besluit tot wijziging van de voorwaarden van beheer en bewaring

De ondergetekenden:
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V., een naamloze vennootschap, statutair gevestigd te Amsterdam en
kantoorhoudende aan het Amstelplein 6, 1096 BC te Amsterdam, ten deze handelend als beheerder
van het fonds voor gemene rekening Delta Lloyd Fixed Income Umbrella (hierna te noemen: het
“Fonds”), rechtsgeldig vertegenwoordigd door de heer P.A. Knoeff (hierna te noemen:
Kas Trust & Depositary Services B.V., een besloten vennootschap statutair gevestigd te Amsterdam en
kantoorhoudende aan de Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 225, 1012 BA te Amsterdam, ten deze handelend
als bewaarder van het Fonds, rechtsgeldig vertegenwoordigd door de heer S.F. Plesman (hierna te
noemen: “Bewaarder”);
Stichting Delta Lloyd Collateralized Bond Fund
Stichting Delta Lloyd Corporate Bond Fund
Stichting Delta Lloyd Sovereign Bond Fund
Stichting Delta Lloyd Sovereign LT Bond Fund
Stichting Delta Lloyd Sovereign XLT Bond Fund
Stichting Delta Lloyd Sub-sovereign Bond Fund, te deze handelend als juridisch eigenaar (hierna te
noemen: “Juridisch Eigenaar”) van het Fonds, rechtsgeldig vertegenwoordigd door Kas & Trust
Depositary Services B.V.
In aanmerking nemende dat:
• op dit besluit de definities van artikel 1 van de voorwaarden van beheer en bewaring van het
Fonds (hierna te noemen: de Fondsvoorwaarden) van toepassing zijn;
• in artikel 19.1 van het Fonds is bepaald dat de Fondsvoorwaarden uitsluitend kunnen worden
gewijzigd door een gezamenlijk besluit van de Beheerder, Bewaarder en Juridisch Eigenaar;
• in artikel 19.2 van de Fondsvoorwaarden is bepaald dat van wijziging van de
Fondsvoorwaarden onverwijld mededeling wordt gedaan aan de Participanten;
• Beheerder, Bewaarder en Juridisch Eigenaar ten aanzien van de onderhavige wijziging van de
Fondsvoorwaarden de wachttermijn van artikel 19.3 van de Fondsvoorwaarden in acht nemen
waardoor de wijziging van de Fondsvoorwaarden eerst in werking treedt tenminste één maand
na dagtekening van de mededeling aan de participanten als bedoeld in artikel 19.2 van de
bevestigen hierbij als volgt:
op 30 mei 2014 te hebben besloten de Fondsvoorwaarden te wijzigen, in die zin dat participatieklasse
A van Delta Lloyd Sovereign XLT Bond Fund en de participatieklasse A van Delta Lloyd Corporate
Bond Fund aan de effectenbeurs van Euronext Amsterdam N.V. zal worden genoteerd. