The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby
Chapter Packet Study Guide
Mrs. Carew
Chapter 1
1. The point of view is First Person. It is told in Past Tense, flashback.
2. Important Details learned about the Narrator:
Lives in West Egg
Middle Class
Lives next store to Gatsby’s Mansion
Was in the Army, served in WWI
Attended College with Tom (Yale)
Daisy’s cousin
Bond Trader
From the Mid-West
3. East Egg is old Money and West Egg is new Money. Nick’s neighbor is Gatsby. Nick describes Gatsby’s mansion as a fancy
4. Tom is mean, very rich, strong man. He is powerful, cheater, arrogant, conceited.
5. Daiy is cynical, socialite, beautiful. Tom‘s wife (a Trophy wife)
6. Tom cheats on Daisy- He has a mistress.
7. The rumor Daisy heard about Nick is that he is engaged.
8. Daisy feels that her daughter needs to be foolish and beautiful in order to understand her role as woman.
IT’s better to be useless, because if she knew about life, she would be unhappy.
9. Tom and Daisy’s relationship is expectant, not loving, keeping up with “East Egg.”
10. Nick see’s Gatsby looking @ a green light from the distance on his dock across the bay.
11. The Advantages of having Nick narrate the story are: knowing both sides and getting a realistic picture of Gatsy. The
disadvantage is never knowing exactly Gatsby’s feelings and he is outside the circle of wealth looking in.
Chapter 2
1. The Valley of Ashes: The people who live and work in the Valley of Ashes are like the servants to the East Eggers, the rich. They
can never get out. The author is demonstrating to the reader just how much ash there is. It covers houses, trains, cars, the ground,
the road, and the people.
2. The Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg: Eyes represent someone is watching, Tom has to pass the eyes on the train to get to the city. IT’s a
Higher Being (God, supernatural)
3. Wilson and his Garage: It reinforces the idea that the Valley of Ashes and how insignificant Wilson is to Myrtle, but his is
important to the valley b/c he provides a service to the people.
4. Myrtle Wilson: To give the reader a clear understanding of what Myrtle looks like to compare to Daisy.
5. Myrtle and Tom’s New York Apartment: Reinforces this is small for Tom, tis’ the place to party with friends who he would never
invite to the East Egg. Myrtle thinks it’s an upper class lavish lifestyle.
Second ½ of Ch. 2 Questions:
1. The Valley is a place that is full of soot and ashes. Nothing is pretty about it!
2. The Eyes are huge on a billboard. It represents a higher being that watches all the on goings between the city and the eggs. The
3. Myrtle is in her mid 30’s, not skinny, flirtatious, and not pretty, but fun.
4. Myrtle is curvy and poor. Daisy is elegant, pretty, and skinny.
5. Tom is attracked to Myrtle b/c she brings out his playful wild side.
6. Tom breaks Myrtle’s nose. Tom is angry and impulsive. He did this b/c his life with Daisy is separate from his life in the city. It
was not appropriate! Hinted was that Tom was a powerful and strong.
7. Nick was partying and was drunk so the events are not that clear and to the point.
8. (This is a chart that you need to fill in with quotes)
Chapter 3
1. Jazz Age: Partying, not abiding to the laws, spending money without worrying.
2. Gatsby orders a great deal of food and drinks, he allows people to use his cars, pool, sleepover.
3. Nick was the only guest to have an actual invitation.
4. The implied reason is that it’s the place to be seen, you go because everyone is there who are
popular. The Who Who’s are all there. Famous actors, musicians, politicians.
5. Rumor is Gatsby killed a man.
6. Rumor’s are revealed to keep the suspicion and mystery about Gatsby.
7. The Owl Eyed man find Gatsby’s books impressive. They are actually real. He doesn’t just
decorate, he makes it really “real.”
8. Belasco is a magician, marvel. The title relates as it’s the “Great” Gatsby, like he has powers.
9. From Gatsby’s smile we learn that he is always watching and keeping up his charm.
10. Characterization. He describes Gatsby
11. Jordan means that at Gatsby’s huge parties one can blend in and keep their secrets. It’s ironic
because the parties are huge and everyone is noticed.
Chapter 4
1. The “boarder” is Klipspringer. He stays at Gatsby’s all the time for free. A free loader.
2. Mr. Wolfsheim is a professional gambler, who may have fixed the World Series. He has molars as cufflinks. Gatsby is
associated with him possibly due to underground business dealings.
3. The literary technique is Flashback and imagery.
4. Daisy on her wedding day questions her decision to marry Tom, or to wait for the man she loves who was at war.
5. On the outside Tom and Daisy are a happy married Rich couple in East Egg, but truly they are not nice to each other or
6. Tom gave Daisy a 300.000 Pearl necklace the day before their wedding. That evening she got drunk. She received a
letter from the boy she loved.
7. Tom was in a car accident. The chamber maid was with him. He was caught cheating, but him and Daisy stayed
married even though it was in the papers.
8. IT’s not a coincidence that Gatsby lives where he does because it is directly across from Daisy’s house. He can walk to
the end of Gatsby’s dock and see it, The Green Light.
9. Gatsby wants Jordan and Nick to invite Daisy over for some tea at Nick’s house. Gatsby wants to impress Daisy, wants
her to see his house.
10. The pursued are Daisy by Gatsby and Tom by Myrtle. The ones busy are Tom and Gatsby. The ones who are tired are
11. Gatsby’s seemingly purposeless splendor is reuniting with Daisy. He wants to impress her, and win her back with all of
his grandeur and abilities he has with his money. The “Great” Gatsby who has the power to do anything.
