The War of Roses

The national Flag of England
- The national day of
England is St George's
Day - 23 April .
St George's emblem was
adopted by Richard The
Lion Heart and brought
to England in the 12th
century. The king's
soldiers wore it on their
tunics to avoid
confusion in battle.
The emblem of England
• The national flower of
England is the rose. The
flower has been adopted
as England’s emblem
since the time of the Wars
of the Roses - civil wars
(1455-1485) between the
royal house of Lancaster
(whose emblem was a
red rose) and the royal
house of York (whose
emblem was a white
The Union Flag, known as the *Union Jack, is the national
flag of the United Kingdom.
It symbolises the administrative union of the countries of
the United Kingdom.
Timeline of the Kings and Queens of England
and the UK
1066 - 1154 The Normans
1154 - 1399 Plantagenets
1399 - 1461 The House of Lancaster
1461 - 1485 The House of York
1485 -1603 The Tudors
1603 - 1649 and 1660 - 1714 The Stuarts
1714 -1901 The House of Hanovarians
1901 -1917 and 1917 - Today Saxe-CoburgGotha and The Windsors
The Normans (1066-1154)
• The first Norman on
the English throne William the
Conqueror 1066 –
• The last Norman on
the English throneKing Stephen, the
grandson of William
the Conqueror (11351154)
The Plantagenets (1154 – 1399)
• a huge powerful family throughout Europe.
The first Plantagenet kings were the
Angevins, from Anjou, and later followed
related families of Lancaster and of York.
• The first Plantagenet king in England was
Henry II, great grandson of William the
Conqueror and the son of the German
Emperor ( who belonged to the House of
• He ruled for thirty-four years, but spent only
fourteen of them in England. Lived most of
his time in France.
The Plantagenets 1154 - 1399
There were 8
Plantagenet kings in
Richard I the Lionheart
(1189 – 1199)
spent in England only
10 months. He spoke
very little English.
spent most of his time
fighting in the
Was killed in a battle.
The House of Lancaster (1399-1461)
( 3 Kings)
• The first Lancastrian Henry IV came to the
English throne by force. He made his cousin
Richard II Plantagenet, abdicate, then
murdered him in prison and seized the crown
• the first English king who could read and
write easily in English was Henry V
• During the rule of Henry VI, the War of Roses
began between the Lancastrians and the
The House of York (1461-1485)
1461 - Edward IV (York) came to the throne
after defeating Henry VI (Lancaster) at the
Battle of Towton, in Yorkshire.
The House of Lancaster and the House of
York were the branches of the same family,
they both descended from Edward III
• The Struggle for power between the two
families was known as the War of the Roses
because the Lancaster emblem was a red
rose and the York emblem - a white rose. It
lasted 30 years ( 1455- 1485).
The War of Roses ( 1455- 1485).
• Richard III was the
last English
monarch to. have
been killed in battle.
• Henry Tudor, a Lancastrian,
defeated King Richard III, a
Yorkist at the battle of
Bosworth Field on 22August
The War of Roses ( 1455- 1485).
• King Richard III ( a
Yorkist) (killed in the
• Henry Tudor a
Lancastrian). After the
battle, Henry Tudor was
crowned as King Henry VII
Tudor (the first Tudor King).
Married Elisabeth of York.
The war of Roses
The house The House
• The House of TUDOR
The Tudors(1485-1603) -6 kings
and queens
Most school children learn
the following rhyme to help
them remember the fate of
each wife: "Divorced,
Beheaded, Died: Divorced,
Beheaded, Survived".
• Henry VIII(1491-1547),
is that he had six wives!
• Argued with the Pope
and made himself the
head of the new
'Church of England'.
• United England and
Wales under one
system of Government
The Tudors
• Elisabeth I (1558 - 1603)
made England Protestant
defeated the powerful
navy of Spain (Spanish
• Never married and was
known as the Virgin
• Her rule is remembered
as the Golden Age of
English history.
England advanced in
such areas as foreign
trade, exploration,
literature, and the arts.
The House of Stuarts (1603 -1714)
• 7 Stuart Kings and Queens.
