Essay Writing Instruction Intro Paragraph

Essay Writing Instruction
The Intro Paragraph
From 1775 to 1830, many African
Americans gained freedom from slavery, yet
during the same period the institution of
slavery expanded. Explain why BOTH of
those changes took place. Analyze the ways
that BOTH free African Americans and
enslaved African Americans responded to
the challenges confronting them.
Intro Paragraph: Example 1
Since 1619, African slavery has existed in America. America, founded
on profit in its Southern colonies, used the institution of slavery to
make vast economic strides and become a leading agricultural
producer. However, the “peculiar institution” was the leading hypocrisy
of the newly founded United States of America. Slaves under the new
Constitution counted as 3/5 a person in a nation whose declaration
had stated that “all men are created equal.” In the years 1775-1830,
many changes occurred in American society that greatly effected the
African American population: technological, economic, social, and
political. Slavery in the United States expanded for economic and
social reasons, while an increased number of African Americans gained
freedom for political and social reasons. However, whether free or
slave, all African Americans faced intense racism from white society.
Intro Paragraph: Example 2
• Slavery was a problematic institution in early
America after the first slave was introduced
across the Atlantic Passage in 1619. By 1775
slavery was changing. Slavery expanded
between 1775 and 1830 despite the fact that
many slaves also gained their freedom during
that time period, yet enslaved and freedmen
still had obstacles and dealt with them in
different ways.
Intro Paragraph: Example 3
In the period from 1775 to 1830, many African
Americans gained freedom from slavery. On the
other hand, the institution of slavery in general
was expanded. Each group of African Americans,
the slaves and the free blacks, had a unique set
of challenges facing them. These changes for
African Americans during this time greatly
influenced the path of history and the
challenges that each group would face.