The Yanomamo

The Fierce People


One of the oldest and last remaining ancient cultures in the world

Their existence wasn't really known to the world until the 20th century

1940-1960 first missionaries

• got infected with an illness that caused many deaths

1970-1980constant compact with the regional border by development projects, large losses

1980, rich mineral stores were discovered, gold diggers came

1993, Haximu massaccre where 16 people of the

Yanomami were killed by Gold Diggers


In the Amazon region of Venzuela and Brazil

Tropical Rainforest of Northern Amazonia on the border between Brazil and Venezuela

(Ornico-Amazon interfluvial region where there is fertile land near the Amazon river)

Past Location: Headwaters of Parima and Orinoco Rivers

Parima Mountain range and the watershed between the upper orinoco and right bank affluents of Rio Branco t


Very warm climate

During the rainy season it is humid

Migration of Culture

Migrated across the Bering Straits between Asia and America some 40,000 years ago making their way slowly down to South America

Inhabited the region of Orinoco and Parima Rivers for the past 1,000 years

Past 700 years, split into subgroups and developed different languages

In the Early 1800's migrated from Parima mountain regions to nearby lowlands

Considered "Primitive" because they have not discovered wheels and metals

Isolated Culture, haven't really spread around much

Missionaries have come in hopes of converting them to Christianity, others have come introducing them to new technologies but it hasn't worked

Live in their own little world, best for them


Rainforest plants are rich in secondary metabolites, particularly alkaloids

At least 3000 fruits are found in the rainforests; of these only 200 are now in use in the Western World. The Indians of the rainforest use over 2,000

One-fifth of the world's fresh water is in the

Amazon Basin.

Fertile Land for growing crops, diverse wildelife

Economic Lifestyle


Hunter because they hunt

Horticulturalists because they have an advanced knowledge on crops and gardening

Also may use slash and burn technique to clear gardens and nurture growing seeds

Trade is important among tribes for acquire basic resources and distribute surplus items, also trade for political reasons to form alliances

Trading items include recreational drugs, cotton, tobacco

Decline or Rising Status

Stagnant/slow decline

1,000 goldminers are working on thier land illegally

Cattle Rancher's are invading and

• deforestating the eastern fringe of land

• malria, polluting rivers with mercury

Survival efforts are there


Leadership determines' the village's relationship with other villages

The result of kinship/marriage

Leaders "big men" come from the largest kinship; do not recognize Chiefs

Consider males more important/powerful than women

Clear Gardens, plant crops, collect wild foods and hunt

Leaders are peace makers/warriors, referred to as fierce because peirce making takes forcefulness


Relationships between groups are maintained through alliance and warfare

In this patrilineage, fellow lineage members are close relative, call each other brother and sister

If they aren't as close may develop hostile relationships which results in segmentation of the village which forms new settlements

People may be tied together by affinal ties or consanguine ties ( house/village)

Settlements not linked by marriage or divided by way invite each other to elaborate feasts which includes gifts of

Exogamy rare, usually for military alliances

Marriages not for love


Neo Indians with Culture that date backs to 8,000 years

Descendants of an indigenous group that had remained isolated for a remote period of time

Populations kept dispersing, process of internal differentiation, forming new languages

Each community is independent from each other

Descisions are made my a consensus

Consider women to be inferior, male dominant

Men hunt for prey, women tend the gardens

Mutifamily houses called shabanos/Yano (in the shape of a cone)

Each collective village an autonomous economic/political entity

Approxamately 200-250 villages, about 40-350 in one village


Daily Life includes: gardening, collecting firewood, making crafts, fetching water, gossiping/visiting with eachother

Contributions to


Have not made and significant contribution the the world other than being

• a topic of study

Research their diets because they have high potassium levels

Religion/Belief System

Practice Animism (every creature, rock, tree, mountain has a spirit)

Shaman's control these spirits by inhaling a hallucinogenic material.

