Primary History Summary of Changes 2014

Curriculum 2014
Primary History
Summary of Key Changes for 2014.
Following the publication of the final programmes of study and through
talking to primary teachers at regional events, it has come to our attention
that there is still a great deal of confusion surrounding the final programmes
of study for history about what is statutory, what is not, what can be retained
from current units and what cannot.
The following guide provides a summary of the key changes alongside
some suggested alternatives and supportive resources. These are not an
exhaustive list. Also in development are a new series of schemes of work
aimed at new curriculum topics. Of course if you are an academy, you can
choose to take on as much or as little of curriculum 2014 as you wish.
The next 6 issues of our Primary History journal, adding up to a complete
handbook, will provide you with detailed advice, resources and support for
the changes that lie ahead. If you do not already subscribe to the Historical
Association, now is the time to do so, ensuring that through our website
and journals, you and your colleagues are getting the support that you
need, all for just £60 per year per school.
What’s Changed at KS1?
New Topic
Opportunities to
incorporate already
taught units
Opportunities for
to italicised
suggestions on
curriculum document.
HA Resources (not
exhaustive, just
Changes in students’
Retained, but with renewed emphasis that
this should where
possible reveal change
on a national level.
Possible to retain toys
and homes
Changes in fashion,
schools, own locality,
own street, changes at
school between their
parents and them e.g.
Stimulating children’s
understanding of the
past. Primary History
9/11, Plague,
Gunpowder plot,
Titanic, Olympics,
Remembrance Day,
Queen Victoria Jubilee
compared to Elizabeth
II. Great Exhibition,
Primary History 66
Scheme of work on
Great Fire in
Events Beyond Living
Possible to retain
commonly taught
Homes in the past
Significant Individuals
Retained but with
Possible to retain
renewed emphasis on
some of the commonly
using them to compare taught individuals.
aspects of life in
different periods.
Florence Nightingale
and Mary Seacole,
Marie Curie and
Rosalind Franklin, Ibn
Battuta and Gertrude
Bell, Elizabeth I and
Emperor Akbar
HA Topic Pack on
Florence Nightingale
HA Topic Pack on
Teaching Significant
Individuals in the new
HA Schemes of work
on Comparative
models of different
individuals in
Significant Local
New emphasis on a
Events, people, places. local study.
Local examples
Local History Toolkit
Using Local Sites CPD
Primary History 55
New Topic
And KS2…
Changes in Britain
from the Stone Age to
the Iron Age
The Roman Empire
and its impact on
New, Statutory
Retained, but with
greater emphasis
Opportunities to
incorporate already
taught units
Opportunities for
to italicised
suggestions on
curriculum document.
Possibility in the latter Opportunites to weave
part of the unit to
in local history
incorporate elements
element through
of The Celts.
studies of local sites
e.g. Ebbsfleet in Kent,
Cheddar Gorge in
Somerset, Stone
Henge in Wiltshire,
Grimes Graves in East
Anglia, Uffington in
Oxforshire, etc
Possible to retain
Opportunity to weave
already taught units on in localised study if
Roman Britain.
you have Roman
legacy nearby in terms
of place names or
buildings. As well as
resistance also look at
Roman integration
into the country.
Roman society and
organisation, theatre,
HA Resources
HA Podcasts on Stone
Age, Bronze Age and
HA Schemes of work in
Primary History
Journal: Doing
HA podcasts
Exploring diversity
Through Hadrian’s
Wall: Primary History
HA scheme of work in
Britain’s settlement by
Anglo-Saxons and
Retained but with
greater emphasis.
Possible to weave in
Localised studies if
already taught units on sites are nearby.
the Anglo-saxons.
Looking at the AngloSaxons through
objects e.g. Sutton
Hoo and others. The
British Museum has a
vast collection with
good digital access.
Ideas of migration,
immigration and
integration through
settlements of the
past, Anglo-Saxon
women e.g. Hilda of
Whitby, Aethelflead etc
HA Podcasts
HA Short Pamphlet
HA Scheme of Work
The Viking and AngloSaxon Struggle for
Retained but with
greater emphasis.
Possible to weave in
Who were the Vikings?
already taught units on Viking beliefs,
differences between
Vikings and AngloSaxons,
HA CPD unit
HA Podcasts
Local History Study
Retained but with
greater emphasis.
Possible to
incorporate in any
other units. Does not
have to stand alone,
but could do so if
Local history CPD unit
Using religious sites
Local history toolkit
Primary History 55
Local examples
HA Complete guide in
Chronological Unit
Beyond 1066
Depending on route
chosen, it is possible
to weave in to a lesser
degree some aspects
of previously taught
content on the
Victorians, Tudors,
World War II.
The changing power of
the people, changing
status of women,
medicine over time,
food through time,
technology through
time, Industrial
Revolution, The Great
War, The Black Death,
Education Act,
Medicine through time
topic pack
Crime and punishment
through Time
HA Podcasts on crime
HA podcasts on social
and political change
HA Schemes of work in
The achievements of
the earliest
Elements of old
curriculum retained,
but re-worked. This
new unit is a hybrid of
the old European and
World study units.
Possible to retain
study of Ancient
Greece, Egypt, Sumer,
Benin or the Indus
Valley here, or to opt
for one of the other
suggestions to make
Etruscans, Hittites,
Persians, Babylon,
HA Podcasts
HA topic pack on
Indus Valley, Ancient
Greece and Egypt
HA Schemes of work
on Ancient Egypt and
Ancient Greece
Elements of old
curriculum retained
but with different
emphasis. This new
unit is a re-working
of the old world
Possible to retain
Persia, China,
elements that may
Mughals, Ottomans,
have been taught in
Aztecs, Incas.
the old world study
unit for example the
Aztecs. Other
elements of the old
world study appear
to fall more into the
new early
civilisations unit.
However, there is
nothing in the
document to state
that these 2 elements
should be completely
distinct. Therefore, if
a school had in the
past taught Egypt,
Indus Valley etc, it
could technically be
possible to count
this as both an
ancient civilisation
and a non-European
HA Podcasts on Mughals
and Persia
The Historian
Primary History Journal on
the global perspective
See also above.