Chapter 10, iClicker Vol 1 (PowerPoint)

Chapter 1: Origins, ca. 400,000-1100 B.C.E.
Which of the following best defines
A. A system of manners and social conduct
B. A system of social and political organization and shared
way of thinking and believing
C. A system by which individuals merge themselves and
their interest into a larger community
D. A system of culture, art, and theology that explains the
larger world
Why did American educational leaders create the
“Western civilization” course?
A. Because World War I had renewed interest in Europe and its
B. To replace Latin, which was being eliminated as a required
course in most colleges and universities
C. Because they were concerned that young people were becoming
cut off from European intellectual and cultural traditions
D. To appease European political leaders who objected to
American world leadership
Artifacts discovered at Avebury and similar stone
circle sites prove which of the following?
A. The people worshipped an earth-goddess who symbolized life and
brought fertility to the land.
B. The people were enslaved under a powerful clan leader who could
force long periods of labor from them.
C. Neighboring clans frequently sought to destroy the circles, for
they rejected the religious beliefs of the circle builders.
D. The circles were built over a very short period of time, two to
three years at most.
During the Neolithic era, the development of
agriculture and transition to settled life
A. weakened the bonds of extended family and kinship
B. occurred in the Near East and then afterward spread to
other major civilizations.
C. diminished the practice of trade as tribes no longer
moved around.
D. did not occur in the Americas.
The Sumerian system of writing
A. evolved as pigmented inks were used to make
symbols on animal parchments.
B. limited each sign to one distinct idea.
C. made its most important breakthrough when scribes
began to use signs to represent sounds.
D. reached its fullest development as ideograms allowed
signs to symbolize ideas.
In Neolithic society, the building of walls
A. was the most fundamental and universal feature of
settled communities.
B. was a symbolic act to define the community, with little
practical usage.
C. was not pursued in circumstance where other types of
defenses were more effective.
D. tended to inhibit agricultural development by cutting off
emerging towns from the countryside.
The patriarch of a tribe in Sumerian society
A. exercised all rights over family members.
B. was not bound by custom or tradition in the governance
of his tribe.
C. divided land and property equally between sons and
D. led the families in the tribe but cooperated with the heads
of related families.
Which of the following was a consequence of the
harsh environment of Sumer?
A. Sumerians viewed their gods as benevolent creatures who
protected them from nature.
B. Sumerians considered their gods weak and insignificant.
C. Sumerians adopted a grim and pessimistic spirit.
D. Sumerians considered the gods to be distant beings who
had little contact with humans.
Which of the following best characterizes slaves
in Sumerian society?
A. They were Africans purchased through trade routes.
B. They were denied all legal rights and protections.
C. They engaged in trade and could make profits and borrow
money to buy their freedom.
D. They could not be physically abused by their masters.
How did the Hittites interact with their powerful
Egyptian and Babylonian neighbors?
A. Constant warfare among the three powers created instability
throughout the Near East.
B. The Hittites believed all foreigners were spiritually impure and
worked to destroy all influences from these other cultures.
C. The three powers formed an alliance, calling each other
“brother,” that produced an era of peace.
D. The mountainous terrain in Anatolia kept the Hittites largely
cut off from the other great powers.
Answer Key for Chapter 1
1. Answer is B.
2. Answer is C.
3. Answer is A.
4. Answer is A.
5. Answer is C.
6. Answer is C.
7. Answer is D.
8. Answer is C.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is C.
Chapter 2: Small Kingdoms and Mighty
Empires in the Near East, ca. 1100-513
How did the fall of the large empires of Egypt and
the Hittites affect the small kingdoms of the Near
East (the Phoenicians and the Hebrews)?
A. The small kingdoms were destroyed and their populations
B. The small kingdoms became more insular, rejecting foreign
influences as impure corruptions of their societies.
C. The small kingdoms passed their local traditions among their
neighbors, creating a more common Near Eastern culture.
D. The small kingdoms grew into large powers able to challenge
others for dominance in Mediterranean world.
How were the Libyans affected by their
conquests in Egypt?
A. The Libyans turned against imperial expansion as their
victories came with a large loss of life.
B. The Libyans established themselves as a closed caste within
Egyptian society in order to maintain their distinct culture.
C. The Libyans adopted Egyptian culture, religion, and way of life.
D. The Libyans turned against imperial expansion, for it would
require them to abandon their rural, agricultural society.
As they moved into Palestine, how did the
Hebrews interact with their neighbors?
A. The Hebrews destroyed the local peoples, who lacked any
means of resistance.
B. The Hebrews fought wars but also mingled with local
people, with some Hebrews adopting the local culture.
C. The Hebrews completely adopted the local culture and
merged with the local peoples.
D. The Hebrews were rejected by the local peoples as impure
When Israel divided after the death of Solomon,
what central difference emerged between Israel
and Judah?
A. Judah remained a traditional agricultural state, while Israel
aggressively pursued commerce and manufacturing.
B. Judah worshipped only Yahweh, while Israel allowed temples for
other gods.
C. Judah established a council of tribal leaders to direct affairs, while
Israel remained a traditional monarchy.
D. Judah welcomed influences from across the Near East, while Israel
culturally isolated itself.
How did the kingdom of Judah survive Assyrian
A. The kingdom of Judah defeated the Assyrian army at the Battle
of Armageddon.
B. Judah had no valuable resources that the Assyrians desired.
C. The Assyrians became distracted by a more serious revolt to
their north and did not bother with this minor kingdom to their
D. The kingdom of Judah became subservient to Assyrian empire.
As nomadic Hebrews transitioned to settled
agriculture, how was their society transformed?
A. The roles available to women expanded.
B. The tribe became less important than the extended family.
C. Land came to be owned communally rather than
D. Marriage became increasingly polygamous.
How did Persia’s central geographic feature—a
broad central plateau in the heart of the country—
affect the region’s development?
A. The plateau offered protection from invaders, isolating the Iranian
people culturally and economically.
B. The plateau created a highway between Eastern and Western
civilizations and in which nomads and city dwellers interacted.
C. The plateau served as an ideal agricultural environment with ample
rainfall that could be collected and stored, providing wealth and
security to the region.
D. The plateau linked the interior of the Middle East to the sea,
facilitating trade and commerce.
What innovation did the Assyrians bring to
palace artwork?
A. Interior sculptures mixed the imagery of political and
religious figures in order to justify kingly rule.
B. Palace reliefs portrayed military events as a series of
episodes that told a continuous story.
C. A domed ceiling linked the height and grandeur of the
palace with the rule of the gods in the heavens.
D. Interior walls also served as exterior defensive walls.
What was the central theme of the teaching of
A. The evil desires of humans can only be diminished, not
B. Life was a constant battled between the opposing forces
of good and evil.
C. Human life was insignificant in comparison to the glory
of the gods.
D. Pain in this life was the result of human weakness.
Which of the following correctly characterizes the
teachings of Zoroaster?
A. Humans were too morally weak to choose between good and
evil and had to rely strictly on religious laws to guide their
B. At death, human existence ceased, and the soul converted into
the spiritual matter that filled the universe.
C. Humans possessed freewill for good or evil and had to use their
own conscience to guide them through life.
D. At death, the gods welcomed all humans into companionship
with them in the heavenly city.
Answer Key for Chapter 2
1. Answer is C.
2. Answer is C.
3. Answer is B.
4. Answer is B.
5. Answer is D.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is B.
8. Answer is B.
9. Answer is B.
10. Answer is C.
Chapter 3: The Development of Classical
Greece, ca. 2000-338 B.C.E.
How did Greece’s geography affect its
A. Throughout Greece, broad fertile plains allowed for abundant agriculture,
permitting the people to develop commerce and manufacturing.
B. Surrounded by water on three sides and mountains on the fourth, Greece’s natural
defenses meant that the Greeks did not need to spend money on the military, but
instead focused on philosophy and technology.
C. The numerous mountain ranges throughout Greece split up the land and
encouraged political fragmentation, so that power resided in local city-states rather
than in a unified kingdom.
