By: Deneshia W. and Kayla E.
Compare Hinduism and
 Was a minor religion of classical India.
 Developed gradually over a period of many
 Monotheistic.
 Goal to attain nirvana.
 Popular in china.
 Dealt with obedience and respect.
 Based on Chinese values.
 Elements were: polite, ritual, self control, etc.
 Sought elegant calligraphy in cultivation of scholar
•Social system
•Worship more than one deities
•Believe in reincarnation
•Look into
•Look for
•Political and social
•Family based
•Respect family always
Compare the role
of women in
different belief
systems: Buddhism,
R ol e s of w om e n i n
Buddhism and
C h r i st i ani t y
Women were considered as
Subordinate to their husbands
Take care of the family
Women are to obey their husband
They are to take care of their
Women were
confined to
Didn’t restrict
educational rights for
Could be in business
Could be in trade
Woman gained more
Roles of women in
Confucianism and
 Patriarch families
 Women had to
practice obedience
 Had to practice
 Had to practice
devotion towards their
 They were seen
below men
 Patriarch society
 Expected to raise children
 Had to clean
 Tend to husband
 Had to cook for the family
 Women not allowed to
remarry after death of husband
 No public authority
 Had to throw themselves in
Collapse of the Roman
Empire and the Han in
Collapse of Han Empire
Heavy taxes levied on peasants.
Decline in interests in Confucian intellectual goals.
A decline in morality.
Weak emperors and the increased influence of army generals.
Social unrest, particularly by students.
Emperors lost control
Collapse of Roman Empire
Decline in trade.
• Plague
Recruitment of non-Romans in the roman army.
Invasions from Germanic tribes
Social and moral decay in lack of interest in the elite classes.
Decrease in money flow
Epidemic diseases
Roman dependence on Slave labor
Comparison of Collapse
of Roman and Han
Poor harvest
Population decline from epidemic disease.
A decline in trade
Compare the caste system in
India with slavery in the Roman
Caste System In India
There was social mobility
Priority to religious status
Didn’t have a broad social group
Introduced by Aryans
Four classes(laborers, farmers, warriors,
and brahma(priests))
Birth determined occupation
More religious
Slavery in Roman Empire
Citizens with rights
People into classes
Had certain rights
Compare Silk Road trade in
the classical world with trade
in the Mediterranean Sea
Silk Road Trade
Started in China
There was a series of routes
Started with Han dynasty
China exported tea, silk, etc
Imported spices from India
Religions exchanged….
Mediterranean Sea Trade
 First sea used for trade
 Next to the coast
 Major link to East
 Linked Europe with goods from Asia
 Middle of Earth
Both major trade routes
Bothe made trading easier
Both were successful trading routes
Critical to development of western civilizations
Compare the political and social
structure of Mesopotamia and
Social structure
Political structure
Had social classes
King had authority
Had slaves
Gov. provided court system
Slaves could ear money
Law code of Hammurabi
Social structure
Political structure
 Had a king/pharaoh
Had social classes
 Taxation system
Religion was important
 Theocracy government
Had farmers
 Had laws on
Farmers made up vast
majority of population
Compare the role of women in
the Middle East before and after
the rise of Islam
the role of women in the Middle
East before the rise of Islam
They could inherit property
They could divorce their husband
They could engage in businesses
There was equality
Dowries went straight to the bride
Controlled sexual and social lives of women
the role of women in the Middle
East after the rise of Islam
They couldnt inherit property
They couldnt divorce their husband
They couldnt engage in businesses
There was no equality
They still controlled sexual and social lives of women
Analyze the interactions between
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in
this period
 They believed in the same God, but worshipped him in a different
 Black death, christians believed jews fault, so they burned jews to stop
the disease.
 Crusades with jews and christians, lead to distrust between christians
and muslims.
 They worked and lived together and made achievements in
astronomy, art, poetry, etc.
