Institute for Cultural Inquiry, ICON Faculty of Humanities

Institute for Cultural Inquiry, ICON
Faculty of Humanities
ICON News Bulletin 3
April 2014
1. Promoties/oraties
2. Bijeenkomsten
3. Openstaande calls
4. Subsidies en prijzen
5. Overige
1. Promoties/Oraties
17 maart 2014 Mw. T. de la Hera Conde-Pumpido (Geesteswetenschappen)
prof.dr. J.F.F. Raessens
dr. S Lammes
Titel proefschrift: Persuasive Structures in Advergames. Conveying Advertising
Messages through Digital Games
16 mei 2014
Mw. Karin van Es
Titel proefschrift: The Paradox of Liveness: From the Broadcast Media Era to the
Social Media Era.
Promotoren: Prof. dr. J.S. de Leeuw
Prof. dr. E. Müller
Co-promotor: dr. J. Keilbach
2. Bijeenkomsten
The last but one seminar session of this season’s Media & Performance Seminar will take place on
Wednesday, 16 April
Muntstraat 2A, room 1.11
Pedro Manuel (UU) will give a talk on “Scientific Experiments as Performance of Nature”. You will find
three texts and one image in the attachment:
- "The medium on the stage - Trance and Performance in nineteenth century Spiritualism", by
Simone Natale
- "Nervous Drammaturgy: Pain, Performance and Excess in the work of Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot",
by Jonathan Marshall
- "Electrical body manipulation as performance art - a historical perspective", by Arthur Elsenaar and
Remko Schar
- and a picture about Mesmerism found in the internet
Also, there is a new Facebookpage on Media & Performance Studies which we invite you to have a
look at and which you can “like” if you like. It is not exclusive to the seminar or the Utrecht MA
program, but a more general page, set up in Utrecht with the aim to expand. Seminar invitations and
other news and events will be posted regularly. See:
Intensive Workshop UU Strategic Theme Institutions of the Open Society
“Equality, Inclusion and Its Discontents”
Wednesday April 16, 2014
Welcome: 13.30 - 14.00 hrs
Start: 14.00 - 17.00 hrs
With drinks afterwards
Location: Raadzaal, Achter Sint Pieter 200, Utrecht
Equality, Inclusion and Its Discontents
Although structural social, cultural and economic inequalities obviously exist, we cannot
assume to know their inner workings and precise effects. Patterns of in- and exclusion
are surprisingly rigid and flexible at the same time. Women and other underprivileged
subjects carry the 'sticky signs' (Ahmed 2004: 92), of histories of exclusion and
inequality. Throughout the major institutional transformations and crises of several
centuries, gender and ethnicity have shown great resilience as categories of in- and
exclusion. This necessitates research methodologies which allow for both generalization
(social and economic history, statistics, cohort studies, comparative research,
economics) and case studies (historical and cross-cultural comparisons, ethnography,
affect studies).
That is to say, if we want to understand how institutions that are in the middle of
transformation work towards social equality and inclusiveness from the perspective of
gender and ethnicity we necessarily will have to combine quantitative and qualitative
methods. Gender Studies have a long tradition of this type of interdisciplinary research.
Core findings include that Gender as it functions in the world today is always connected
with race/ethnicity, sexuality, class, generation, etc, and must be considered
'intersectionally' (Crenshaw 1989). Intersectional research therefore has demonstrated
how combinations of categories of power difference lead to interference patterns, or “an
increase or specification of inequality” (Verloo 2009: 10). Equally crucial is the
understanding that – as other patterns of in- and exclusion - gender plays a role on the
individual, structural, and symbolic levels of our existence (Scott, 1986). Individual
choices, opportunities and restraints should therefore be studied as embedded in both
gendered divisions of labour, power, income, agency and gendered social imaginaries,
i.e. gendered access to the power of definition. Hierarchical distinctions between public
and private spheres have been (and still are) crucial in constituting gendered patterns
of inequality. This implies that fundamental research on the role of institutions in the
production of equality, inclusion and social mobility should address the way the
boundaries between public and private domains work. This is especially urgent at a
moment in time when transformation of institutions seem to result in blurring of these
boundaries. Tasks that were previously performed by the state (welfare provision, social
services, mental health care, education, security) become the responsibility of
individuals (home care), are allocated to private commercial enterprises (for instance
school entrance trainings, security firms) or hired help (nannies, cleaning, care for
elderly). At the same time, the call for government-steered forms of control,
intervention, and prevention increases also, and intrusions of privacy are no longer
considered by many as problematic but perhaps even as desirable (Van den Berg and
Duyvendak 2012). How can we study the interaction between such institutional
transformations and the hierarchical dichotomies between masculinity and femininity,
autochtonous and non-autochtonous, Western and non-Western?
