投影片 - 中喬州華人基督教會Central Chinese American Baptist Church

Central Chinese American Baptist Church
主日 崇 拜
Please prepare our hearts for worship with silent prayers.
来到神的面前 一同敬拜神
Please turn your cell phone to vibrate mode
Great is Thy Faithfulness
1. 祢的信實廣大,我神我天父,全無轉動影兒,藏在祢心;
1. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father!
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not:
His grace unto me did abound.
副歌: 祢的信實廣大,祢的信實廣大,
Chorus: Great is Thy faithfulness, (x2)
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
2.春夏秋冬四季,有栽種收成,日月星辰時刻 循轉不止;
2. Summer and winter, and spring time and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.
副歌: 祢的信實廣大,祢的信實廣大,
Chorus: Great is Thy faithfulness, (x2)
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
3.Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
副歌: 祢的信實廣大,祢的信實廣大,
Chorus: Great is Thy faithfulness, (x2)
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
1. 有福的確據,耶穌屬我!我今得先嚐主榮耀喜樂!
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchased of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest;
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
Onward, Christian Soldiers
1. 信徒如同精兵,爭戰向前行,十字架為旗號, 先路導我程.
Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus, Going on before!
基督乃是統帥, 領我攻敵往,故當仰望勝旗, 前行入戰場.
Christ, the royal Master, Leads against the foe
Forward into battle, see His banner go!
信徒如同精兵, 爭戰向前行, 十字架為旗號, 先路導我程.
Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus, Going on before!
Onward, Christian Soldiers
2. 賴主勝利旗號, 撒但軍逃遁; 基督精兵奮進, 直趨凱旋門.
At the sign of triumph, Satan’s host doth flee;
On, then, Christian soldiers, On to victory!
信眾高唱頌歌, 地獄基震動; 弟兄皆當歡呼, 讚美聲須洪.
Hell’s foundations quiver, At the shout of praise;
Brothers, lift your voices, Loud your anthems raise!
信徒如同精兵, 爭戰向前行, 十字架為旗號, 先路導我程.
Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus, Going on before!
Onward, Christian Soldiers
3.教會主此寰宇, 行動如大軍, 弟兄奮勇前進, 步先賢後塵.
Like a mighty army, Moves the church of God;
Brothers, we are treading, Where the saints have trod;
我眾原非分裂, 我眾是一體, 希望信仰無二, 愛心亦合一.
We are not divided; All one body we,
One in hope and doctrine, One in charity.
信徒如同精兵, 爭戰向前行, 十字架為旗號, 先路導我程.
Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus, Going on before!
Onward, Christian Soldiers
4. 惟願主民前進, 歡然聯步行,大家同聲高唱.凱歌共申慶.
Onward, then, ye people, Join our happy throng,
Blend with ours your voices, In the triumph songs;
但願榮耀, 讚美, 歸基督我王.天使,世人一致, 永遠齊頌揚.
Glory, laud, and honor, Unto Christ the King;
This thro’ countless ages, Men and angels sing.
信徒如同精兵, 爭戰向前行, 十字架為旗號, 先路導我程.
Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus, Going on before!
本周金句 Weekly Bread
馬 太 福 音 12:50
50 凡
Matthew 12:50
50 For
whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is
my brother and sister and mother.”
Scriptures Reading
使 徒 行 傳 11:19-26 Acts: 11:19-26
19 那 些 因 司 提 反 的 事 遭 患 難 四 散 的 門 徒 直 走 到 腓 尼 基 和
20 但 內 中 有 居 比 路 和 古 利 奈 人 , 他 們 到 了 安 提 阿 也 向 希
21 主 與 他 們 同 在 , 信 而 歸 主 的 人 就 很 多 了 。
19 Now
those who had been scattered by the persecution that broke
out when Stephen was killed traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus
and Antioch, spreading the word only among Jews.20 Some of them,
however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch and began
to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord
Jesus. 21 The Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of
people believed and turned to the Lord.
22 這
23 他 到 了 那 裡 , 看 見 神 所 賜 的 恩 就 歡 喜 , 勸 勉 眾 人 , 立 定 心 志 ,
24 這 巴 拿 巴 原 是 個 好 人 , 被 聖 靈 充 滿 , 大 有 信 心 。 於 是 有 許 多
25 他 又 往 大 數 去 找 掃 羅 ,
26 找 著 了 , 就 帶 他 到 安 提 阿 去 。 他 們 足 有 一 年 的 工 夫 和 教 會 一
22 News
of this reached the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to
Antioch. 23 When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he
was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their
hearts. 24 He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great
number of people were brought to the Lord.
25 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 26 and when he found him,
he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with
the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called
Christians first at Antioch.
Let Others See Jesus In You
While passing thro‘ this world of sin,
and others your life shall view。
Be clean and pure without, within;
Let others see Jesus in you.
Let others see Jesus in you,
Let others see Jesus in you.
Keep telling the story, be faithful and true;
Let others see Jesus in you.
Your life's a book before their eyes,
They're reading it thro' and thro'
Say, does it point them to the skis,
Do others see Jesus in you?
Let others see Jesus in you,
Let others see Jesus in you.
Keep telling the story, be faithful and true;
Let others see Jesus in you.
Then live for Christ both day and night,
Be faithful, be brave and true,
and lead the lost to life and light.
Let others see Jesus in you.
Let others see Jesus in you,
Let others see Jesus in you.
Keep telling the story, be faithful and true;
Let others see Jesus in you.
Quiet Prayer