Historical Background of Wide Sargasso Sea


Historical Background of

Wide Sargasso Sea

By Malka Hirsch

Authors background

 Wide Sargasso Sea was

Written in 1966 by a

Dominica born author

Jean Rhys.

 She was born in 1894 and moved to England when she was 16 years old (1910).

 Upon her arrival Jane

Eyre was one of the first novels she read.

Rhys’s life difficulties

 Rhys never adjusted to the move from the west indies to


 Rhys always felt cold and removed and imagined that the character Bertha Mason from the novel Jane Eyre must have felt the same.

 Rhys had chronic financial difficulties, she was marries three times and two of her husbands spent time in jail.

She was also a heavy drinker

Reasons for writing her Novel

 The portrayal of Bertha in Jane

Eyre always disappointed her.

 Since she came from the west indies and had difficulties adjusting in England the story had special significance to her.

 Rhys wrote Wide Sargasso

Sea as a response to stereotypes informed by

Bronte’s nineteenth century

English culture and social status.

 Rhys’s many difficulties led her to empathize with all kinds of human suffering regardless of the cause.

 Rhys develops the complex character of Antoinette

Cosway, who Bronte describes as a mere lunatic in the novel

Jane Eyre .

 Rhys’s empathy for

Bertha/Antoinette leads her to chose Bertha Mason’s ill fated marriage as a perfect subject to explore. Rhys takes the reader deep through her psyche as a way to better understand Bertha/Antoinette and the cause of her madness.

Colonialism in Jamaica

 Rhys and her character Antoinette both grew up in the

British controlled colony of Jamaica.

 The British Empire formally ruled Jamaica from 1670 as a result of the Treaty of Madrid.

 Sugar became a luxury commodity ever since the development of large scale sugar plantations during the 1640’s.

 There was a high demand for sugar after the British Empire seized control of the Island.

 By 1750 Jamaica was the most important British colony in the west indies.

 In 1834 the British parliament abolished all forms of slavery in their colonies.

 The sudden loss of a large slave population was devastating for the

Jamaican economy.

Antoinette: Life in the West


 Antoinette, the narrator for the first half of the story describes the difficulties of growing up in the 1830’s in Jamaica.

 There was a strong feeling of isolation and loneliness that she experienced as a white

Creole child in a predominantly black West


 Antoinette’s character’s family were once rich and owned many slaves, but experienced a decline in their fortunes and status after the abolition of slavery.

 One night locals surrounded her house and burnt it down leaving both Antoinette and her mother scarred.

 Antoinette was so traumatized that she is forced to go to a convent to recover. On the other hand the extent of the trauma leads her mother to go insane.

Antoinette: Marriage to


 Antoinette’s step father arranges her marriage to

Rochester when she is 17 years old.

 Rochester moves to

Jamaica to be with her and early on they are happily married.

 When Rochester leans about her mother's insanity he distances himself from her and their marriage deteriorates.

 As a result of a distanced marriage Antoinette begins to drink and attempts to use Voodoo to renew his interes.

 Rochester tries to subdue his wife but none of his tactics work, so he decides to take her back to England and lock her in the attic.

Works Cited

• Lagretta, Lenker T. "Cyclopedia of Literary Characters."

MagillOnLiterature Plus . Salem Press, Feb. 1998. Web. 10 Apr.


• Meyers, Linda J. MagillOnLiterature Plus . Salem Press, Mar. 1995.

Web. 10 Apr. 2011.

• Mikolajek, Stanley J. "The History of Jamaica: From Colonialism and

Slavery to Emancipation and Independence, Page 8 of 8."

Associated Content from Yahoo! - Associatedcontent.com

. 4 Feb.

2011. Web. 11 Apr. 2011.

<http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/6261402/the_history_of_j amaica_from_colonialism_pg8.html?cat=37>.

• Stiffler, Tiffany E. "Masterplots." MagillOnLiterature Plus . Salem

Press, Nov. 2010. Web. 10 Apr. 2011.

• Ziskin, Alan. "Identities & Issues in Literature;." MagillOnLiterature

Plus . Salem Press, Sept. 1997. Web. 10 Apr. 2011.