The central question which will be addressed in the Intensive Workshop is: What
happens when new institutional, cultural and social practices challenge and redefine
distinctions between public and private? How do the struggles for new institutional
forms interact with patterns of in and exclusion along lines of gender and ethnicity?
The steering group of the IOS pillar Equality, Inclusion and Social mobility (EIS) has
invited three UU scholars to present their interdisciplinary and jointly executed research
plans as well as intended research proposals to the wider Institutions community. UU
and other researchers are cordially invited to join this intensive workshop in order to
get an insight in the way in which multidisciplinary analysis is deployed within the
Humanities, Anthropology and Law studies in order to analyse processes of in- and
exclusion at the intersections of public and private domains. Additionally, participants
are invited to discuss the proposed projects and possibly become partner in one of the
envisioned research applications to be submitted and/or conferences to be organized.
Speakers and referents include Dr. Susanne Burri (Law, UU), Dr. Marieke van Eijk
(Gender Studies, UU), Dr. Deen Freelon (Political Communication, American University,
Washington), Dr. Mirko Schäfer (Mediastudies, UU), Prof. dr. Berteke Waaldijk (Gender
Studies, UU).
The afternoon will be chaired by Prof. dr. Rosemarie Buikema (Gender Studies, member
of the steering group EIS).
Please register with Linda Westerink before April 14:
Cultures, Citizenship, and Human Rights (CCHR)
Tuesday 27 May 2014
12:00h - 14:30h
Raadzaal, Achter Sint Pieter 200, Utrecht
Cultures, Citizenship, and Human Rights is a new focus area of Utrecht University that
conducts research on the cultural factors that shape citizenship in Europe today.
Citizenship is established in a public arena where law and culture interact, where
divergent values encounter each other, and culture influences the way in which
processes of in- and exclusion as well as human rights are constituted both locally and
globally, in Europe as well as elsewhere in the world. Who belongs where, who is protected by
the law and whose voice counts are issues subject to renegotiation and redefinition.
More insight into the convergence and tensions among the cultural, political, and legal
foundations of citizenship is therefore vital to a better understanding of inclusive and
resilient societies.
Cultures, Citizenship, and Human Rights kicks off in May 2014 as a research initiative of
the faculties of the Humanities (GW), Law and Governance (REBO), and the Social
Sciences (FSW). The members of the participating research programmes develop
interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of three research lines: Mediation,
Sovereignty, and Contestation. The programme will be directed by Rosemarie Buikema
(GW), Antoine Buyse (REBO), Ton Robben (FSW).
The afternoon will be dedicated to the introduction of the research
goals and funding possibilities of the programme. The three leading
will briefly introduce ongoing and future research projects. Project
of the participating research programmes will announce new
initiatives and projects to be jointly developed in the context of
research focus area CCHR. Lunch will be provided.
lines, the
this new
Thus we welcome you all to meet on Tuesday May 27 and to get to know fellow
researchers working on similar themes and to intensify existing research
Details on the programme will follow soon.
Please register before May 20, 2014:
Discussieavond ‘Geschiedenis & Games’
door de Vereniging Geschiedenis, Beeld en Geluid
Datum: 14 april 2014
Inloop: 19:30
Aanvang: 20:00
Locatie: IJsfontein, Haarlemmerweg 4, Amsterdam (aan het Westerpark)
Toegang gratis
Steeds vaker is de geschiedenis bron voor spellenmakers. Commerciële gamestudios
brengen de recente geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog (Call of Duty)of het
Florence van de Medici en de Renaissance (Assassin's Creed) tot leven. En ook in
serious games komt de geschiedenis vaak naar voren. Bijvoorbeeld de recente
geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, zoals in de aan het gelijknamige NPSprogramma verbonden game 13 in de oorlog, ontwikkeld door IJsfontein. Maar ook de
geschiedenis buiten het bereik van het 'collectieve geheugen', bijvoorbeeld in de
onlangs gelanceerde app Het spel van de Gouden Eeuw, ontwikkeld door de
gamedesigners van Monkeybizniz.
Tijdens de discussie-avond 'Geschiedenis & Games' gaan gamedesigners Jan Willem
Huisman (IJsfontein) en Dimme van der Hout (Monkeybizniz) en universitair docent
nieuwe media en digitale cultuur René Glas (Universiteit Utrecht ) met elkaar en het
publiek in gesprek over dit onderwerp. Put je als gamedesigner inspiratie uit concrete
archiefbeelden van een periode of gebeurtenis, als die er zijn? En hoe geef je de
geschiedenis weer als er weinig of geen beeld is van een tijd? Hoe komt dan de
verbeelding van die geschiedenis tot stand? Moet je dicht bij een historische waarheid
blijven, of kun je die loslaten? Hoe ga je om met het collectieve beeld dat van een
bepaalde tijd bestaat?