D. The numerous large rivers in Greece facilitated trade and cultural interconnection
throughout the Grecian countryside.
Which one of the following best characterizes
Mycenaean society?
A. The Mycenaean economy had an extensive division of labor
controlled by the palace.
B. Mycenaean society was largely egalitarian, with city governors
elected by the free vote of all male citizens.
C. The economic center of the kingdom was the village market,
where the agricultural surplus was traded.
D. Mycenae outlawed slavery as a violation of the free will of each
The political center of the polis, where shops,
public buildings, and courts were located, was
called the
A. acropolis.
B. agora
C. hoplite.
D. attica.
What was the fundamental effect of Pisistratus’s
reign as tyrant in Athens?
A. Pisistratus supported the common people and promoted the
growth of democratic ideals.
B. Pisistratus undermined the system of Athenian law by acting
arbitrarily in his edicts.
C. Pisistratus reinforced the power of the aristocrats and their control
over the poor laborers.
D. Pisistratus abolished the system of slavery and established the
communal ownership of land.
How did the process of colonization affect the
A. The costs of colonization nearly bankrupted the city-states,
forcing the Greeks to launch new wars to obtain tribute.
B. The polis had to assume far greater public functions in order to
organize efforts to establish new colonies.
C. The distinctive features of Greek culture were overwhelmed by the
cultures of the people they sought to colonize.
D. The requirements of colonization led to a series of technological
innovations that made the Greek military the most powerful in the
Western world.
Every four years the Athenians held their most
important religious festival in which they processed to
A. the Erechtheum.
B. the Temple of Athena Nike.
C. the Parthenon.
D. the Propylaea.
How did the Megarian Decree seek to punish
A. Megarians were excluded from all trade with Athens and
its empire.
B. Megarians were denied access to religious shrines on
Athenian territory.
C. Megarians were denied entrance into the councils of the
Delian League.
D. Megarians were excluded from the Olympic games.
What did Greek mystery cults offer their initiates?
A. The promise of life after death.
B. Healing waters believed to cure most illnesses .
C. Knowledge of the secrets of the gods .
D. Sexual freedom in mass orgies .
Which of the following statements best describes
the meaning of the plays of Sophocles?
A. Humans should follow their own reason even if it violates
public laws.
B. Humans should obey the will of the gods, even without fully
understanding it.
C. Humans should obey the laws of the polis, even if they disagree
with them.
D. Humans should follow their own consciences despite religious
When did Greeks typically visit religious shrines
and temples?
A. At weekly gatherings to worship particular deities .
B. When needed for private matters or as part of a
procession .
C. When certain ritual moments required it, such as the
birth of a child .
D. At extraordinary moments, such as when a war began.
Answer Key for Chapter 3
1. Answer is C.
2. Answer is A.
3. Answer is B.
4. Answer is A.
5. Answer is B.
6. Answer is C.
7. Answer is A.
8. Answer is A.
9. Answer is B.
10. Answer is B.
Chapter 4: The Hellenistic World,
336-30 B.C.E.
As Alexander launched his journey of conquest,
who accompanied him in addition to the military?
A. Royal wives and concubines to ensure their faithfulness to
B. The sons of the kings of the Greek city-states to ensure their
loyalty in Alexander’s absence
C. Philosophers, poets, and scientists to pursue an expedition of
D. A group of Athenian merchants to guide Alexander when
establishing economic policies in conquered territories
How was the Hellenic period different from the
Hellenistic period?
A. The Hellenic period witnessed a growth of philosophy, science, and the arts,
whereas all of these activities withered during the Hellenistic period.
B. The Hellenic period was marked by constant warfare, whereas the Hellenistic
period was marked by a three decades of peace under Alexander’s rule.
C. The Hellenic period was marked by a strong foreign influence on Greek
culture, whereas the Hellenistic period was marked by a rejection of nonGreek influences.
D. The Hellenic period was marked by similarities among those connected to
Greek culture, whereas the Hellenistic period was marked by differences
among those connected to Greek culture.
In order to promote political unity, to whom did
the Hellenistic monarchs link themselves?
A. The gods
B. The common people
C. The nobility
D. The military leaders
Why did Hellenistic monarchs seek to make their
states resemble the Greek polis?
A. They saw the Greek polis as the only acceptable model of
B. They sought to teach the local population the ideas of Greek
political rights.
C. They wanted to encourage immigration by Greeks into their
D. They were required by army generals to maintain all
traditional Greek political rights.
The Seleucid dynasty adopted Hellenization most
significantly because
A. the Seleucids undertook an active, organized promotion of
B. the Seleucids believed Greek culture and religion to be superior
to all others.
C. the military required all local leaders to learn Greek.
D. their regions already had substantial commercial ties with
Why didn’t innovations in manufacturing
technologies occur during the Hellenistic period?
A. Knowledge of machinery was not valued by the Greeks.
B. The Greek world honored philosophy but ignored more
practical forms of knowledge.
C. Powerful labor guilds prevented the introduction of machinery
that would reduce the employment of their members.
D. Human labor was so cheap and plentiful that there was little
motivation to develop labor-saving devices.
What major advantage did the mystery religions
have over the older Greek mystery cults?
A. The mystery religions promised eternal life.
B. The mystery religions were not tied to a particular location that
required expensive pilgrimages.
C. The mystery religions did not require adherents to learn Greek.
D. The mystery religions required devotion and sustained
contemplation, but did not require fees from its members,
making it accessible to the poor.
Which one of the following best characterizes
Jews in Hellenistic cities?
A. Jews adopted much of Hellenic culture but remained attached to the
Jewish faith.
B. Jews isolated themselves from Greek influence both culturally and
C. Jews embraced both Greek culture and religion while also sustaining
traditional Jewish religious ideals.
D. Jews often abandoned Jewish culture and religion for the
intellectually superior Hellenic models.
Why was the city of Alexandria in Egypt an
important intellectual center?
A. Alexandria hosted a meeting every ten years of the finest minds
across the Hellenistic world.
B. Alexandria sponsored a competition for the finest book produced
every year, with a substantial cash award if the winner would live in
C. Alexandria had a library with a massive collection of Greek texts.
D. Alexandria unified the knowledge of the Hellenistic world with
knowledge developed in equatorial Africa.
How did the new military machinery affect
A. The effectiveness of new weapons made warfare less agonizing, as
death came more quickly.
B. The new technologies undermined the power of generals and
commanders, as strategies became simplified around machinery.
C. Warfare was no longer limited to the battlefield, but walled cities
became the focus of sieges and attacks.
D. Foot soldiers no longer played an important role in warfare, as the
technology allowed for victory or defeat at a distance.
1. Answer is C.
2. Answer is D
3. Answer is A.
4. Answer is C.
5. Answer is C.
6. Answer is D.
7. Answer is B.
8. Answer is A.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is C.
Answer Key for Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Rise of Rome,
ca. 750-31 B.C.E.
What achievement provided the foundation for
Rome’s success?
A. Rome incorporated conquered people into the Roman system, extending
to them the possibility of Roman citizenship.
B. Rome established an organizational and fiscal system that allowed
armies to be raised on a massive scale beyond any previous Western
C. Rome unified a political and religious vision of society that found
application in diverse cultures and widespread acceptance.
D. Rome provided such effective political and military protection that
conquered people considered Roman rule an acceptable price for political
How did the Etruscans organize themselves
A. The Etruscans organized themselves as a military dictatorship.
B. The Etruscans organized themselves as a democracy for all
C. The Etruscans organized themselves as an oligarchy in which a
noble ruling class held all authority.
D. The Etruscans organized themselves into a loose league of citystates.
Why did the senate gain prestige and power in the
early republic of Rome?
A. The senate included simple artisans and laborers, giving it
broad social representation.
B. The senate successfully undermined an ambitious general who
had sought to assume dictatorial powers .
C. The senators established their own military troops to counter
the power of the consuls .
D. The senators built experience and knowledge over the course
of long service .
