Mobile Killing Squads & Death Marches - strawn18

Mobile Killing Squads &
Death Marches
By: Brett Strawn
What is a Mobile Killing
• A mobile killing squad is are German
that go into towns or cities and kill
any Jewish person in their sight. The
Mobile Killing Squads were created
after Germany was finished with the
Soviet Union.
What is a Death March?
• A Death March is when the Jewish people from a
concentration camp are taking out by German
officers, while they would walk German officers
would brutally hurt people and if some people
could not keep up in the walk or they collapsed,
those people were shot.
Mobile killing Squad actual event!
• On the Eve of the Jewish New Year, the German mobile killing
squads went into a town in Lithuania, captured around 4,000
men, women and children. They held them for two days without
food and water and the next day they were taken to a cemetery,
knelt down and shot to their death into an open grave.
Event about Death Marches
• This story is about an actual survivor of a
Death March, and he was pushing a very
heavy object and was moving along and his
friend was doing the same and just laid
down and seconds later he was shot. His
main concern was to survive the day.
These two topics tie in together because, the
Germans had the people walking into their
death and they did not really know it. It is very
unfortunate because millions of people died
just in these two categories.