
Center for strategic development studies
17 April 2011
The Tunisian
Development, Liberty,
Citizenship, Dignity
The reasons behind the revolution
For decades, human dignity has been scorned by the
ruling powers in Tunisia
Liberties were scorned
Socio-economic rights were confiscated
Corruption was built into the power system
The enrichment of the mafia was generalised
In other words, daily crimes were organised against the
How did the Ben Ali regime handle
the revolution ?
Fire, Mohamed Bouazizi was the straw that
broke the camel’s back :
◙ His immolation sparked the start of the revolution;
◙ The peaceful protests of young people was launched on
17 December 2010 ;
◙ The initial reaction of the government was to marginalise the events;
◙ But the demonstrations grew as the number of victims increased;
◙ After 17 days of peaceful protests in the area of Sidi Bouzid, the protests
reached the neighbouring provinces.
How did the Ben Ali regime react in
the face of the revolution ?
◙ As usual, the regime intensified its
terrorising actions by killing more and
more people as was the case in
Kasserine and Tala;
◙ The young people’s peaceful
revolution intensified;
◙ Barriers ceded, the revolution
generalisted and the dictorial regime of
General Ben Ali fell on 14 January 2011.
Victims in numbers
During the peaceful revolution:
◙ Amongst civilians, 300 dead and thousands
injured following shootings on crowds;
◙ 0 victims agmonst the authorities;
These results show the contrasting attitudes:
- peaceful demonstrators;
- brutal authorities.
This revolution was led by the Tunisian civil society
- It organises itself, through the Republic,
to carry out its project;
- It is dedicated to participate in the reconstruction of the
country by offering concrete propositions;
- It offers its peaceful revolution to the heritage of humanity.
The Center for Strategic Development
Studies SBZ is a NGO
In partnership with citizens, it seeks to:
◙ identify and formulate specific needs;
◙ suggest solutions;
◙ offer the implementation and follow-up
of propositions made
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