Past Simple

Past Simple
Afirmativ: S + V-ed (pentru verbe
S + V la forma a IIa (pentru verbe
Negativ: S + did + not + V…
Interogativ: Did + S + V…?
verbe regulate
Regula generala spune ca
un verb la trecut primeste
terminatia “-ed”.
verbe neregulate
Mai exista si o categorie de
verbe care nu respecta
regula de adaugare a “-ed”
la trecut. Ele se numesc
“neregulate” si au un cuvant
separat pentru a exprima
Past Simple.
Verbele neregulate se
gasesc in tabele.
Ex.: play -> played
listen -> listened
visit -> visited
Pentru ca respecta aceasta
regula, asemenea verbe se
numesc “regulate”
Past Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni
trecute, incheiate si care nu se mai pot repeta.
Expresii specifice:
- Yesterday (ieri)
- Last month/year/summer etc (luna/anul/vara…trecut(a))
- In 1987
- In October
Reguli de scriere la adaugarea terminatiei “-ed”
(pentru verbe regulate)
1.Verbele monosilabice terminate in consoana-vocala-consoana dubleaza
ultima litera.
Ex: stop => stopped;
2. Verbele bisilabice cu accentul pe a doua silaba, terminate in consoanavocala-consoana, dubleaza ultima litera.
Ex: regret => regretted
3. “-e” final mut dispare.
Ex: live => lived
4. “-y” final precedat de consoana se transforma in “-i”
Ex: try => tried
5. “-l” final se dubleaza.
Ex: travel => travelled
Exemple de propozitii
pentru un verb regulat
Am incercat sa scriu o carte.
I tried to write a book.
N-am incercat sa scriu o
I didn’t try to write a book.
Ai incercat sa scrii o carte?
Did you try to write a book?
Afirmativ: S + V-ed (pentru
verbe regulate)…
Negativ: S + did + not + V…
Interogativ: Did + S + V…?
Verbele neregulate se gasesc in tabele speciale, sub
urmatoarea forma:
to write
(forma I/prezent)
(forma a II-a)
(forma a III-a)
to speak –
(forma I/prezent)
(forma a II-a)
(forma a III-a)
Exemple de propozitii
pentru un verb neregulat
Am scris o carte anul trecut.
I wrote a book last year.
Nu am scris o carte anul
I didn’t write a book last
Ai scris o carte anul trecut?
Did you write a book last
Afirmativ: S + V la forma a IIa (pentru
verbe neregulate)…
Negativ: S + did + not + V…
Interogativ: Did + S + V…?
To be (a fi) nu respecta schema lui Past Simple – el are conjugare
separata pentru afirmativ, interogativ, negativ.
I was – am fost
You were – tu ai fost
He was – el a fost
She was – ea a fost
It was – el/ea a fost (animale,
lucruri, fenomene)
We were – noi am fost
You were – voi ati fost
They were – ei/ele au fost
Was I? – am fost?
Were you? – ai fost?
Was he? – el a fost?
Was she? – ea a fost?
Was it? – el/ea a fost?
(animale, lucruri, fenomene)
Were we? – noi am fost?
Were you – voi ati fost?
Were they? – ei/ele au fost?
To be (a fi) nu respecta schema lui Past Simple – el are conjugare
separata pentru afirmativ, interogativ, negativ.
I was not (I wasn’t) – nu am fost
You were not (you weren’t) – nu ai fost
He was not (he wasn’t) – el nu a fost
She was not (she wasn’t) – ea nu a fost
It was not (it wasn’t) – el/ea nu a fost (animale,
lucruri, fenomene)
We were not (we weren’t) – noi nu am fost
You were not (you weren’t) – voi nu ati fost
They were not (they weren’t) – ei/ele nu au fost