British Literature History Powerpoint

British Literature
Unit 1
Old English/Medieval Times (A.D. 449-1485)
What important historical events happened during this time period?
Around the World?
449 Fall of Rome
552 Buddhism
591 China book printing
597 St. Augustine introduces Christianity
1020 Vikings invaded America
1066 Normandy invasion-Feudalism
1291 End of Crusades (wars in Europe)
1381 Bible translated to English
1450 Printing press invented-revolutionized world
1455 War of Roses begins
Unit 1
Old English/Medieval Times (A.D. 449-1485)
Who are some of the notable authors and what are they famous for writing?
In Anglo Saxon times stories were passed down orally
Beowulf – no author, translated by the Monks
The Canterbury Tales – Geoffrey Chaucer
What social and economic characteristics were unique to this time period?
Hierarchy structure-male dominated
Anglos-Saxon -- tribes/families
Middle Ages -- Kings/Lords/Knights/Peasants (FEUDALISM)
Depend on leader-gained wealth by being loyal to leaders
Middle class began to exist and gain wealth in LATE MIDDLE AGES
Unit 1
Old English/Medieval Times (A.D. 449-1485)
What are some reoccurring historical and literary themes from this time period?
Invasions, wars, and spread of Christianity
The Sea, Heros, Exile
How did writers change how things were written?
Stories may have changed over time because only told orally
Stories stayed the same once they were written down
What are some key British literary traditions from this time period?
Groups of people going on trips
Frame stories-story within a story
The idea of a Hero
Unit 2
Renaissance (1485-1625)
What important historical events happened during this time period? Around the World?
1485 Henry VII first Tudor king-ended War of Roses
1492 Columbus lands in Western Hemisphere
1503 Italy: Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa
1509 Italy: Michelangelo paints ceiling of Sistine Chapel
1513 North America: Ponce de Leon explores Florida
1534 Henry VIII named Head of English Church (broke away from Catholic Church)
1563 Plague kills 20,000 Londoners
1564 William Shakespeare born
1582 New calendar introduced
1588 English Navy defeats Spanish Armada
1594 Shakespeare writes Romeo and Juliet
1599 Globe Theatre opens
1603 Elizabeth I dies
1607 North America: Jamestown established
1609 James I dies
Unit 2
Renaissance (1485-1625)
Who are some of the notable authors and what are they famous for writing?
William Shakespeare – MacBeth
King James Bible – translated by committee of scholars
What social and economic characteristics were unique to this time period?
Changes in the Church – people became less religious
Writers flourished with invention of printing press
Renaissance- “rebirth” revive learning of ancient Greece and Rome
Reformation-Martin Luther, return Catholic church to original principles broke (PROTESTANTS)
Ruled by a King
Rise of Middle Class and Explorers
Trade-West India Company
Unit 2
Renaissance (1485-1625)
What are some reoccurring historical and literary themes from this time period?
Classical authors were inspiration
Science was encouraged
Illusion and reality
How did writers change how things were written?
Humanism – emphasis on what it like to be human (tried to harmonize Bible w/classics)
Shakespeare expanded our vocabulary with his invented words
What are some key British literary traditions from this time period?
Translations of older works to reach broader audiences
Bible translated into English
New form of drama combined classical models of comedy and tragedy
Shakespeare made drama secular (non-religious)(1st dramas were church based)
Unit 3
Seventieth and Eighteenth Century (1625-1798)
What important historical events happened during this time period?
Around the World?
1642 English Civil War begins
1649 Charles I beheaded
1653 Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector
1666 Great Fire of London
1685 James II becomes king
1689 Bill of Rights becomes law
1702 First daily newspaper begins publication
1707 Great Britain created by Act of Union
1714 George I becomes king
1752 North America-Benjamin Franklin invents lightning rod
1773 North America-Boston Tea Party
1776 North America-American Revolution begins
1789 French Revolution
Unit 3
Seventieth and Eighteenth Century (1625-1798)
Who are some of the notable authors and what are they famous for writing?
John Donne – “Song”
Samuel Johnson – Dictionary of English Language
John Milton – Paradise Lost
Daniel Defoe – (journalist) Journal of the Plague Year
Samuel Pepys – The Diary of Samuel Pepys
What social and economic characteristics were unique to this time period?
Separation of Church and State
Cavaliers (aristocrats) vs Roundheads (class lower than aristocrats)
Behavior of children
London Fire-caused money problems
Industrial Revolution
Agricultural Revolution
Unit 3
Seventieth and Eighteenth Century (1625-1798)
What are some reoccurring historical and literary themes from this time period?
Love and religion
Sonnets given tone and scope
Distrust of government
How did writers change how things were written?
Novels, journals, and newspapers were written
Nonfiction was introduced
What are some key British literary traditions from this time period?
Many works in similar format to the classics
Essay and Novel introduced
Middle class audience
Read about themselves and people they would like to be
Unit 4
Romantics (1798-1832)
What important historical events happened during this time period? Around the World?
1801 Act of Union joins Great Britain and Ireland
1804 Napoleon crowns himself emperor
1812 War with United States
1813 Jane Austin publishes Pride and Prejudice
1799 Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt (key to deciphering heiroglyphics)
1814 1st successful steamboat and locomotive (train)
1819 Trans-Atlantic steamboat
1827 Water purification system in London
1829 Metropolitan Police established in London
1831 United States-Edgar Allen Poe
1832 First Reform Act (England) extends voting rights
Unit 4
Romantics (1798-1832)
Who are some of the notable authors and what are they famous for writing?