Compare Japanese and
European feudalism
Japenese Feudalism
revamped tax system
hired foriegn experts to facilitate
economic development
Meiji leaders goal was to to
centralize power
destroyed old social order
new governors were appointed
power lied with the emperor
European Feudalism
 based on neat hierarchy of lords and vassels
 Took charge of politcal/military affairs
 Slaves and free peasants
 serfs
 Lords could execute for serious misconduct
 Both european and japanese feudalsim had political
 Social structure
 Honor code
 based on culture
Do a SPRITE chart for the Sudanic
States (Mali, Ghana, Songhai)
Had centralized government
Extended across senegal
Mali took over after ghana
Controlled trade
Muslim kingdom
Ghana thrives
Had a large army
Was principal state
Converted to islam
Trade improved
Muslim kingdom
Built up after Mali empire
Important trade center with Mali
Weakened by internal problems
Had central government
Was a fishing community
Well trained army
Believed in many gods
Analyze the Chinese civil
service exam system, the rise
of cities, and technological
and economic innovations of
the Tang/Song dynasties
Civil service exam
 used mainly to grade officials
 Rates were very small
 Were in a small cubicle
 Watched over closely
 Lived in the cubicle
the rise of cities, and
technological and
economic innovations
 Rise of regional military
 Development of woodblock printing
 Market quarters grew larger
 saw
Analyze the growth and spread of
Indian Ocean trade during this
time period —include monsoon
winds, dhows, et
 Was an important trade area
 Extended from East Asia through India to the east coast of Africa
 Trade winds half of the year blew northeast (December to March)
and the other half of the year they blew southwest (April to August)
Trade winds were a primary factor of
merchants movements
The Junks sailed on the Indian Ocean
Had to wait for monsoon winds
Islam and buddhism were spread
through trade
Spread the Black Death
Dhow boat helped move more flexible
and easier
C o l o n i a l a d m i n i s t rat i on o f t h e
Spanish and the British
Gained control over most of the new world
Extended control over American empire
The kings representatives were the viceroys
Settle could not make there own laws
Colonial business were control by spanish royals
Had control over colonies affairs
Maintain there own assemblies
Chose there own governors
British ruled
People finance the expeditions to America
Had privateinvestors
Coercive labor
Couldnt own land
Worked with no pay
Had to pay land lords
Sold to other coutries
Got little pay
Were beated
Chain together
Boarded on ships
Traded slaves for goods
Were chained on ships
Worked on planatations
No pay
 Exchanged slaves for
 Introduced to new
 Worked on planatation
and mines
 No pay
Russia’s Interaction
Ottoman Empire
Instabul becomes the capital
Wheat and rice were major crops
Had long distant trade
Behind in Technology
Constaniople is conquered
Osman Bey was the founder
Mongols taught them to fight
Trade parnters
Gun power empires
Both control by the mongols
Advanced weapons
Western Europe
Russia wanted there land
Traded with each other
Wanted trade dominance
Wanted protection
Eastern Europe
Russia wanted there land
Traded with each other
Wanted trade dominance
Wanted protection over there nationalism
Development of Empires
 Urbanized
 Bureaucracy
 Merchants increased
 Centralized government
 No foreign influences
 Rejected Christianity
 Isolated from the world
Prospered from help from European nations
Slave trade increased
Imperial System
Eupropean Seaborne
Land based Asian Empire
 New crops were introduced
 Population increase at a rapid rate
 Westernized
 Foreigners were forced off the land and nationals were kept in
Trade and markets were more developed
Spoke Nahuatl
Human Sacrifice
Forced to pay tribute
Temple of the sun
Spoke Quechua
Pachacuti was the ruler
Split inheritance
Holy shrines mountains, stones rivers caves etc.
Hatian and French
Hatitian Revolution
 Based on sugar
 Divided among slave workers
 Declared independence in1804
 Toussaint L’Overture
French Revolution
Began in 1789
King Louis XIV
Increased of enlightenment ideas
Industrial Revoltion
Western Europe
Wanted power and resources
Wood was a main source of fuel but
they were using a lot of tree
Use coal for stream power
 Agriculture efficiency improved
Less people needed to work the lands
More people moved to the cities to get
jobs in the factories
Meiji Restoration
Wanted to compete with industrialized nations and avoid foreign influences
Upset because of unequal treaties from other nations
Transportation and communication was improved
Introduced to railroads , stream boats and telegraphs
New banking system
Ottoman Empire
 Did not accept foreign influence from Jews and
 Didnt except advanced weapons
 Not worthy of their culture
 Cause the decline of there Empire
 Shut themselves out from the world
 Were behind in new technologies
 British were selling new technologies to china
 British fought the chinese because the selling these new
technologuies was tearing apart communities
 British took control of India
 Wanted to take over because of wealth from trade
 The Sepoy’s Rellibion
 India was changed schools were built,
 Sati could not be practiced
 Indians could voice there opinion