U bent als GBG-lid van harte uitgenodigd voor deze discussie-avond. En stuur deze
uitnodiging graag ook door naar mogelijke andere geïnteresseerden!
Next PhD/Postdoc meeting: 12 juni 16.00 – 17.30 hrs
Agenda and location to be announced
Hooglerarenoverleg: 12 juni 15.00 – 16.00 hrs
Agenda and location to be announced
3. Openstaande calls
Aspasia Diversiteitsgelden
Vrouwelijke onderzoekers (m.u.v. hoogleraren) binnen de faculteit Geesteswetenschappen
kunnen een aanvraag indienen om hun onderzoeksprofiel te versterken. In de bijlage vinden
jullie meer informatie.
Voor onderzoekers die behoren bij het onderzoekinstituut ICON geldt het volgende:
Als je een aanvraag wilt indienen zorg er dan voor dat je vooraf toestemming hebt van jouw
leerstoelhouder (o.a. ivm eventuele onderwijsvervanging) en dat het departementshoofd en de
onderzoekdirecteur ICON zijn geïnformeerd.
Deadline voor indiening (bij Fleur de Haas) is 1 mei.
De procedure voor aanvraag is als volgt:
Aspasia heeft als doel het bevorderen van vrouwelijke wetenschappers tot universitair
hoofddocent (of hoogleraar). Aspasia is verbonden aan de NWO Vidi- en Vici-competitie.
Voorwaarde van Aspasia is dat een deel van de premie besteed moet worden aan
bredere activiteiten die de doorstroming van vrouwen aan hun instelling bevorderen;
daarvan is deze call een onderdeel.
Vrouwelijke onderzoekers (m.u.v. hoogleraren) binnen de faculteit
Geesteswetenschappen kunnen een aanvraag indienen om hun onderzoeksprofiel te
versterken. In deze ronde is er € 60.000 beschikbaar. Per aanvraag wordt maximaal €
6.000 uitgekeerd (voor het schrijven van een Veni-voorstel wordt maximaal € 3.000
Vrouwelijke onderzoekers kunnen een aanvraag doen voor o.a.:
vrijstelling van onderwijstijd om een onderzoeksaanvraag te kunnen schrijven.
een buitenlandverblijf
een coachingstraject
organiseren van een workshop
Voorwaarden voor de aanvraag:
de aanvraag is beknopt (maximaal 1 A-4tje)
de aanvraag gaat vergezeld van een CV
de aanvraag is goedgekeurd door de onderzoeksdirecteur
de begroting is goedgekeurd door de coordinator bedrijfsvoering van het betreffende
Voor vrijstelling van onderwijstijd en/of een buitenlandverblijf hebben de
onderwijsdirecteur en het departementshoofd toestemming gegeven.
Let op:
Ook promovendi die hun proefschrift bijna hebben afgerond mogen een aanvraag
indienen van maximaal € 3000 met als doel het schrijven van een onderzoeksvoorstel.
Het maakt voor de aanvraagprocedure niet uit of de onderzoeker al reeds eerder een
Aspasiasubsidie toegekend heeft gekregen.
Onderwijsvervanging kan aangevraagd op het niveau van de eigen salariskosten tot een
maximum van schaal 11/11. Bij 11/11 kan vanwege de 6000 EURO grens als maximale
vervanging niet meer dan 0.08 aangevraagd worden (= ongeveer 1 standaard
bachelorcursus met 30 inschrijvers). Bij lagere salarislasten kan, zo lang het binnen de
6000 EURO grens blijft, max. 0.1 aangevraagd worden.
De gelden mogen in 2014 en 2015 besteed worden.
• Deadline voor indiening is 1 mei. Aanvragen kunnen per e-mail ingediend worden bij
Fleur de Haas,
• De uitslag over de toekenningen zal eind mei medegedeeld worden. Na afloop van
de besteding van de gelden dient er een verslag (1 A4) ingediend worden met een
beschrijving en een financiële afrekening.
The Creating and Researching Absorption in Stories Conference
(CRASC) aims to provide researchers and creators with an
opportunity to discuss their mutual interests in the absorbing
power of stories.
We are pleased to announce the Creating and Researching Absorption in Stories
Conference, to be held at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from the 16th
to the 18th of July 2014.