Blake – “The Chimney Sweeper”
Wordsworth – Lyrical Ballads, “The Prelude”
PB Shelley – “Ode to the West Wind”
Keats – “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein
What social and economic characteristics were unique to this time period?
Industrial Revolution created slums and poverty
People began to be upset with what progress and science did to society (pollution, etc.)
Steamboats and railroads revolutionized trade
Spinning jenny and power loom invented-replaced the weaver
Wealth no longer depended on land
Unit 4
Romantics (1798-1832)
What are some reoccurring historical and literary themes from this time period?
Political oppression vs. political reform
European rulers tried to roll back revolutionary ideas
Reform Bill of 1832 extended the right to vote but not to the working class
Seeking the faraway-distant lands or supernatural
Nature seen as refuge-something to be worshipped
Youth best time of one’s life
Power of individual freedoms
Unit 4
Romantics (1798-1832)
How did writers change how things were written?
Writers tried to change politics by exposing issues
British ships traveled throughout the world and adopted words from other
What are some key British literary traditions from this time period?
Romantic refers to the faraway and exotic not love stories
Rebellion against traditional literary forms and subjects
Revealed personal thoughts and feelings in writings
Revived the Sonnet and the Ode
Sonnet- “little song”
Ode- serious poem/praising/expresses deep feeling
Comic Novel-Jane Austen
Historical Novel-Sir Walter Scott
Gothic Novel-Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Unit 5
Victorian (1833-1901)
What important historical events happened during this time period? Around the World?
1832 Slavery abolished in British Empire
1837 Queen Victoria crowned
1845 Irish potato famine begins
1848 Women began attending University of London
1859 Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species (evolution theory)
1836 United States-Texas Alamo falls to Mexican army
1839 Michael Faraday, general theory of electricity
1844 Morse code over long distance telegraph
1861 United States – Civil War begins
1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents telephone
Unit 5
Victorian (1833-1901)
Who are some of the notable authors and what are they famous for writing?
Tennyson – “Ulysses”
Charles Dickens – Hard Times, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities
Elizabeth Barrett Browning – “Sonnet 43”
Marx – Communist Manifesto
What social and economic characteristics were unique to this time period?
Optimistic spirit despite war, revolutions, and assassinations
Problems with faith in God-Darwin (evolution) Newton (universe)
Irish potato famine- 2 million people starved to death
Territories and trade increased
Unit 5
Victorian (1833-1901)
What are some reoccurring historical and literary themes from this time
Britain celebrated progress, prosperity, and peace
Darker stories associated with the potato famine-poverty
Spirit of exploration
How did writers change how things were written?
Reminded readers that empires crumble, individuals are fragile and
vulnerable, and death awaits us
What are some key British literary traditions from this time period?
Elegy and sonnet used to address contemporary questions of belief and doubt
Dramatic monologue-Robert Browning
Melancholy poems- very sad, despairing
Unit 6
Modern & Post Modern (1901-present)
What important historical events happened during this time period? Around the World?
1903 Wright Brother-first successful airplane
1914 England declared war on Germany, entering into World War I
1939 Hitler invaded Poland: World War II begins-Britain enters
1940 Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister
1941 United States enters WWII when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
1945 United States drops atomic bomb on Japan; WWII ends
1948 Israel established
1952 Queen Elizabeth II crowned
1955 United States-Martin Luther King, Jr leads civil rights bus boycott
1961 Berlin Wall built
1963 United Stated-JFK assassinated
1965 Vietnam War
1967 Beatles
Unit 6
Modern & Post Modern (1901-present)
What important historical events happened during this time period? Around the World?
1929 Great Depression
1969 United States-Apollo 11 lands on the moon
1979 Margaret Thatcher becomes first woman prime minister
1986 Soviet Union-nuclear accident in Chernobyl
Germany-Berlin Wall torn down-unification of East and West Germany
1991 Soviet Union dissolved
1994 Nelson Mandela elected President of South Africa
1997 Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister
2001 United States-planes crash into World Trade Center in NYC, PA, WDC
Unit 6
Modern & Post Modern (1901-present)
Who are some of the notable authors and what are they famous for writing?
D.H. Lawrence – “Rocking Horse Winner”
Elizabeth Bowen – “Demon Lover”
William Butler Yeats – “The Second Coming”
T.S. Elliot
James Joyce Ulysses
Sigmund Freud (Psychology)
What social and economic characteristics were unique to this time period?
Women gained social freedom-limited right to vote and change in dress
Ordinary people gained access to higher education, healthcare, home ownership
Fewer servants-men and woman began working in new industries
Unit 6
Modern & Post Modern (1901-present)
What are some reoccurring historical and literary themes from this time period?
Conflicts and loss of Empire-England weakened from WWI and WWII
Poems of war by “soldier poets”
Poems about the true cost of war-blood and tears
Materialistic attitude-automobile and stylish home
How did writers change how things were written?
Recorded the cost of conflict during the war
Celebrated Diversity
What are some key British literary traditions from this time period?
Renewed poet as prophet
Sonnets-radical change in subject matter and tone
Short stories became global genre with diverse subjects and settings
Writing more accessible through inexpensive books and internet