It is best to be both feared and loved, however, if one

Do Now
Evaluate the following quotes. Do you believe it is better to rule out of fear
or love? Which of the following quotes do you agree with? Where in the
world do rulers rule through fear and love?
“It is best to be both feared and loved, however, if one cannot
be both it is better to be feared than loved.”
“…A wise prince should establish himself on that which is his
own control and not that of others; he must endeavor to avoid
- Niccolo Machiavelli
After the Zhou…
Result of rebellions was Warring States Period
• 403 BC to 221 BC, number of small states fought
each other for land, power
• Zhou still nominally in charge, but power almost
nonexistent by mid-200s BC
• Qin, new dynasty, arose to bring end to Warring
States Period, Zhou dynasty
Qin Dynasty and Han
Qin Dynasty Beginnings –
only 15 years!
Shi Huangdi – 221 – 206 BC
Established China’s first
Legalist Rule
Bureaucratic control
Centralized control
Military Expansion
Tyrannical Rule
Targeted Confucianists
Burned Books
Buried Protestors alive
Qin and Legalism
• ALL Humans = EVIL
• Strict Laws
• Harsh Punishments
• No one will dare stand up to you
• Downside = People eventually will hate you
As you watch the video…
• Consider how the Qin Dynasty has impacted
modern times? What do you think was its most
important contribution to the world?
Accomplishments of the Qin
• Standardization of money, weights, and
• Great Wall of China
• 4,000 Miles of new roads
Great Wall
Shi Huangdi’s Terra Cotta
Apply these Quotes to the Qin
“It is best to be both feared and loved, however,
if one cannot be both it is better to be feared than
• “…A wise prince should establish himself on that
which is his own control and not that of others; he
must endeavor to avoid hatred”
- Niccolo Machiavelli
• He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to
- Niccolo Machiavelli
It is necessary for him who lays out a state and
arranges laws for it to presuppose that all men are
evil and that they are always going to act
according to the wickedness of their spirits
whenever they have free scope.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Rank Order
Rank Asoka (Buddhism), Zhou (Confuciansim) and
Qin (Legalism) Dynasty in terms of Arts, Military,
Treatment of people, Longevity? Which was most
effective and why?