• In 1603 James VI of Scotland (Mary Stuart’s son)
became also James I of England. He was the first
monarch to rule both countries and the first to call
himself 'King of Great Britain'.
• Civil (1642-1651) war between the supporters of
Parliament and supporters of the King
• 1649 - Charles I the Stuart was tried and
• England became a Republic for eleven years
from 1649 – 1660.
The house of Stuarts
• 1653 - 1658 - Oliver Cromwell, commander of the
army, became Lord Protector of England.
• 1660 - the Stuart line restored (Restoration)
• 1668 James II, a Catholic, was driven from his throne
by his own daughter and her Dutch husband,
Protestant William of Orange. William became king
by Parliament’s election not by right of birth.
• 1707 Queen Ann officially joined Scotland to
England by The Act of Union
• During the Stuarts rule England had become a
“parliamentary monarchy” controlled by a
The House of Hanovarians(Ha 1714 1901) Hanover)
In 1714 after Anne's death
the succession went to
the nearest Protestant
relative of the Stuart
line- George Louis, the
leader of the German
state of Hanover
6 British kings and
Queens from the
House of Hanover.
• Queen Victoria (1819-1901).
Victorian period lasted 64
years(1837-1901)During her
reign Britain became the
most powerful and richest
country in the world
1901 – present day - Saxe-CoburgGotha and the Windsors
• The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came to the
British Royal Family in 1840 with the
marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert,
son of Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha.
Queen Victoria herself remained a member of
the House of Hanover.
• In 1917 George V changed the German family
name Saxe-Goburg-Gotha to Windsor
because of the strong negative feelings in Britain
against Germany during World War I
The Windsors
• . There have been 4 Windsor sovereigns.
• George VI ( 1895-1952)(Windsor)
• was greatly admired by the British people
during the World War II for staying an
London when it was being bombed.
• was the last British King to be called
“emperor” and the first head of the
“Commonwealth”. Father of Elisabeth II.
Elisabeth II
• (b. 1926 -…) "
• ascended the throne on
6th February 1952;
crowned on 2nd June
• the 40th monarch since
William the Conqueror
obtained the crown of
England in 1066.
• the second-longestserving head of state in
the world, after King of
• The official Status : "Elizabeth the
Second, by the Grace of God of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and of Her other Realms and
Territories Queen, Head of the
Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. "
Elisabeth II
• Elisabeth II is also Queen of Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada,
Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and some
other small states and territories with total
population of about 128 million people.
• Head of the Commonwealth
• Supreme Governor of the Church of England
• commander-in Chief of the armed forces
• Duke of Normandy, Lord of Mann, Paramount Chief
of Fiji.
Functions of the sovereign
• opens Parliament,
• approves the appointment of the Prime
• gives her Royal Assent to bills,
• gives honors such as peerages,
knighthoods and medals.
• meets the Prime Minister every week and
receives copies of all Cabinet papers.
• formally summons and dissolves Parliament
• .
Elisabeth II
• Since 1947, has been married to Prince
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
• has four children ( Prince Charles, Princess
Ann, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward)
• eight grandchildren.
• The heir to the British throne is Elisabeth’s
eldest son Prince Charles.
• His children Prince William and Prince
Harry occupy in the line to the crown the
second and the third position.
The Queen's children
• Charles
Prince of Wales b.
m. Lady Diana
(divorced 1996)
(d. 1997)
m. Camilla Parker
The Queen's children
• Anne
Princess Royal
• b.1950
m. Captain Mark
(divorced 1993)
m. Commander
Timothy Laurence
The Queen's children
• Andrew
Duke of York b. 1960
m. Sarah Ferguson
(divorced 1996)
• Edward
Earl of Wessex
• b. 1964
m. Sophie Rhys-Jones
The Queen's Grandchildren
• Prince William of
• b. 1982
• Prince Harry of
• b. 1984
• The monarchy is hereditary
• Succession is automatic on the death of
the monarch
• the succession passes automatically to
the oldest male child, or in the absence of
males, to the oldest female offspring of the
• the monarch must be a Protestant.
• 1.What national flags make up the Union
• 2.What King began to establish
Protestantism in England?
• 3. What monarch was the first to be given
the title King of Great Britain?