Chapter 5
1. Gatsby spruces up Nick’s home and gardens. He wants everything to be perfect and
2. Gatsby accidently knocks the clock off the mantle. This awkward moment symbolizes how
Time can’t stand still! 5 yrs has past since Gatsby and Daisy have seen each other.
3. Five years have passed since Gatsby and Daisy seen each other.
4. Gatsby is shy, quiet and nervous when seeing Daisy again. Its ironic because he is very
confident (overly) at his parties, with Nick. He is not so “Great” or “Superior” in Daisy’s
presence for the first time.
5. Gatsby is acting like a “little boy” because he ran out of the room when Daisy walked in.
Their relationship was adolescent yrs. ago because he was a boy, she was a school girl.
6. All the things in Gatsby’s mansion might not be enough to obtain her. Daisy is crying
because she could have been apart of all of “this”, Gatsby’s life. She maybe should have
waited for Gatsby to get home from the war instead of marrying Tom.
7. The Green Light symbolizes Gatsby’s hope and wish to win Daisy back. All that Gatsby
focuses on is winning Daisy back and them living happily ever after together as if no time has
8. Gatsby has worked hard for this moment, what is left. He needs to convince Daisy to leave
her husband and her East Egg life.
Chapter 6
Chapter 4
Born in to wealth to a Midwest family
San Francisco- family is all dead
Toured Europe (lived like a Prince)
Served as a Major in the Military
Went to Oxford
War Hero
Big Game Hunter
Old $
Chapter 6
Poor (unsuccessful farm)
He created the name Jay Gatsby
Learned everything from Dan Cody
Actual name is James Gatz
2. Gatsby is sticking to the “man” he created when he was young, even though he is 32.
He is not acting his age. *Gatsby is still acting like an idealistic 17yr. Old who thinks he can have his way and erase Daisy’s past with Tom.
Acts like a teenager rather than an adult.
3. Daisy is an East Egger, she doesn’t party like the people at Gatsby’s parties, she is appalled by the glitz and glamour surrounding the
party and how over the top the party is. She thinks it’s “tacky!” People with old money are more reserved, they don’t show off the money
they have. (ex. Gatsby's Yellow Car)
4. Fitzgerald included the horseback visit to emphasize the differences between Gatsby and true rich people like Tom. Gatsby is really not
invited to ride, they just say it. Gatsby doesn’t understand social situations, social cues. Socially Awkward.
5. Tom wants to see what the “big deal” is about Gatsby’s parties. He Really wants to keep an eye on Daisy. This is ironic because Tom
cheats on Daisy all the time & he is suddenly afraid of her cheating on him.
6. Gatsby can’t interact with Daisy like he wants to when at the party with Tom. Tom makes it super awkward for Daisy, Gatsby and Nick.
7. Gatsby wants Daisy to leave Tom. “Repeat the Past.” Nick says you “can’t” repeat the past! Gatsby wants Daisy to tell Tom that she
has never loved him, Nick tells Gatsby that she is expecting too much of her.
8. Gatsby’s request of Daisy is not reasonable. 5 yrs. Have past and life for Daisy is not the same. She might be willing to leave Tom, but it
would be hard to erase all of the memories. I.e., Daisy has a daughter.
Chapter 7
1. Suspicion is growing about Gatsby’s life so he fires all of the servants.
2. Daisy kisses Gatsby and declares her love for him while Tom is on the phone in the other room.
3. Daisy treats Pammy like a pet and/or a porcelean doll. Gatsby is taken back, he realizes that life is different then
he thought/imagined.
4. Daisy suggests that they all go to the city. Daisy and Gatsby drive together in Tom’s car. In Gatsby’s car, Tom,
Jordan and Nick.
5. Tom learns that Wilson knows that Myrtle is cheating and he decides that he is taking her away.
6. Tom is in a “Whip of Panic” , “Afraid.” He is losing control over both women.
7. Daisy refuses to say that she never loved Tom. She tried to say she didn’t but she confesses that she did/does.
Gatsby expected her to say it and not change her mind.
8. Tom says that Daisy can ride with Gatsby on the way home. Tom says, “He won’t annoy you anymore.” Tom puts
it out there that he knows that Daisy won’t leave him.
9. The literary technique used is simile. Its significant comparing them to Ghosts b/c Daisy and Gatsby are dead to
him. Its’ like their relationship doesn’t exist.
10. Myrtle is hit by Daisy… “Runs out thinking it was Tom in the car b/c he was driving it earlier.” Everyone thinks
Gatsby was driving Tom’s car.
11. Gatsby waiting outside of Daisy’s home represents: Gatsby is empty and Daisy it not coming back. Gatsby has
nothing, just like at the beginning of the story. Once again he doesn’t have Daisy.
At the beginning of this chapter Daisy was flirting with Gatsby and confessing her love for him, but in the end she
went with Tom.
Chapter 8
1. Gatsby won’t leave b/c he wants to make sure she is okay. He is hoping that Daisy will come back
outside once Tom goes to bed.
2. Gatsby and other officers from Camp Taylor wen to Daisy’s house. He tells her that he had money.
Gatsby and Daisy spent a lot of time alone together and slept with each other. Gatsby felt married to
3. Daisy was feeling pressured by her parents, society, and her personal world to get married to a
successful man.
4. The struggle was deciding whether to wait for Gatsby or to marry Tom. She was relieved b/c she had
a back up plan. She didn’t have to wait around forever.
5. This is symbolic of a higher power watching over the characters (The eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleberg)
Even though no human saw Daisy’s actions a higher power did.
6. The word “Holocaust” is utilized to show that Gatsby’s death is huge and a senseless loss. He was
killed for something he didn’t do. Fitzgerald is using Hyperbole and diction to show us this. The “Great”
Gatsby is killed, it’s a big deal.
Chapter 9