75th_Day_Dec_16_2014_A_Course - Baltimore Polytechnic Institute


Baltimore Polytechnic Institute

December 15, 2014

A/A.P. U.S. History

Mr. Green

The students will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South at the beginning of the Civil War by evaluating the resources of the Union and the Confederacy


Explain how the South’s firing on Fort Sumter galvanized the North and how Lincoln’s call for troops prompted four more states to join the


Explain why the slaveholding Border States were so critical to both sides and how Lincoln maneuvered to keep them in the Union.

Indicate the strengths and weaknesses of both sides at the onset of the war, what strategies each pursued, and why the North’s strengths could be brought to bear as the war dragged on.

AP Focus

The long coexistence of two conflicting economic systems— planter-slaveholding and industrial capitalism—under one government ends with the outbreak of war.

A month after taking the oath of office, Lincoln is confronted with a serious question: whether to supply Fort Sumter, a major U.S. military installation in South Carolina still in federal hands.

Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware, and Missouri, slave states that border both free and slave states, stay loyal to the government, although their citizens have divided loyalties. They provide many troops for both sides, but probably more for the federal army than for the Confederacy.


The North effectively brought to bear its long-term advantages of industrial might and human resources to wage a devastating total war against the South. The war helped organize and modernize northern society, while the South, despite heroic efforts, was economically and socially crushed.

Lincoln’s skillful political leadership helped keep the crucial Border States in the

Union and maintain northern morale, while his effective diplomacy kept Britain and France from aiding the Confederacy.

The problems with secession:

1. geography

2. national debt

3. federal territory allotment

4. Fugitive-slave issue

5. large democratic stronghold in the Western


6. European conquest

Seceding states seized:

1. U.S. arsenals

2. U.S. mints

3. public property

Fort Sumter-significant Southern fort

Lincoln sent to provision the fort, not reinforce it

April 12, 1861-Union naval force sent to Fort

Sumter and the South began bombing the fort.

April 15-Lincoln issues call to states for

75,000 militia men

April 19-Blockade of Southern seaports

April 27-Blockade of Southern seaports

Viewed as an act of aggression in the South,

Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North

Carolina joined the Confederacy.

Border States-

Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri and later West Virginia

In keeping the border states, Lincoln used:

1. martial law in Maryland

2. deployed Union soldiers in western Virginia and Missouri

3. no mention of slavery

4. politics to push the purpose of saving the


Native Americans contributed to the war effort

Cherokees owned slaves and fought with the


Most Plains Indians and a faction of the

Cherokee fought for the Union

Northerners fought for the South and

Southerners fought for the North

South Advantages

Defensive Fight

Talented officers

Lee, Jackson

Ordinary Southerners bred to fight

Seized Union weaponry

South Disadvantages

Shortages of shoes, uniforms, blankets

Transportation systems

Southern economyagrarian

North Advantages

Economy-3/4 of nations track and wealth

Controlled the seas superior navy



North Disadvantages

Majority not prepared

Inept generals

South failed in getting support from Europe

England had cotton surplus

Once the war was fought for slavery, England was not going to fight a war to defend slavery when their own workers were earning pennies

Egypt and India increased cotton output

King Corn, King Wheat-Britain needed them from the North and supporting the South would have denied them access to Northern commodities

Finish Chapter 20

Work on Charts.
