Mullery Jean-Pierre - The New York City Leadership Center

Haiti Track
September 30th, 2010
New York, New York
~ Scott Hoffman & Tom Nolan
Welcome to all!
Today is a dramatic day of collaboration for the people that
have a heart for Haiti.
We know where we are. Let’s define together how we want to
move forward in the future.
The goal is to start a movement for what God’s want to do.
Scott Hoffman
Tom Nolan
Jean Chavanne, Luxon Saint Vilus & Samuel Pierre
>Briefly introduce yourself at your table and share with
your peers how you are currently involved with Haiti.
~ Mullery Jean-Pierre
Mullery is a senior pastor at Beraca Baptist Church located in Brooklyn NY.
Beraca Baptist Church is a predominately Haitian church with about seventeen different
nationalities worshiping every week-end.
He is the president of Beraca Community Development Corporation (BCDC).
Mullery Jean-Pierre
BCDC’s mission is “Rebuilding, Reviving and Creating Vibrant Communities. Since the
earthquake he has made four trips to Haiti in the central area of Leogane, the epicenter of the
earthquake. The BCDC has provided medical and dental care of over a thousand people;
food and crisis counseling for hundreds of families.
~ Paige Strackman “Who Can Compare To You”
Paige is the founder of LemonAID for Haiti which was established on one simple, but transformative, notion “that we can all
make a difference in the lives of impoverished children in Haiti “
With that in mind, in the summer of 2008, Paige’s three children (ages 11,9 and 4) started a lemonade in the Sheepshead
Bay neighborhood in Brooklyn. They raised $125 and were able to send 245 pounds of food to help feed children in Portau-Prince, Haiti. Since then with the support from other children, churches and corporation, LemonAID FOR HAITI has
provided: 60,000 meals for children in Port-au-Prince and Jasmel, Haiti.
Paige is a former Grammy Award winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir soloist.
Paige blessed us by singing “Who Can Compare To You”
~ Felix Augustin : Consul General of Haiti
I am a product of the church. I am very pleased and honored to be here. I am grateful for all you are
doing for Haiti. You are changing Haiti even though it is almost no where to be found on the map.
I am very concern for the people of Haiti.
Before Jan 12th, Haiti started to look up and we have to remember that. We have come down
again as a country. We have a lot of good people in Haiti working with their friends all over the world.
Felix Augustin
Why should you be involved?
Because they are not in my knowledge better people than the people
of Haiti! You know that if you understand our history, our art, our culture.
Felix is a native of Haiti .
He has served as Consul
General of Haiti since April
2004. His passion is to see a
better Haiti with an improved
political system under a true
democratic government.
We are fun loving people and we love God.
We hope that all of you are going to continue to help Haiti.
Haiti Overview History To Present Day
~ Glenn Smith: Urban Mission for Lausanne
My wife and I went to Haiti with World Vision a long time ago.
I have received so much because of my relationship with the Haitian people and the church.
How are we going to serve the Haitian people in this time of crisis. What are their needs?
Glenn Smith
Glenn is the Executive
Director of Christian
Direction in Montreal.
He is a professor of
urban theology and
missiology at two
Protestant faculties in
He has authored
several books and
numerous articles on
urban mission.
In the mind of appreciative inquiry let’s start by creating a context by making a historical Portrait
of Haiti: Haiti is an Island, It was divided around 1697 between the French (Haiti means
mountain.) 1804 is the second independence day, but then it was put in an embargo by the
French, the united Stated, and Great Britain so the countries would get back from it what they
had invested in it. Haiti was caught in the middle with The United States and Cuba.
-> “C’est le temps que ca change” said Jean Paul II when he visited Haiti in 1986.
The past 20 years have been years of political chaos that have affected all the people of Haiti.
The economy has been stagnant for a long time. We have this troublesome way to define
poverty in an economic way but poverty is about relationship. It is how relationship gets
affected. Haiti has a big malnutrition problem which affect the increase of the birth rate.
Western Union transfer back to Haiti more than 1 Billion dollars! Haiti is one of the most
corrupt place in the world. The Creole language is very passive as a language.
Voodoo plays a big part too in the culture of the island.