How did the political power of the plebeians
change during the course of the early Roman
A. The plebeians lost power as the traditions of the city-state gave way to the
traditions of the republic.
B. The plebeians gained power because their success in the military made them
a greater threat to the senate.
C. Plebeians won the right to meet in their own assembly, and their ordinances
were recognized as binding on the entire population.
D. The plebeians lost authority because their frequent absences with the
military prevented them from sustaining political influence in Rome itself.
How did the Roman conquests develop?
A. The Romans followed a plan to dominate the Mediterranean
set out by Pyrrus in the third century B.C.E.
B. The Romans separated the Mediterranean into two zones, with
two armies competing to see which could achieve domination
most quickly.
C. The Romans responded to situations as they arose, without any
grand plan or strategy.
D. The Romans stumbled into power when their rivals the
Carthaginians unexpectedly collapsed due to plague.
The pax Romana refers to
A. the Roman peace established by adapting Roman institutions
and ideals to the new world empire.
B. the Roman peace established by the dominating force of the
Roman army.
C. the Roman peace established by forcing Roman culture on
subject peoples.
D. the Roman peace achieved as the empire embraced
How did Roman conquests affect Roman society?
A. Roman society became more stressful, since numerous
administrative responsibilities emerged to manage the new
B. Roman society became more culturally exclusive as Romans
sought to reinforce traditional culture.
C. Roman society became less sophisticated as clear cultural and
social boundaries were needed to maintain stability.
D. Romans society became more fast-paced and less formal as
leisure became a more common pursuit.
What native artistic tradition did Roman artists
sustain despite influences from Greece?
A. Life-sized statues
B. Frescos depicting military victories
C. Realistic portraiture
D. Tiled mosaics
Why was Cleopatra hated by the Roman people
when she came to Rome with Julius Caesar?
A. Cleopatra was viewed as a traitor for having betrayed Pompey.
B. Cleopatra was viewed as a symbol of the immoral East and a
threat to traditional Roman values.
C. The Romans viewed any woman who held political authority as
a violation of the natural order.
D. The Romans viewed anything associated with Egypt as a threat
to Roman superiority.
Why did the senate make a mistake in refusing to
grant land to veterans?
A. Veterans claimed unused lands as their own and organized an
independent military.
B. Legionnaires returned to the provinces and continued military
expansion beyond what the empire could sustain.
C. Legionnaires turned to commanders, as opposed to the senate,
to protect their interests.
D. Veterans drafted the gladiators into the army to undermine the
senate’s authority.
Answer Key for Chapter 5
1. Answer is A.
2. Answer is D.
3. Answer is D.
4. Answer is C.
5. Answer is C.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is D.
8. Answer is C.
9. Answer is B.
10. Answer is C.
Chapter 6: The Pax Romana, 31 B.C.E.284 C.E.
The Augustan settlement included all of the
following except
A. the emperor held all executive power.
B. the senate served as a prestigious advisory body.
C. religious differences.
D. the law courts served as a restraint on the emperor’s
exercise of authority.
How did Augustus reform the Roman army?
A. He turned the army into a permanent professional force with
standard training.
B. He instituted a draft of Roman men to establish service in the
army as a condition of citizenship.
C. He instituted a system of clientage so that the officers were
judged principally on their loyalty to Augustus.
D. Legionnaires were given permanent assignments in specific
locations so that they could build relationships with local
How did the historian Livy seek to support the
reforms of Augustus?
A. Livy praised military life and service to the Roman army as the
highest virtue a citizen could obtain.
B. Livy praised the greatness of the republic and Augustus’s efforts to
restore it.
C. Livy praised Augustus’s effort to established authoritarian rule as
necessary in response to rampant political corruption.
D. Livy praised the idea of empire and Augustus’s effort to establish an
imperial system of rule.
What form did same-sex relationships between
men typically take in the Augustan era?
A. Same-sex relationships were formalized unions under Roman law
that required the parties to be economically responsible for each
B. Same-sex relationships occurred only covertly and were subject to
widespread persecution.
C. Same-sex relationships became central to military recruitment, since
men were often away from their families for many years.
D. Same-sex relationships copied the Greek model of relationships
between older and younger men or between men of unequal social
How did authorities distinguish between citizens
and noncitizens in Rome?
A. Citizens received free grain for bread, oil, and wine, while
noncitizens could purchase grain at low prices.
B. Citizens were not subject to military service, while noncitizens
could be forced into the army.
C. Citizens were tried in special citizen-courts, while noncitizens
had fewer rights in common courts.
D. Citizens could not be arrested by city police, while noncitizens
were regularly harassed by the city police.
How was daily life in the provinces of Asia Minor
different from daily life in northern Europe?
A. Asia Minor was a more urban and Romanized environment than
northern Europe.
B. Asia Minor was a region of deep poverty due to its poor agriculture,
and failed to form significant cities in comparison to northern
C. Asia Minor became the center of gladiatorial games, which the
northern Europeans rejected as inhumane.
D. Asia Minor lacked natural resources for manufacturing, so remained
economically backward in comparison with northern Europe.
What was the central belief of Jewish militant
apocalypticism in the first century C.E.?
A. The world would soon be destroyed, and the Jews transported
to heaven.
B. The world would soon adopt the Jewish religion and turn to
the Jews for religious and political leadership.
C. A messiah would soon arrive who would be appointed Roman
emperor and relieve the Jews of their suffering.
D. A messiah would soon arrive who would destroy the Roman
legions and inaugurate a period of happiness and plenty for the
For the earliest Christians, what did the belief in
Jesus’ resurrection signify?
A. Jews would be victorious over all who opposed them,
especially the Romans.
B. Christians would enjoy the protection of an immortal who
would ensure them prosperity and security.
C. Jesus had triumphed over death, and all Christians would
enjoy immortality.
D. Roman political authority would soon crumble, for they
had lost control over life and death.
How was farming life threatened in the third
century C.E.?
A. A sustained period of draught ruined many farm families and
their lands.
B. Large estate owners seized the land of local farmers and forced
them to relocate to less productive lands.
C. Renegade soldiers and corrupt imperial officials preyed on
local people, causing some farmers to flee their land.
D. Lands farmed for many decades decreased in fertility, causing
farm families to abandon their fields and move to urban
How did the Christian thinker Justin Martyr seek
to reconcile pagan culture with Christianity?
A. He argued that Christianity emerged out of the mystery religions that
had emphasized the idea of immortality.
B. He asserted that pagan culture was so obviously in error that pagans
would quickly accept Christianity when the truth was revealed to
C. He promoted a fusion between pagan and Christian rituals by having
Christians adopt pagan holidays as their own.
D. He believed that pagan philosophers foreshadowed Christianity and
sought to identify similarities between their ideas and those of
Answer Key for Chapter 6
1. Answer is D.
2. Answer is A.
3. Answer is B.
4. Answer is D.
5. Answer is A.
6. Answer is A.
7. Answer is D.
8. Answer is C.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is D.
Chapter 7: Late Antiquity, 250-600
How did Diocletian and Constantine emphasize
the exalted position of the emperor as the “elect of
A. They had all of their imperial edicts and laws endorsed by
religious officials.
B. They held coronation ceremonies in which Roman priests
blessed their reigns.
C. They adopted the court ceremonies and trappings of the
Persian Empire.
D. They had religious shrines and temples built in their honor.
How did the growing raids from barbarians affect
the local relationships between landlords and
small landholders?
A. Because landlords needed the local farmer laborers to devise security forces
against the barbarians, laborers were able to demand land and more
freedoms from the landlords.
B. For protection and security from barbarian raids, small landholders gave
over their land to landlords and became tenant farmers bound to the land.
C. In order to ward off barbarian raids, landlords increasingly sold small
landholders into slavery to barbarian chiefs.
D. In order to ward off barbarian raids, small landholders increasingly rebelled
against landlords and turned their land over to barbarian chiefs as a form of
Why did Christians have great respect for monks?
A. Christians believed that monks could speak to God and
that their prayers had special influence.
