People and Power – Germany 1918-1939

People and Power –
Germany 19181939
Conditions in Germany at
the end of WWI
Conditions in the country: lack of food, fuel,
medicine, soap, clothing.
Outbreak of Spanish flu: killed thousands of
Germans in winter of 1917.
Why did the Kaiser
 Mutiny at Kiel – loss of control of sailors, army
and workers
 German people hated the Kaiser because of the
conditions in Germany
 Germany’s allies had surrendered or had been
 USA entered war on Allies side in 1917 after
sinking of Lusitania
 America would not agree to peace unless the
Kaiser abdicated
Who governed Germany
after the Kaiser abdicated?
 Ebert, leader of the largest political party in Germany,
Social Democratic party
 SPD formed a provisional government until elections
could be held in 1919 to elect a proper government.
The Spartacist Rising
 The Spartacists (Communists) tried to overthrow the
government in January 1919 as they wanted to create a
revolution in Germany like had happened in Russia in 1917.
 They occupied public buildings, organised a general strike
and roamed the streets firing guns and putting up red flags
 5 days later Ebert sent in the Free Crops (Freikorps) They
were made up of ex soldiers who hated Communists and who
were well equipped
 The Free Corps recaptured many buildings held by the
Communists and shot and killed many Communists
 2 days later, 12th January, they shot and killed the leaders
of the Spartacists, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht
 The rising had failed.
What was the Weimar
 1919 elections - SPD won majority and formed new
 Known as the Weimar Republic as the government met
in the German town of Weimar.
 However, the Weimar Republic faced many threats in its
first few years which made it weak and ultimately helped
Hitler rise to power.
The Weimar Constitution
 All men and women over 20 had the vote.
 Freedom of religion, speech, to form and join political
 Right to a trial before being convicted of a crime.
 The government was elected by proportional representation
which meant small as well as large parties could be elected
into government.
 However, no one party could get a majority, so governments
had to be coalitions (made up of lots of different parties who
often wanted different things) This meant there could never
be a strong government.
 Also the President was elected by the German people but he
could run the country himself by passing emergency laws.
The Ruhr Crisis
 In 1921, Germany just about managed to pay its first instalment of 2
billion gold marks - most of this 2 billion was paid in coal, iron and wood.
 In 1922, Weimar Germany simply could not manage to pay another
 France and Belgium did not believe this – in January 1923 French and
Belgium troops took over the iron and steel factories, coal mines and
 Weimar government responded by ordering the workers in the Ruhr to
go on strike and it ordered all people in the Ruhr to passively resist the
French and Belgian soldiers.
 This meant that they were not to openly confront the French and
Belgian soldiers, simply that they were not to help them in any way
 This led to violence and over the next 8 months of the occupation, 132
people were killed and over 150,000 Ruhr Germans expelled from their
 The decision to go on strike in the Ruhr proved disastrous
for the German economy
 The striking workers had to be paid and to do this, the
government did the worst thing possible - it printed
money to cover the cost.
 This signalled to the outside world that Germany did not
have enough money to pay for her day-to-day needs
 Prices soon began to rise to match inflation.
 Very quickly, things got out of control and what is known
as hyperinflation set in. Prices went up quicker than
people could spend their money.
 People were paid by the hour and rushed to pass money to loved
ones so that it could be spent before its value meant it was
 Bartering became common - exchanging something for something
else but not accepting money for it.
 Pensioners on fixed incomes suffered as pensions became
 Restaurants did not print menus as by the time food arrived the
price had gone up!
 The very rich suffered least because they had sufficient contacts
to get food etc.
 The group that suffered a great deal - proportional to their income
- was the middle class. Their hard earned savings disappeared
overnight. Many middle class families had to sell family heirlooms
to survive. It is not surprising that many of those middle class who
suffered in 1923, were to turn to Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Why was the Weimar
Republic weak/unpopular?
 The constitution made it weak…
 Ebert blamed for signing the armistice – November
criminals: army felt they had been “stabbed in the back”
 Treaty of Versailles – Weimar government signed the
treaty on 28th June 1919
 Many enemies: political risings (Spartacists, Kapp
Putsch) and murders of political figures showed Weimar
republic was unpopular and weak
 Caused hyperinflation in 1923
Why did the Nazis gain
support during the 1920s?
Held meetings in beer halls – comfortable surroundings encouraged people to
Hitler was a good speaker
The SA intimidated people and impressed others with their discipline and smart
The Beer Hall Putsch gave the Nazis publicity in rural areas that had never
heard of them before and people felt sorry for Hitler when he was imprisoned.
Propaganda techniques, newspapers, posters and leaflets.
Promised to revenge the much hated Versailles
The Weimar Republic was unpopular due to the TOV and being unable to control
the country.
Why did the Nazis gain
support after 1930?
 Weimar Republic very unpopular when they did not help
the people during the depression.
 Hitler promised the people work, food, better pensions,
profit sharing for the workers. To help solve their
economic problems.
 Nuremberg Rallies
 SA continued to intimidate and impress people.
How did he gain control
of Germany in 1933?
 Reichstag Fire he blamed this on the Communist and asked
Hindenberg if he would pass the enabling law, this gave Hitler
power to pass any laws without Reichstag approval to protect
the country. This gave him the power of a dictator.
 Hindenberg could not appoint a successful Chancellor. Within 9
months Von Papen and Schliecher had failed due to their
unpopularity with the Reichstag. The only person who could
now do this job was Hitler. Hindenberg had to appoint him as
Chancellor in Jan 1933. He was now the leader.
 Hindenberg died in August 1934 and Hitler combined the
president and chancellor’s positions together to become the
Fuhrer. He now had total power.
How did Hitler control
his country?
First he took control over the whole country, previously there was 18 states in Germany under
independent control, he eventually combined them together under his control.
Got rid of Trade Unions in May 1933 – took over their buildings and funds and arrested and
imprisoned the leaders.
Got rid of political opposition – May 1933 took over buildings and funds and again arrested
the leaders. He passed a law to prevent any political opposition.
SS got rid of the SA when Rohm it’s leader wanted more power. This earned the SS the job
of Germany’s police force when they got rid of the SA.
Hitler controlled his country using the SS. People would inform on you if you said anything
against Hitler or the Nazis and the SS would come to your home and remove you permanently.
He also used the Nazi Party with it’s 5,000 members to control it’s people. Towns were
divided into small areas (blocks) which were supervised by a Nazi block leader. If you spoke
against the Nazis than you would disappear.
He also started the Nazi youth movements which brainwashed and controlled Germany's
youth. They would also inform on their parents and friends if they said anything.
How did Hitler deal with
his opposition?
 Before the Sa were wiped out they were brutal in their
dealings with any opposition.
 The SS removed any opposition.
 The SA when Rohm wanted more power were wiped out by the
SS in a night of terror. The night of the Long Knives.
 He got rid of political opposition by removing their property
and money and imprisoning their leaders. He also passed a law
to make sure no one set up political power against him.
 Eidleweiss Pirates and the White Rose were attacked. Their
leaders were executed and sometimes imprisoned.
Revise Hitler’s Germany
 How he dealt with women, children and Jews.
 How he dealt with the Church