A place in Haiti is the Island. Local place is not a category in the social economics.
We need to plan new infrastructure seriously before we start rebuilding.
Emergency relief kills the Haitian leadership (as they do not speak English.)
We must not loose the vision of community development.
Our Experience Together
3 Best Ideas ~ Report
Table 1
Strong leaders and
community sense are
already in place.
Table 2
Increase of cooperation
between org & volunteers
Table 3
People are resourceful.
Deepening in Spirituality
Table 4
Incredible potential in Haiti
children. Serious openness
to the Gospel and lots of
vibrancy. New education
plan is in progress!
3 Best Ideas ~ Report
Table 5
Stop the corruption issue.
Government can be part of
the solution.
Discipleship can be a plan
to bring hope in Christian
Haitian leaders.
Table 6
The Church can do a better
job in helping. There is
togetherness that is
Gathering of leaders.
Bill Clinton told us : “It is time to work yourself out of a job”
Table 7
creation of Haiti 1: Vision
that focuses on existing
capacities that already exist.
Haiti has received a lot of the
world attention: increase the
transparency and
accountability. Sustainable
economic development.
Table 8
Expectations from the Haitian
people that this will be long
term solution. For the first time
they are looking at Haiti at a
place for the future. Haitians
are responsible and have
leadership. We need to bank on
that. The attention of the
western world is on Haiti so we
can not fail.
3 Best Ideas ~ Report
Table 9
Positive partnership
between Haitian churches
and American churches.
The hope of the humanity is
with the Gospel of Jesus
Table 10
Gospel has double in size.
Micro Enterprise is
essential in Haiti - it starts
at dawn till dusk.
People already have ways
to make do and we have to
follow their lead.
No one will care about
what until we care about
the people.
Table 11
We talked about retired folks to
go to Haiti and help train people.
One of the Haitian way to pray
is to pray out loud together.
We want to get individual
churches to know what are the
needs are so we can serve them
better in Port au Prince and on
the rest of the Island too.
Things better accomplished together ~
Table 1
The Lord gave us a blank
slate with Haiti.
There is a need to connect
for all of us to pursue what
we started.
Table 2
We need to address training
and counseling.
We want to listen to the
local churches and add onto
what they already are
Table 3
The importance of collaboration
and communication: Property
rights are not existing, The
Constitution does not allow for
land ownership outside of Haiti.
Table 4
Ning is a social network that
could be used before Haiti 1 gets
online. The Haiti Election need
to be successful to keep the fund
coming in. We need leaders of
integrity that are willing to
speak about difficult issues.
Develop a better plan for NGO
so we can show that we have a
Things better accomplished together ~
Table 5
The Church is the hub of
the community.
Focus on Education and
Micro Finance
Table 6
Creating a Clearing house
ministry .
We don’t need to reinvent the
wheel every time.
Maximize people enthusiasm.
Table 7
Empower the people
especially the woman as
they are the heart of the
Table 8
Do an assessment of what is
already being done.
A long term commitment is
Things better accomplished together ~
Table 9
Condense 3 biggest ideas
and agree on goals.
Table 10
We need set some time as
organizations to Fast and Pray
Have access to online database so
we can know what people are doing
there so we can help better.
Educating the younger in leadership
as they will be tomorrow’s leader
Table 11
Need of a physical base in
Personal Action Steps
Group Action Item
Closing & Prayer ~ Dennis Baril
Everyone in this room has a passion for Haiti and there is thousand of others just like us and we
don’t even know the others existed.
Haiti needs to stop being a nation of Silos.
We need to fix the collaboration and communication issues. The possibilities are enormous. We
need to change our broken model.
The Leadership Summit in Haiti is on Oct 26-27, 2010: You need to send your leaders to this
summit so we can all come together in some huge ways.
Dennis Baril
Dennis is the senior Pastor
of Community Covenant
Church in Rehoboth, MA.
His church recognized the
need for leadership
development within the elite
class of Haiti.
Jesus let’s unite together so we can improve the economic, the families, the leadership.
Guide us and unite us to let your glory shine
in the life of a child’s life because there is a possibility!
~ Amen ~
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points
Personal Action Points