B. Christians believed that monks were a living incarnation
of God’s spirit.
C. Christians believed that monks channeled the spirit of
God for humans.
D. Christians believed that monks had full access to God’s
How did the Benedictines assist local and royal
A. The Benedictines provided governments with substantial
financial resources through their payment of taxes.
B. The Benedictines educated some local young people who went
on to serve as able administrators for governments.
C. The Benedictines served as local police forces that kept local
populations under surveillance.
D. The Benedictines established “information networks” by which
they collected information on the activities of local landholders
and informed princes and kings.
Runic inscriptions provide information about
barbarian societies from what regions?
A. Spain and southern France .
B. Scandinavia and the British Isles .
C. The Black Sea .
D. Eastern Europe and western Russia .
During the third and fourth centuries, how were
barbarian war bands transformed?
A. War bands were slowly disbanded as they threatened the growing
authority of the tribal chief.
B. War bands were increasingly turned into groups of dependant
soldiers under the authority of the tribal chief and were dependent on
him for their upkeep.
C. War bands were increasingly stratified according to hierarchical
ranks, with land and wealth being accumulated by the most elite.
D. War bands seized control of tribal governance and displaced the
power of the tribal chief with that of a tribal council.
How did the Romans respond when crop failures
and famine affected their Visigoth allies?
A. The Romans provided food supplies in exchange for promises
to attack the Huns.
B. The Romans provided food supplies so that they could
demonstrate their goodwill and effective administration to
barbarian peoples.
C. The Romans forced the Visigoth to sell their own people into
slavery in exchange for dog flesh.
D. The Romans refused to provide food in order to destroy the
Visigoths as a potential threat.
The Visigothic state in southern France and Spain
was overthrown by
A. the last vestiges of the Roman army.
B. Hunnic forces seeking new agricultural lands.
C. expanding Muslim forces.
D. Frankish forces unified under the Merovingian kinds.
How did the practice of confessions change from
early Christianity to the fifth century?
A. Confession changed from being a recounting of God’s
blessings to being a recounting of one’s sins.
B. Confession changed from being a voluntary act to being a
required part of the sacraments.
C. Confession changed from a time of agony and despair to a
moment of joyous celebration.
D. Confession changed from a public ritual to a private one
between the believer and the parish priest.
What did the Law Code of Justinian accomplish?
A. The Law Code of Justinian invented the new category of
civil law.
B. The Law Code of Justinian was supplanted by Church
canon law in the seventh century.
C. The Law Code of Justinian codified Roman legal thought.
D. The Law Code of Justinian clarified the Roman law and
eliminated outmoded laws and contradictions.
Answer Key for Chapter 7
1. Answer is C.
2. Answer is B.
3. Answer is A.
4. Answer is B.
5. Answer is B.
6. Answer is C.
7. Answer is C.
8. Answer is C.
9. Answer is D.
10. Answer is D.
Chapter 8: Europe in the Early Middle Ages,
The Bedouins and urbanized Arabs of the sixth
century shared what common characteristic?
A. A similar social structure built around egalitarian values
B. United loyalty to the royal family
C. A rejection of trade and commerce as corrupting to
community morals
D. A respect of each other’s customs, including the
observance of family obligations
What is the essential element in the Islamic idea
of jihad?
A. To seek to destroy the infidels and all those who impede
Islamic authority
B. To cultivate serenity and peace through study of God’s word
C. To strive or struggle to lead a virtuous life and spread God’s
rule and law
D. To pursue a mystical understanding of God through asceticism
and self-denial
Which one of the following does not correctly
characterize the Moorish city of Córdoba?
A. The population was over 2 million people.
B. The streets were well-lighted and paved.
C. There was an abundance of fresh water for drinking and
D. The city had a vast library of some 400,000 books.
Islamic scholars made important advancements in
which two fields of study?
A. Astronomy and physics
B. Chemistry and pharmacology
C. Mathematics and medicine
D. The theories of motion and of matter
How did Charlemagne justify his long battles in
A. He believed only a secure border in the Germanic lands could
prevent future barbarian invasions from central Asia.
B. He needed booty and loot to fund the building of Christian
churches and monasteries.
C. Germanic tribes had attacked Byzantium, and he was helping
to defend a fellow Christian.
D. He was spreading Christianity to pagan peoples.
In the Carolingian Renaissance, what was the
main purpose of the revival of learning?
A. To create a class of literate officeholders and jurists who could
aid the emperor in managing his kingdom
B. To promote an understanding of Christian scriptures and
instruct people to pray and praise God correctly
C. To transform the emperor’s primary advisors and their
families from warriors into a noble class able to control their
own domains
D. To reclaim the Roman system of law
Which of the following concerning Viking boats is
not true?
A. The boats held between forty and sixty men.
B. The boats were propelled by a unique mechanism called a
stern post rudder.
C. The boats moved swiftly to allow Vikings to strike,
plunder, and flee.
D. The boats could navigate complicated rivers and
What did the Frankish king Charles the Simple
give the Vikings to buy them off during an
A. Normandy
B. The ampoules of oil used in the coronation ceremony
C. 25 chests of gold
D. His three daughters as brides
Which of the following was not a common
practice of manorialism?
A. A peasant had to give the lord a percentage of the annual
B. A peasant had to pay a fee to the lord at the birth of each child.
C. A peasant had to pay a fee to marry someone from another
lord’s estate.
D. A peasant had to pay a fee to the lord in order to inherit
The transition from free laborers to serfdom was
accelerated by
A. the collapse of central royal authority.
B. a long era of droughts.
C. the Viking assaults.
D. the Roman church’s effort to consolidate its
Answer Key for Chapter 8
1. Answer is D.
2. Answer is C.
3. Answer is A.
4. Answer is C.
5. Answer is D.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is B.
8. Answer is A.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is C.
Chapter 9: State and Church in the High
Middle Ages, 1000-1300
How did William the Conqueror transform the
feudal system in England?
A. He limited the power of nobles, transforming the feudal system
into a unified monarchy.
B. He replaced the sheriffs with justices of the peace who were
directly responsible to the crown.
C. He expanded the authority of church officials so that they
could protect the peasantry from abusive nobles.
D. He reinforced the power of nobles by providing men-in-arms
to support them in their conflicts with village leaders and
unruly peasants.
What fundamental principle did the French crown
seek to establish in appointing royal agents in the
A. Royal agents should establish their effective authority by building alliances
with provincial leaders, which will permit them to influence local politics.
B. Royal agents should seek to destroy forms of local power and replace that
power with the central state.
C. Royal agents should gain their power from the crown and not from their own
wealth or local connections.
D. Royal agents should create their own salaries and sources of wealth from
their alliances in the province that they oversee in order to demonstrate to
local officials their effectiveness.
How did Roger de Hauterville create political
innovations after he captured Sicily?
A. He overthrew all political practices and institutions on the island and
sought to build a new, rational government from scratch.
B. He modeled his political reforms directly on the traditions of Ancient
Rome and reestablished a senate and an imperial system
C. He fused Arabic and Greek political forms in financial management
with Norman practices related to landholding and royal inquests.
D. He modeled his political reforms on the Greek city-states and
reestablished a polis with a ruling, democratically elected council.
Why did Frederick II found the University of
A. To prepare missionaries to convert Muslims during the
B. To train officials for his bureaucracy
C. To promote the study of the liberal arts
D. To develop knowledge about medicine and astronomy
How were popes selected in the tenth century?
A. Popes were chosen by wealthy Roman families from
among their members.
B. Popes were appointed by the predecessors.
C. Popes were elected by the College of Cardinals.
D. Popes were selected by the bishops from among the
How did the investiture controversy affect
political power in the German-speaking lands?
A. The emperor’s political power was enhanced as he gained control
over church officials and the revenues produced on their lands.
B. The German high aristocracy enhanced their authority over peasants
and knights and held the balance of power in Germany.
C. The pope’s political power was enhanced as he gained control over
the church officials and lands in Germany and demonstrated the
papacy’s superiority to an earthly ruler.
