TheoBio2015 CAGLIARI - ITALY June 8 -12 The 7th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium welcomes You to Cagliari and the beautiful Sardinia Island from the 8th to the 12th of June, 2015! CONTRIBUTIONS in modelling biological, biochemical and biophysical systems, ranging from electronic structure to mesoscopic coarse grained systems and beyond from both an application and amethodological point of view are welcome! A special focus is on connecting length and time scales. Experimentalists are encouraged to attend for a better interaction between theory and experiment. Young researchers and advanced graduate students are particularly welcome to actively participate, either by presenting a poster or giving a talk. LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS IMPORTANT DATES Aatto Laaksonen, Stockholm University, Sweden Alexander Dömling, University of Groningen, Holland Dario Estrin, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Elisa Fadda, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland Fabio Pichierri, Tohoku University, Japan Fahmi Himo, Stockholm University, Sweden Francesco Sciortino, Universita` di Roma ”La Sapienza”, Italy James Gauld, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Jozef Ulicny, Safarik University Kosice, Slovakia Lars Backman, Umeå University, Sweden Leif A. Eriksson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Luca De Gioia, Universita’ Milano Bicocca, Italy Marc Baaden, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France Maria Natalia Dias Cordeiro, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Maria João Ramos, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Michele Cascella, University of Oslo, Norway Modesto Orozco, Inst. for research in biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain Paolo Ruggerone, Universita’ di Cagliari, Italy Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes, University of Porto, Portugal Peter Kusalik, University of Calgary, Canada Roberto Siagri, Eurotech, Italy Stefano Baroni, Sissa and Democritos, Trieste, Italy Xavier Lopez, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea San Sebastian, Spain Vincenzo Barone, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy March 1st : abstracts submission deadline for oral presentation March 20th: Notification of acceptance April 1st : Early registration deadline April 5th: Discounted accommodation rates deadline May 10th: Regular registration and Poster submission deadline Organizing Committee Local Organizing Committee Carlo Adamo Francesca Mocci ENSCP – ChimieParisTech (F) University of Cagliari (I) Leif A. Eriksson Giorgia Cutrufello University of Gothenburg (S) University of Cagliari (I) Maria Joao Ramos Tiziana Pivetta University of Porto (PL) University of Cagliari (I) Nino Russo Maria Valentini University of Calabria (I) CRS4 (I) Jesus Ugalde Alessandra Satta University of the Basque Country, (E) CNR-IOM Cagliari (I) Contact us: Theobio (facebook), @TheoBio2015 (twitter), Theobio2015 (google+)