Southeast Asia
Dutch Ruled
Dutch wanted to control the spice market
 British, French, and U.S came to establish relations with the japenese
 Sailors were rude and had poor hygiene
 Unequal treaties
 Took the governments control over the tariffs and foreigners extraterritorial
China/ japan
Traded with other
Self involved
Didn’t accept
foreign influence
Didn’t trade with
others countries
1853 open for trade
Tried to become a
 Napolean invading Italy was the main cause
 Haven’t been a united country
 Austria was dominant power
 Nationalist ideas were ignored
Pan Africanism
 Spoke for all Africans
 Had no political power
 Edward Blyden (didnt like mixed marriages)
 Had no equal rights
Indian Congress Movement
Led by Mahanadi Ghandi
Believed in non-violence
No equal rights
Could not be in high positions
Boycotted british goods
British seperated Bengal
India had to fight Germany
Western Intervention
Latin America
 Haiti’s population was made up of 90% slaves
 Main goods were coffee, sugar,cocoa, and indigo
 Pierre Toussaint L'Ouverture formed a slave revolt
 In 1804 Haiti became a free republic
Argentina Jose De San Martin took control of the Army
Boilvar established a national congress
Porgual was invaded by Napolean
Pedro declared brazil independent
Established colonial rule
Egypt had levied there own taxes
Egypt had Dominant trade
South Africa discovered diamonds and gold
South African abolished slavery in1833
South East Asia
 Wanted to bring buddism to reduce western influence
(Young Man’s Buddhist Association)
 Sareket Isalm bring all Muslims together
 Malayas were brought to the civil service
 Indonesia National Party was by indonesians in Dutch
Women in Latin America
 Take care of the house
 Cant own a business
 Don’t get Proper health care
 Discrimination in the work force
 No Abortion
 Men ran the house hold
Women in Europe
Had to look good for men
Rape wasnt a crime
Low rates of births
Married early
No education
Took care of the house
 They had The French Revolution
 They divided Italy (was no equal)
 Form a group called Young Italy(Guisseppe Mazzini) to unify
 Foreign Intervention
 Foregin intervention
 Wanted power
 More equal
Colonial areas
 1857 The Indian Independence movement Lead by Mahatams
Ghani in India, This movement was caused by rascism towards them
and the british forcing them to swith relgions. He practiced non
violence and encourged Indians not to purchase British goods.
 Africa Fought against the French for there independence and did
many protests against un equal rights
Effects of Western
Consumer Society
Positive Effects
 Less expensive
 Newer technology
 Better relationship with other countries
 Increases the growth of the economy
Negative Effects
 Human rights are abused
 More Poverty
 Hurts the environment
 Corperations are dominanting
 Faliure of the Schlieffen Plan
 Wanted to invade France through Beligum
 For soliders protection
 Formed in ZIG ZAG
 Troops slept in ltitle hole dug in the trenches
 Planks and sandbags were used to support the roofs of the trenches
 When you go back in fourth against one side . They shot guns,
throw grandes and other weapons against others
 Means little war
 Smaller armies goes against bigger armies and the
bigger armies , The smaller armies usually strikes and
rans back to there side of the war line
 Is when power weapon forces are thrown at the enemy side such
as missles, bombs
Economic Growth
 Began in 1994
 Removed Barriers and trade investments among USA,
Canada , and Mexico
 Free trade with Mexcio
 Helped stop violence
 Protecting citizens
 Enhance the government
*Compare patterns and results of
decolonization in Africa and India
Nationalism was promoted
Political instability
Economical disaster forced to industrialize(kenya)
More tension between hindus and
War between india and pakistan after
gandhi death
Gandhi killed because of tryng to
reunite muslims and hindus
Motivated to gain independence
because of lack of natives in gov.
 Tired of being controlled by europeans
 Great depression lowered incomes
 Developed sense of nationalism
*Pick two revolutions (Russian,
Chinese, Cuban, and Iranian and
compare their effects on the roles
of women
Foot binding
Granted women and men were equal
Divorce legal
One child policy
Loyalty to state
Loyalty to family
Equal rights in labor systems
Full abortion rights
Women given more job opportunities
Increase change in education
Fought prostitution
Women had more freedom in marriage, family, and guardianship
More political chances
Used war as an excuse for imperialism
Captured german colonies
Declared war on china
Helped retain power in pacific and asia
Defeated by soviet union united states
became main supplier
Europe couldn’t export to japan
Japan attacked pearl harbor
Japanese pursued expansion
*Compare legacies of colonialism
and patterns of economic
development in two of three
areas (Africa, Asia, Latin America
Faced large foreign debts
Controlled by European
Couldn’t develop because of WWI
Great Depression cause problems
for Africa
High unemployment rights
Wars for independece occured
*Compare the effects of WWI and
WWII on areas outside of Europe
Expanded authority to parts of Ceylon
Built extensive railway systems
Cleared forests
Constructed new canals
Reconstructed landholdings
Asia affected by Great Depression