D. The merchant classes gained considerable authority in their
independent cities as they negotiated the pope and emperor against
each other.
How did the Crusaders organize the territory they
conquered in the First Crusade?
A. They placed the territories directly under papal authority.
B. They established four small crusader states and built castles
and fortified towns.
C. The territories were established as tributary states under the
French king.
D. The territories were maintained as Muslim dependencies
under the protection of Saladin.
In the Fourth Crusade, whom did the Crusaders
A. Jerusalem
B. Constantinople
C. Mecca
D. Alexandria
Why did German emperor Otto I establish a string
of dioceses along his northern and eastern
A. He sought to demonstrate the advantages of Christianity to
pagan peoples.
B. He wanted the church’s support in expanding his territory.
C. He hoped Christianity would pacify newly conquered Slavs.
D. He wanted to create a buffer people between Christian
Germans and pagan Slavs.
Why was Christianity slow to progress in Sweden
and Finland?
A. Pagan religious leaders resisted Christianity.
B. Church officials were distracted by the Crusades.
C. The local nobility identified no advantages to adopting
D. Royal power was weak.
1. Answer is A.
Answer Key for Chapter 9
2. Answer is C.
3. Answer is C.
4. Answer is B.
5. Answer is A.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is B.
8. Answer is B.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is D.
Chapter 10: The Life of the People in the High
Middle Ages, 1000-1300
Which of the following is not a category within
the popular image of society in the High Middle
A. Those who pray
B. Those who rule
C. Those who fight
D. Those who work
How did the advent of the money economy affect
the status of the serfs?
A. Many serfs saved money and used it to buy their freedom.
B. Lords were able to purchase larger numbers of serfs.
C. With greater access to money, noblemen drove small
farmers out of business and forced them into serfdom.
D. Serfs found their money consistently devalued by
inflation, limiting their ability to build up cash reserves.
How did the productivity of agricultural
communities improve in the tenth and eleventh
A. Reduced warfare permitted more stable agriculture development.
B. Increased taxes required communities to bring more land into
C. Knowledge from the Near East about methods for water irrigation
helped to solve the problem of drought.
D. Several new mechanisms such as the wind and water mill replaced or
aided human labor.
Which of the following does not correctly
characterize medical care during the twelfth
A. Barber-surgeons offered help to individuals suffering from wounds
and broken bones.
B. Physicians displaced midwives as the primary deliverers of new born
C. Apothecaries aided people with internal ailments with mixtures of
herbs, salts metals and other ingredients.
D. Untrained traditional healers learned healing techniques from
parents or older people.
What tensions existed between the church
and the people over saints?
A. People often venerated saints not authorized by the church.
B. The church discouraged the veneration of saints because it
drew focus away from Christ.
C. People resisted the veneration of saints because of the
expense involved.
D. The church frequently created new saints, creating
confusion among the people.
How did the sacramental system affect the role
of priests?
A. The sacramental system enhanced the authority of priests
over people’s lives.
B. The sacramental system removed authority from priests
and gave it to the actions of the individual believer.
C. The sacramental system undermined the priest’s role as
the mediator with God.
D. The sacramental system gave priest direct authority to
declare an individual excommunicated.
Which one of the following best characterizes the
chivalric ideal?
A. Loyalty and honor were the most important qualities of a
B. Grace and mercy were ridiculed as feminine qualities.
C. Intelligence and generousness were identified as signs of
D. Military skill was recognized as the highest virtue.
Where did noble girls receive experience as
servants or ladies in waiting?
A. In their own homes
B. In convent schools
C. In local charitable institutions
D. In the homes of relatives or high nobles
How did abbeys parallel the larger society?
A. The large majority of members were from poor families.
B. All authority rested in the hands of the abbot, who had
absolute authority.
C. Abbeys generally divided work by class, so that members
from peasant families did the manual labor.
D. The poorer monks were required to perform most of the
religious and spiritual services.
Which of the following best characterizes the
membership of convents?
A. Poor women were forbidden from monastic life.
B. Nobles established convents for female family members
that only accepted women of similar class.
C. Convents were generally filled with individuals
abandoned by their families and lacking economic
D. Convents generally held a broad mix of social classes,
mirroring the outside world.
Answer Key for Chapter 10
1. Answer is B.
2. Answer is A.
3. Answer is D.
4. Answer is B.
5. Answer is A.
6. Answer is A.
7. Answer is A.
8. Answer is D.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is B.
Chapter 11: The Creativity and Challenges
of Medieval Cities, 1100-1300
Which of the following was not the typical origin of
a medieval town?
A. Towns emerged around former religious sites of preChristian cultures.
B. Towns began as fortifications built in response to Viking
C. Towns grew up around great cathedrals and monasteries
that drew in potential customers.
D. Towns developed from the sites of earlier Roman
What role did the leaders of the merchant guild
hold in most towns?
A. They were deeply distrusted because of prejudice about the moral
reliability of individuals who profited from trade.
B. They directed one of several guilds in the town, but the other guilds
had significant ability to limit the merchant guild’s power by refusing
to sell them the wares the other guilds produced.
C. They were viewed as the most moral leaders in the town because
their wealth freed them from the daily toil of work.
D. They formed an oligarchy, controlling economic life and negotiating
with kings and lords for political independence.
The Hanseatic League was
A. a commercial enterprise that specialized in commodities
from the Iberian peninsula.
B. a trade association of up to two hundred towns in
northern Europe with exclusive trading rights.
C. a monopoly established among Italian trading cities for
trade with the East.
D. an organization of monasteries that used their economic
privileges to expand trade among their territories.
How did rulers respond to the growing wealth of
A. Rulers sought to tax this wealth to support more centralized
B. Rulers sought to shore up the position of the nobility by
banning merchants from political activity.
C. Rulers encouraged the nobility to take trade over from the
D. Rulers encouraged the church to condemn merchant wealth as
Why did lords of the manor limit the education of
A. The cost of educating peasants rarely repaid in increased
B. Uneducated peasants were less likely to rebel.
C. The availability of education was too scarce for lords to
pursue hiring a teacher.
D. Those with education tended leave the manor and obtain
work in the church or trades.
How did Peter Abelard’s scholarship differ from
most of his colleagues?
A. Abelard embraced the writings of pre-Christian philosophers,
believing they still revealed Christian truths.
B. Abelard discussed and analyzed theological principles rather
than merely asserting them.
C. Abelard questioned the inerrancy of scripture in his effort to
accommodate the Bible to knowledge about the workings of
D. Abelard employed Jewish and Islamic scholarship in order to
interpret Christian doctrine.
What themes infused the poems and songs of the
A. Stories of revenge, slaughter, and physical power
B. Narratives of saints’ lives and martyrdom
C. Accounts of the Crusades and Christian virtue
D. Tales of loves, desire, and gallantry
What was the central innovation of Gothic
A. Barrel-vaulted roofs that allowed in more exterior light
B. Basilican-style cathedrals in the shape of a cross
C. The construction of burial crypts beneath cathedrals
D. Stone ribbed–roofs filled with plaster that were much
lighter in weight
How did the urban environment affect the
Dominican and Franciscan orders?
A. They only accepted members who were from a merchant family
B. They preferred that their members be university graduates able to
communicate with an urban population.
C. They placed considerable effort into managing their lands and
property to demonstrate to the urban merchant class the economic
value of their spirituality.
D. They ignored the poor in order to gain political and economic
support from the urban elites.
How did the new orders of Dominicans and
Franciscans differ from the Benedictine tradition?
A. The Dominicans and Franciscans adopted vows (silence for
Dominicans and self-mortification for the Franciscans) that made it
difficult for them to interact with the broader population.
B. The Dominicans and Franciscans emphasized mystical spiritual
devotion over scholarly theological pursuits.
C. The Dominicans and Franciscans were friars, not monks, and sought
to engage with ordinary Christians rather than secluding themselves.
D. The Dominicans and Franciscans refused to participate in the
Inquisition for it violated their sense of brotherly love.