We send you this call for poster proposals to invite you to present your research
results, ideas or absorbing narratives in the form of a poster during the conference.
Presenting a poster is a great opportunity to effectively induce a dynamic conversation
and obtain interesting and valuable feedback on your research or artwork. The
conference committee welcomes proposals for posters on absorption in various
narrative art forms, such as literature, film, games, music. But proposals on other ways
of storytelling designed to absorb their audience (e.g. trans-medial storytelling) are also
more than welcome. We especially encourage people from the creative industries who
are interested in collaboration with scientific partners on projects investigating
absorbing story telling to apply.
Abstracts of poster proposals are invited for submission. Abstracts should include: the
title of the poster; a list of five keywords, the research question(s); approach,
methodology and results. The abstract should be no more than 250 words, excluding
bibliographical references. Please also include the following information: the name(s) of
the author(s) and their affiliation(s), and the author’s e-mail address.
Abstracts must be received by 2 May 2014. The authors will be notified of acceptance
by 15 May 2014 by e-mail. Please send your abstracts in a PDF form to: Katalin
Further information on the program and guidelines on poster design will be found at
Frank Hakemulder, Ed S. Tan, Moniek Kuijpers, Miruna Doicaru and Katalin Bálint
4. Subsidies en prijzen
Leo Lousberg is the winner of the Utrecht History Award 2014. The prize was given for his
essay "Utrecht's Vanished Musical Heritage: A Twelfth-Century Antiphonary" ( ‘Verklonken
Utrechts erfgoed: een twaalfde-eeuws antifonarium)’ which discusses the remnants of a
liturgical book containing chants once sung at the former abbey of St Paul's in Utrecht. The
music fragments are now kept at the Special Collections of Utrecht University Library.
Lousberg graduated cum laude from the Research MA programmes in Musicology and in
Medieval Studies in 2013, making him the first student ever to take both degrees
simultaneously. He developed his prize-winning essay out of his Research MA thesis "EarlyTwelfth-Century Utrecht Responsories: A Quest for Musical Style Elements".
The Utrecht History Prize is awarded biannually by the Vereniging Oud-Utrecht and is
intended to stimulate new original research on the history of Utrecht province. The prize
includes a monetary award of EUR 2,500 as well as a plaque designed by Theo van de
Vathorst and will be handed out at the Utrechts Archief, Hamburgerstraat, on 4 June 2014.
The prize-winning essay will appear in print in the 2014 issue of Jaarboek Oud-Utrecht,
published by the Vereniging.
5. Overige
EU LLP EDGES, Joint European PhD in Gender and Women’s Studies
The Graduate Gender Programme of Utrecht University is a leading member of the EU LLP
EDGES (2013-2015).
EDGES is a Lifelong Learning Programme Project coordinated by the University of Bologna
that involves eight academic and non-academic European institutions (University of
Bologna, Italy; Central European University, Hungary; University of Granada, Spain;
University of Oviedo, Spain; University of Hull, UK; University of Lodz, Poland; University of
Utrecht, The Netherlands; and Associazione Orlando, Italy) which have a longstanding
experience in Women’s and Gender Studies.
EDGES aims to shape and develop a model for a European PhD in Women’s and Gender
Studies which focuses on the comparison and integration between different geographical,
historical, and socio-political contexts thanks to the collaboration and synergy among
universities that have different histories, experiences and expertise in the field of European
Feminism and Gender Studies.
EDGES will trigger an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to highlight crucial issues
such as women’s migration, violence on and exploitation of women’s body, traumatic
experiences in recent conflict areas, cultural and counter-memories, equal opportunities in
education, careers and job market, discrimination in sexual orientation, civil rights and
religious prejudices. EDGES will favour a vital change in the preparation of the next
generation of academic, business, public and third sector European leaders.
The Graduate Gender Programme is leader of the workpackage that designs and develops
the international doctoral curriculum on Women's and Gender Studies.
More information:
Nicole Immler, de afgelopen jaren als affiliated researcher verbonden aan het OGC
(focusgroep Cultures and Identities), is sinds 1 maart jl., mede op basis van een Aspasia
(NWO), vast verbonden aan de Universiteit van Humanistiek in Utrecht als docentonderzoeker geschiedenis, in het bijzonder rechtsherstel en herinneringscultuur. Daarnaast
zal zij in het kader van een Marie Curie Fellowship (EU) vanaf mei voor 2 jaar aan het NIOD
werken op het thema ‚Narrated (In)Justice’ binnen het onderzoeksprogramma
‚Understanding the Age of Transitional Justice: Narratives in a Historical Perspective’.