Inhaling the hallucinogen gives the shaman the power to control these spirits or Xapripe Davi Kapenawa

Believe there is a God called Omama, who blessed them with forest, trees and animals

Believe that animals were once humans to but were made animals because of the bad things they did

Men become Shaman's, main job is to heal the sick. Ironically, they also believe that illness is called by the shaman who is making the hekura, or

• spirit sicken the body

Training period with food depravation and abstinence from sex

Pull the demon out with the help of his own demons

Religion/Belief system

Cosmos consist of 4 layers

The top layer is empty but was once occupied by ancient beings duku ka

• misi

Second Layer (sky)) contain spirits of dead men and women It resembles

• earth but everything is better hedu ka mis

Third Layer is the earth hei ka mis

The fourth layer is the underworld hei ta bebi

The Amahi Teri are spirits who live in the underworld and cause misfortune to humans


Pass information orally, not from writing

Play on words, chanting, myth telling, story telling to preserve thier history and entertain themselves

No Musical instruments, women sing

Drawing and paintings

Sparse geometric designs, bold symbols, black/red, adorn common objects such as pots


Men wear little more than string around thier waist, it is is a clear indication that a boy has become a man when he does that

Women use cotton and yarn to make clothing, also make waistbands but it covers close to nothing

Halter neck adornaments

Feathers may be worn on the head upper arm or earlobes; express the relationship between man an animal, social status, personality, etc

Customs (Marriage)

Older kin, usually men, brothers, uncle's or father

Girls usually marry right after thier first period

Practices Endogamy by marrying within thier village, exogamy in thier culture would be marrying from

• another village

Settlements wouldn't be linked

Bilateral cross cousing marriage

Polygamus marriages, more specifically polygany with

• one man with multiple wives

The oldest wife has precedence of the other wives

Customs (Death)

Called Reahu

Lament by singing and chanting

Corpse is quickly burned, women and children absence

• themselves

After cremating their dead, they crush and drink thier

• bones in a plantain pure

A way of showing affection for the dead, intended to

• keep the loved ones with them forever

Helps ensure that the soul of the dead will find its way back to hedu (paradise above earth)



Settlements not linked by marriage or divided by war invite each other to elaborate feasts which includes gifts of valuable trade items given by the host to the guest village

Celebrate good harvest with a big feast


Snakes, Wild Pigs, deers, insects, larvae, fish, crabs, wild honey, nuts, shellfish, plantain, sweet potato, palm fruits, fish

80-90% of its food is eaten from their gardens

Hunting accounts for about 10% of its food supply, as is shared equally

A Brazilian research study showed that the Yanomamo tribe has significantly low body fat and sodium, and also contain high levels of potassium, compared to other distinct populations in other continents,

Wild Honey is greatly valued


Behavior is learned and taught by parents

Number system is 1, 2 and more than two

Children practice shooting and throwing, no formal school


Finished cords made from twisted inner bark. Used as materials to make hammocks

Tools are devised from materials that can be made immediately from the environment

Curare and Timbo, poison used for catching fish

Special pots used to prepare food deasts

Bow Staves; 5-6 ft longs made of palm wood very dense

Bow Staves are also made by shaving the sock with incisors

Fire Drill, a two piece gadget. The one piece of wood about 10 inches long that has several holes due to friction. The lower piece is held down by the foot while the other piece is spun until a fire ignites by feeding from the glowing dust with tinder


"Hands Around the World." Native American Indian Cultures . Web. 05 June 2012. <>

"Pilot Tribe." Pilot Tribe . Web. 05 June 2012.


"The Yanomami." The Yanomami . Web. 05 June 2012.


"People." ThinkQuest . Oracle Foundation. Web. 05 June 2012.


"Yanomamo." Yanomamo . Web. 05 June 2012. <


"Rainforest Facts." Rainforest Facts . Web. 05 June 2012. <>.