Answer Key for Chapter 11
1. Answer is A.
2. Answer is D.
3. Answer is B.
4. Answer is A.
5. Answer is D.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is D.
8. Answer is D.
9. Answer is B.
10. Answer is C.
Chapter 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle
Ages, 1300-1450
Why did storms and poor weather directly affect
local populations in the High Middle Ages?
A. Communities refused to build stockpiled reserves of food for
fear that the food would waste.
B. Poor weather disrupted the long-distance networks that
brought grains to warm climates and livestock products to
colder climates.
C. Storms and poor weather had little affect on local populations,
as food supplies were drawn from a wide network of markets.
D. Most urban areas depended on food within one day’s travel,
and transportation of food was expensive.
In addition to fleas, how else was the plague
typically spread in the fourteenth century?
A. Through sexual contact
B. Through infected and spoiled food
C. From one person to another by coughing and sneezing
D. By priests distributing the Eucharist
How was the economic position of laborers
affected by the plague?
A. Depression followed the plague, resulting in stagnant wages
and chronic underemployment.
B. Land was consolidated in the hands of the nobility, leaving
peasants more subject to their lords’ demands.
C. Trade collapsed, resulting in mass unemployment in cities and
a return to the countryside for the poor.
D. Labor shortages resulted in a high standard of living for the
broad mass of people.
Why did some French nobles side with the
English in the 100 Years’ War?
A. The English king promised them more lands and reduced
B. They believed Edward III had been illegally denied the throne.
C. The English king had demonstrated superior military ability,
and the nobles wished to side with the victorious party.
D. They sought to thwart the efforts of the French monarchy to
centralize political authority.
How did the English Parliament expand its
authority during the course of the 100 Years’ War?
A. The King signed legislation requiring that all nonfeudal taxes must
have approval by Parliament.
B. The King recognized the right of Parliament to meet every year in
order to discuss the business of the central government.
C. The Parliament claimed the right to authorize or forbid the use of the
army outside of England.
D. The Parliament claimed the right to recall a king who violated the
fundamental laws of the realm.
How did the Lollards challenge traditional gender
A. The Lollards permitted women to own land.
B. The Lollards required that men share domestic duties
with their wives, especially the education of children.
C. The Lollards allowed women to preach.
D. The Lollards required women to receive equal educations
to men.
How did the guild structure change in some
fourteenth-century manufacturing?
A. Guilds gained dominating control over production so that independent
craftsmen or peasant laborers were driven out of business.
B. The guild system was large overthrown as the large pool of laborers in the
cities could be hired cheaply, placing greater control in the hands of
C. The guilds shifted from largely economic organizations to political ones as
merchants and workers discovered their ability to influence town leaders
through corporate pressure.
D. Greater divisions emerged among guild masters as production became more
specialized, with some masters becoming wealthy employers and others more
dependant laborers.
The late age of marriage in northern and western
Europe resulted in
A. The consolidation of land holdings as fewer children were born
to couples.
B. More children surviving childhood as they entered into more
stable, prosperous families.
C. Wives becoming more dependant on their husbands and
D. A steady market in sexual services, with cities establishing
legal houses of prostitution.
How does Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales reflect the
cultural tensions of the fourteenth century?
A. The characters in the story are noble by birth but act in ways
stereotypically identified with ignorant peasants.
B. The characters in the story are peasants but behave in a
manner exhibiting nobility, intellect, and honor.
C. The characters in the story are Christian by faith but more
prominently materialistic, sensual, and worldly.
D. The characters in the story reject the Christian faith but
embrace its ideals of love and virtue.
Why did literacy spread in the fourteenth century?
A. As a result of the revival of Roman law and the legal
B. As a result of the growing need for literacy in commerce,
craft production, and politics
C. As a result of the development of a school system within
the church
D. As a result of the call for religious reform, which required
individuals to critique the church
Answer Key for Chapter 12
1. Answer is D.
2. Answer is C.
3. Answer is D.
4. Answer is D.
5. Answer is A.
6. Answer is C.
7. Answer is D.
8. Answer is D.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is B.
Chapter 13: European Society in the Age
of the Renaissance, 1350-1550
What did Giorgio Vasari mean by using the word
A. The limitations of the ancient and medieval word are being
overthrown by men of great intellect.
B. The true teachings of Christianity are finding pure expression
as humanity is moving out of the darkness of sin.
C. The vitality of the barbarian era is being reinvigorated by the
adventurous spirit of a new age.
D. After centuries of darkness, the glory of the classical past is
being reborn in the work of rare men of genius.
How did the nobility in northern Italy respond to
the growth of power and wealth among the urban
merchant guilds?
A. The nobility sponsored literary and artistic work on Roman history,
emphasizing the role of patrician estate owners as the key to Roman
B. The nobility moved to the cities and married into the rich commercial
C. The nobility emphasized uniquely noble privileges as markers of
honor and status.
D. The nobility claimed all of the leading political offices in the cities as
noble offices.
How did the Renaissance writers interpret Julius
Caesar’s role in Roman history?
A. Julius Caesar’s role in transforming Rome from a republic to an
empire marked the beginning of Rome’s decline.
B. Julius Caesar’s decision to cross the Rubicon and seize Rome serves
as the central moment of Rome’s daring to achieve greatness.
C. Julius Caesar’s embrace of Cleopatra marked the synthesis of West
and East, with Western dominance assured.
D. Julius Caesar’s murder serves as the moment when humans, rather
than God, can be understood as the driving force in history.
What did humanists understand as the goal of a
humanist education?
A. A contemplative life focused on the ideal forms of human
B. The development of the soul so that the individual could
lead with moral clarity
C. The pursuit of individual artistic greatness that expresses
a unique vision
D. A life active in the world that benefited the public good
What was the essence of Desiderius Erasmus’s
A. The life of the mind separates us from the animals.
B. Christianity is an inner attitude of the heart adopting the life of
C. Classical writers expose spiritual truth freed from the confusions of
D. The civic responsibilities of the educated man are his central
obligation in life.
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, how did
art in northern Europe differ from art in Italy?
A. Northern art was more pastoral, depicting peasant
B. Northern art was more religious in orientation.
C. Northern art was more innovative in technique,
developing the idea of perspective.
D. Northern art relied more on themes and stories drawn
from classical literature.
What general attitudes did Europeans have toward
A. Africa was a land of great wealth and power that served as
a potential threat to European expansion.
B. Africa was the fount of civilization as the fabled location
of the Garden of Eden.
C. Africa was a remote place isolated by heresy and Islam
from the superior European population.
D. Africa was largely devoid of people, a nearly barren land.
How did the hierarchy of wealth differ from the
hierarchy of orders?
A. The hierarchy of wealth allowed more change than the hierarchy of
status as families’ wealth increased and decreased.
B. The hierarchy of wealth allowed the wealthy to create closed
oligarchies in which they could monopolize all meaningful sources of
wealth creation.
C. The hierarchy of wealth created unstable societies as traditional
status no longer carried social significance.
D. The hierarchy of wealthy fractured traditional political forms such as
patronage and family alliances.
How did the French monarchy and the papacy
resolve the conflict over the appointment of
church officials?
A. The papacy reserved the right to appoint officials, and the king
gained control over the revenues of church lands.
B. The papacy received the first year’s income of new bishops and
abbots, and the king had the right to select bishops and abbots.
C. The papacy gained authority over the appointment of officials, but
the independent church courts and military had to be eliminated.
D. The papacy gained revenue rights over church lands but forfeited the
right to enforce the Inquisition in France.
In reorganizing his royal power, to whom did
Charles VII of France give more influence?
A. The high nobility
B. The clergy
C. Lawyers and bankers
D. Military commanders
Answer Key for Chapter 13
1. Answer is D.
2. Answer is B.
3. Answer is A.
4. Answer is D.
5. Answer is B.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is C.
8. Answer is A.
9. Answer is B.
10. Answer is C.
Chapter 14: Reformations and Religious
Wars, 1500-1600
In the early sixteenth century, men and women
demonstrated their religious piety through all of the
following means except
A. village processions honoring local saints.
B. donations made to churches and religious orders in wills.
C. strong support for the church and clergy.
D. pilgrimages made to shrines.
What new understanding of salvation did Martin
Luther propose?
