
The Colt Revolver
Invented by:
Samuel Colt
Written and Illustrated by:
Loegan Foisy
Colt Revolver
Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814 and died on January 10, 1862. He was an American
inventor from Hartford, Connecticut. Samuel Colt invented the percussion cap revolver in
1836. This weapon became known as the colt Patterson. The first cartridge revolvers finally
were produced around 1856. A revolver is a repeating firearm with 6-barrel chambers with
one shot at
a time. The first colt revolver was made in Patterson, New Jersey. It was made to protect the
Texas rangers, police, and the military of the time. It also helped for the protection of people
and sheriffs in the 1800's because of the outlaws. There are over 6 kinds of colt revolvers.
The Colt
Revolver is still of use in todays military. The colt revolver was used in the American,
Mexican, Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Korean and Vietnam wars and every conflict
since. Also the colt manufacturing business is still around thanks to Colts wife.
Samuel Colt
Samuel Colt was born on July 19,
1814. When he was a boy he
worked in his dads textile shop.
When he was 16 he made the first
Colt revolver. When he was 22 he
started his company. He sold
many colt revolvers to many
people. His business grew bigger.
But in 1862 he died. His
company is still a company today.
May 22, 2012
Linden Elementary
700 Robertsville Road
Dear Mr. Colt
Thank you for making the Colt Revolver,
It helped us win the Mexican war and the civil
It also protected people from being killed by
Loegan Foisy