcome papers that research the politics of (in)equality, for example
via investigating its framing in policies and politics. In addition, we aim to stimulate
methodological reflections (e.g.: ‘how can intersectional inequalities be studied?’; ‘how to
generalise on the basis of individuals’ experiences?’; etc.), and innovative theorising (e.g., on
the relation between systems of domination).
This panel welcomes paper contributions that 1) present empirical findings on inequality, 2)
theorise on inequalities and their relation to power and politics at large, or 3) address analytic
concerns related to studying social positionings and their implications for in- and exclusion.
The working language of the panel is English. Papers may be written in Dutch or English.
Hideous (wo)men - Toneelstuk - 6 en 7 februari - LUX Nijmegen
6 en 7 februari staat Toneelgroep Oostpool met de voorstelling Hideous (wo)men in bij LUX
Nijmegen.In een televisiestudioachtig laboratorium vindt een experiment plaats met mensen
zoals wij. Mensen die personen proberen te zijn. Mensen die mannen of vrouwen spelen.
Mensen die denken dat ze uit één stuk bestaan maar in werkelijkheid niet meer zijn dan een
opeenvolging van fragmenten. Kaarten en meer informatie: LUX Nijmegen.
Women & Islam: New Perspectives - Documentary - online in Dutch and English version
Colleagues Karen Vintges en Nuria Andreu produced a documentary about women and
feminism in Marocco as part of the project Women & Islam: New Perspectives.
The original version for screening is availble by sending an email to Karen Vintge:
Sinds 1990 heeft zich wereldwijd het zogenaamde ‘islamitisch feminisme’ ontwikkeld.
Moslimgeleerden hebben zich opnieuw gebogen over islamitische historische tradities en over
interpretaties van de Koran. Zij wezen op de actieve rol van vrouwen in de geschiedenis van
de islam en in Moslimsamenlevingen vandaag de dag. Leila Ahmed, Asma Barlas, Ziba mir
Hosseini en Amina Wadud (1), en eerder de Marokkaanse wetenschapster Fatima Mernissi,
hebben betoogd dat de belangrijkste principes van de Koran egalitair in karakter zijn en dat de
tekst het beginsel van geleidelijke hervorming voorstaat. In veel moslimlanden bestaan
moslimorganisaties die een feministische agenda hebben en die gelijke rechten voor vrouwen
opeisen in alle domeinen van het leven. In het Marokko van vandaag bestaat de sociale
beweging voor de verbetering van de positie van vrouwen uit veel verschillende stemmen en
stromingen, van seculiere en religieuze huize. Nieuwe perspectieven ontstaan voor coalities
van religieuze en seculiere feministen, die een ‘geest van samenwerking’ laten zien (2).
(1) Amina Wadud, De Koran en de vrouw, Bulaaq, 2008.
(2) Zakia Salime, Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in
Morocco. Minneapolis and London, 2011.
Since the 1990’s new perspectives and practices have emerged under the label of ‘Islamic
feminism.’ Muslim scholars have highlighted the active role of women in Islamic history and
the ethical-spiritual message of the Qur’an. Leila Ahmed, Asma Barlas, Ziba Mir Hosseini (1)
and Amina Wadud, have argued that the key assumptions of the Qur’an, and its overall worldview are egalitarian (as was earlier argued by Moroccan scholar Fatima Mernissi), and that
the text emphasizes the principle of gradual reform. In many Muslim countries women
organisations feature a feminist agenda, demanding equal rights for women in every domain
of life and society. In Morocco today, the social movement demanding improvement of
women’s positions, entails many voices and vocabularies, secular as well as religious
ones. New perspectives are emerging for coalitions of religious and secular feminists, that
involve a ‘Spirit of Cooperation’ (2).
(1) Ziba Mir-Hosseini, ‘The Quest for Gender Jusitice: Emerging Feminist Voices in
Islam.’ Islam 21, no. 36, May 2004 (see
(2) Zakia Salime, Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco.
Minneapolis and London, 2011.
Best wishes,
Claudia Krops