A. Salvation was achieved through godly submission to spiritual
B. Salvation came through faithful performance of the sacraments
and charitable works.
C. Salvation was achieved by living a moral life in accordance
with Biblical teachings of good and evil.
D. Salvation came through faith as a free gift of God without
human effort.
How did humanists respond to the Lutheran
reform movement?
A. Most humanists rejected the Lutheran assertion that the writings of
the church fathers and medieval theologians did not carry spiritual
B. Many humanists were attracted to its simpler, personal faith that
emphasized reading and reflecting on the scriptures.
C. Many humanists were attracted to the unified and coherent body of
doctrine that Protestantism represented.
D. Most humanists rejected the challenge to learned, scholarly opinion
built into the idea of the priesthood of all believers.
How did Luther justify his rejection of the
peasants in the Peasants’ War?
A. Luther believed freedom meant independence from the
authority of the Roman church, not authority from legitimate
secular power.
B. Luther asserted that the peasants were seeking to reestablish
Catholicism throughout Germany.
C. Luther claimed that the Bible forbids Christians to ever rebel
against or challenge royal or noble authority.
D. Luther fully justified the peasant rebellion but asserted that as
a spiritual leader he should not speak out on a secular issue.
Why did Henry VIII believe that God was
displeased with his marriage to Catherine of
A. Henry had married Catherine in order to secure a political alliance
but had not had sexual relations with her and rarely saw her.
B. Henry believed that the Islamic heritage in Spain had made the
Spanish displeasing to God and therefore his marriage to a Spaniard
was incurring God’s wrath.
C. Henry believed that Catherine’s failure to produce any children was
evidence that she had brought Spanish lovers with her from Spain.
D. Catherine had been married to Henry’s older brother who died, and
marriage to a brother’s widow violated canon law.
How did Henry VIII dispose of lands seized from
the church?
A. He distributed the land among the poor in order to prevent
peasant revolts against his religious reforms.
B. He used the lands to found hospitals and poorhouses to
replaced the now defunct Catholic charitable institutions.
C. He gave the land to the new Church of England in order to win
over the loyalty of the clergy.
D. He distributed land to the upper classes, tying them both to the
Tudor dynasty and the new Protestant church.
How do many historians understand the
developments within the Catholic Church after the
Reformation as two movements?
A. As an internal reform movement tied to earlier reform efforts and as
a movement that opposed Protestantism.
B. As a reform movement to expand church authority over political
authority and as a movement opposed to Protestantism
C. As a reform movement to improve management of church lands and
as a movement to expand church authority over political authority
D. As an internal reform movement and as a movement to expand
church authority over political authority
What was the goal of the French at the Council of
A. The French wanted to establish clear guidelines for witchcraft
B. The French wanted to reclaim control of the territories of Alsace
and Lorraine.
C. The French wanted to limit papal authority over church
properties in France.
D. The French wanted Catholics and Lutherans to remain divided to
keep German lands decentralized.
Why did inquisitions often not lead to the
executions of accused witches?
A. Local populations came to the protection of those accused of
witchcraft, vouching for their devotion to Christianity.
B. The required standards of proof were significantly high so that rarely
could guilt be legally established.
C. Inquisitors doubted that most people made pacts with the devil and
instead believed peasants to be superstitious and ignorant.
D. Most accused witches admitted to witchcraft, proving the devil’s spell
was broken.
Why were witch panics most common in small
territorial states?
A. Individuals were much more intimately connected in small states,
permitting panics to spread more thoroughly in the society.
B. Rulers in small territories felt threatened and saw the persecution of
witches as a way to demonstrate their piety and concern for order.
C. Both Catholic and Protestant officials usually held greater authority
in territorial states and implemented religious investigations more
D. Small territorial states had more developed political systems,
including more effective law systems.
Answer Key for Chapter 14
1. Answer is C.
2. Answer is D.
3. Answer is D.
4. Answer is A.
5. Answer is D.
6. Answer is D.
7. Answer is A.
8. Answer is D.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is B.
Chapter 15: European Exploration and
Conquest, 1450-1650
From what did the European voyages of discovery
A. The desire to spread Christianity to people who had not heard
the Christian message
B. The thrill of discovery and of exploring unknown regions
C. The desire to share in and control the wealth coming from the
Indian Ocean trade
D. The intent to reclaim the Holy Lands from the Muslim Turks
How did the Ottoman expansion affect European
A. It led Europeans to seek new trade routes to Asia.
B. It substantially expanded European trade with the East by
providing more secure trade corridors.
C. It crippled European trade with the East as the Islamic
Ottomans sought to use their position to economically destroy
Christian Europe.
D. It undermined the importance of the Italian city-state in
European trade.
What role did Prince Henry play in European
A. He led three key expeditions to Africa, seizing control of the city of
Ceuta in Morocco as a launching point for future expeditions.
B. He served as liaison between the explorers and the papacy to ensure
the papacy that the explorers sought to spread Christianity.
C. He coordinated French, English, and Portuguese efforts at
exploration in order to share the expenses.
D. He supported the study of geography and navigation and sponsored
expeditions down the coast of Africa.
What relationship did Vasco da Gama forge with
the Indians in Calicut?
A. He established a trade alliance that included a neutral council
to resolve trade disputes.
B. He angered the Muslim merchants with his arrogance and
failed to forge any trading alliances.
C. He established a Portuguese colony on the Indian coast and
agreed to pay local leaders a 12% tax on all goods sold.
D. He forged a trade monopoly with the Indian emperor that gave
Portugal exclusive rights to trade with Europe.
Why did fierce competition emerge over fishing
for cod in the waters off Newfoundland?
A. Control of the cod trade would provide economic support
for colonial development.
B. The schools of cod served as insurance against starvation
and famine in Europe.
C. Catholic prohibition of eating meat on Fridays and during
Lent created a thriving market for fish.
D. Cod was considered an aphrodisiac and in high demand
in Europe.
How role did the intendants serve in Spanish
A. The intendants served as the viceroy’s local advisors and
ensured that the viceroy’s decrees were enacted.
B. The intendants held broad administrative, military, and
judicial powers and reported directly to the monarchy.
C. The intendants served as the Spanish settlers’ representatives
to the monarchy to ensure that their views were heard.
D. The intendants were responsible for protecting the interests of
the Catholic Church both with regard to the church’s lands and
its missionary efforts.
What crop did the Spanish establish over their
entire domain in the Americas?
A. Corn
B. Grapes
C. Olives
D. Wheat
Why did Spain’s productive capacity decline
during its golden age?
A. The Spanish economy could not meet the demand for goods, leading
to widespread inflation, which increased production costs.
B. The Americas supplied so many manufactured goods to Spain that
Spain itself did not need to manufacture products.
C. With the wealth from the Americas, many people were able to stop
working, causing production to diminish.
D. Spain focused its activities on spreading Christianity through warfare
in Europe and through missionaries in its colonies.
Michel de Montaigne made use of the tradition of
skepticism, which emphasized
A. doubt that total certainty or definitive knowledge can be
B. the failure of human senses to understand the spiritual
C. the inadequacy of political leaders to achieve moral goals.
D. the success of atheists in disproving the existence of god.
William Shakespeare’s Othello seems to echo
A. the large religious wars on continental Europe in the
sixteenth century.
B. the witch hunts of the sixteenth century.
C. the efforts of Renaissance kings to centralize political
D. the problems of imperial conquest and settlement in the
sixteenth century.
Answer Key for Chapter 15
1. Answer is C.
2. Answer is A.
3. Answer is D.
4. Answer is B.
5. Answer is C.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is D.
8. Answer is A.
9. Answer is A.
10. Answer is D.
Chapter 16: Absolutism and
Constitutionalism, ca. 1589-1725
In Western Europe, which of the following was
not one of the primary groups within rural life?
A. The independent farmer who owned enough land to support his
family and who served as an agent for the noble lord
B. Small landowners and tenant farmers who sold their best produce to
earn money for taxes, rent, and food
C. Rural workers who worked as dependent laborers and servants
D. Serfs who were required to work for the local lord and did not own
land in their own right
How did the urban-rural dynamic change in
Eastern Europe in the seventeenth century?
A. Towns gained control over agricultural markets and forced rural
communities to support the services that towns provided.
B. Landlords sold agricultural products directly to foreigners, bypassing
towns, which caused the urban middle class to greatly decline.
C. Towns gained broad political privileges as they established
manufacturing establishments, linking the growing middle class to
the urban environment.
D. Landlords increasingly moved to towns and established vibrant
urban cultures while leaving the rural countryside to estate managers.
What was Richelieu’s main foreign policy goal?
A. To destroy the Habsburg’s control of territories
surrounding France
B. To destroy Protestantism in Europe
C. To destroy growing English power in its colonies and on
the sea
D. To reclaim French territories in northern Italy and the
What role did women play within the French
patronage systems?
A. Women served as pawns who were exchanged as marriage partners,
with no control over their marriage options.
B. Women brokered alliances among families and sustained family
connections, as well as recommended individuals for honors.
C. Women offered advice to husbands but remained distinctly in the
background as etiquette demanded.
D. Women controlled the patronage networks, since marriages could
not be agreed on without the consent of the bride and her mother.
In Austria and Prussia, what did nobles receive in
exchange for growing monarchical authority?
A. Nobles remained unchallenged masters of their peasants.
B. Nobles gained the right to establish a monopoly on
C. Nobles were permitted to claim church lands.
D. Nobles were granted the authority to expel all Jews from
their lands.
How did Ivan IV seek to crush the power of the
A. He substantially diminished the power of the boyars over
the peasants.
B. He forbade the boyars from service in the military.
C. He created a service nobility dependent on the state for
titles and estates.
D. He required all of the boyars to live at his new royal court
in St. Petersburg.
How did the Ottomans establish an effective
A. The Ottomans established severe laws requiring
immediate obedience to all bureaucratic rulings.
B. The Ottomans required all communities to provide boys
for training in bureaucratic skills.
C. The Ottomans implemented rigorous educational
standards for entrance into the bureaucracy.
D. The Ottomans trained slaves, and the most talented
slaves rose to the top of the bureaucracy.
Why were religious tensions in England
increasing in the early seventeenth century?
A. Puritans believed the Church of England needed to be
cleansed of Roman Catholic elements.
B. Jews were demanding greater civil rights.
C. Anglican bishops sought to reclaim church lands seized
during the Reformation.
D. Catholics priests sought the right to accept positions
within Anglican churches.
How did the coronation of William and Mary
resolve the issue of sovereignty in England?
A. Parliament was recognized as the sovereign authority, with the right
to remove or overthrow monarchs who challenged its authority.
B. Sovereignty was divided between the monarchy and parliament, and
the king ruled with the consent of the governed.
C. The monarchy was recognized as the sovereign authority, with
Parliament having the ability to shape or influence monarchical
D. The Parliament was identified as the sovereign authority, but its
authority was limited by both the courts and the monarchy.
The Catholic Church wanted the baroque
movement to promoted what sensibility?
A. An intensely emotional, exuberant sensibility that
emphasized ceaseless striving
B. A highly structured and ordered sensibility that
emphasized reason
C. A measured, calm sensibility that emphasized reflective
D. A mystical style promoting fear and wonder
Answer Key for Chapter 16
1. Answer is D.
2. Answer is B.
3. Answer is A.
4. Answer is B.
5. Answer is A.
6. Answer is C.
7. Answer is D.
8. Answer is A.
9. Answer is B.
10. Answer is A.
Chapter 17: Toward a New Worldview,
How did Ptolemy account for the apparent
backward motion of planets?
A. He asserted that the speed of the earth’s rotation increased and
decreased with the tides.
B. He asserted that the planets moved in small circles as they
moved along the larger circles of their orbits.
C. He asserted that the light of planets was refracted by the
earth’s atmosphere, creating the illusion of backward
D. He asserted that God had created backward motion to
confound the pagans and lead them to God.
Why did Copernicus find Ptolemy’s system
A. Copernicus found that Ptolemy’s calculations did not account for the
appearance of meteors or other occasional bodies in the heavens.
B. Copernicus rejected Ptolemy’s reliance on arbitrary mathematical
constants that made his system more effective but had no particular
C. Copernicus believed that Ptolemy’s mathematically cumbersome and
occasionally inaccurate rules detracted from the majesty of a perfect
D. Copernicus refused to believe that God would have revealed the true
nature of the heavens to a non-Christian pagan.
Of his many accomplishments, what was Galileo’s
greatest achievement?
A. The invention of the telescope
B. The elaboration and consolidation of the experimental
C. The formulation of the law of inertia
D. The demonstrations that a uniform force produced a
uniform acceleration
What was the central component of Isaac
Newton’s unified system of the universe?
A. The sun’s gravitational force holds the universe in a stable
B. Every body in the universe attracts every other body in a
precisely mathematical relationship.
C. The force of attraction in the universe emanates from a single
source that drives and orders the universe.
D. The force of attraction is balanced against an equal force of
repulsion that establishes stability.
How did Enlightenment thinkers differ from those
of the Renaissance?
A. Renaissance writers accepted Christianity, while most Enlightenment
writers rejected Christianity.
B. Renaissance writers argued for the primacy of reason, while
Enlightenment authors broadly embraced sentimentality as a central
component of thought.
C. Renaissance writers were often persecuted and despised, but
Enlightenment authors rarely raised political or religious opposition.
D. Renaissance writers took inspiration from the classical past, but
Enlightenment writers believed their era had gone far beyond
What did Montesquieu believe was the central
condition to promote liberty and prevent tyranny?
A. A wealthy middle class that established prosperity and
valued education
B. A division of political power among a variety of classes
holding unequal rights
C. A set of representative institutions that held regular
D. A firmly established court system that defended political
What role did the salonnières play within salons?
A. The salonnières mediated among the individuals of different status
and different philosophical, religious, and social beliefs.
B. The salonnières provided amusements and refreshments and then
withdrew as the men at the salon began to discuss and debate issues.
C. The salonnières provided their homes but left the organizing work of
the salon to male patrons.
D. The salonnières dominated their salons with strict schedules in order
to control debate and discussion.
Which of the following best characterizes
the “public sphere”?
A. The commercial marketplace in which authors published their
books and newspapers and journals sought subscriptions
B. An idealized space informed by critical reason where
individuals discuss and debate the issues of the day
C. A free-speech area established in most cities where individuals
could speak without fear of government persecution
D. A space inside of royal palaces where commoners were
permitted to watch kings and the nobility perform court rituals
How did Frederick II of Prussia provide a new
justification for monarchy?
A. With his defeat of the Pugachev Rebellion, Frederick
justified the monarchy in terms of internal stability.
B. With his military victories, Frederick justified monarchy
in terms of foreign conquest.
C. With his reforms, Frederick justified the monarchy in
terms of practical results.
D. With his cultural activities, Frederick justified the
monarchy in terms of promoting civilization.
What was the principle idea of cameralism?
A. All elements of society should be placed at the service of the
monarchy, which should use its resources and authority to
improve society.
B. The greatest prosperity for the greatest number can be
achieved by limiting government interference in the economy.
C. The adoption of intellectual freedom will permit humans to
unleash their productive capacities and improve society in all
D. An alliance of middle-class merchants and the state will
provide the greatest avenue toward economic growth.
Answer Key for Chapter 17
1. Answer is B.
2. Answer is C.
3. Answer is B.
4. Answer is B.
5. Answer is D.
6. Answer is B.
7. Answer is A.
8. Answer is B.
9. Answer is C.
10. Answer is A.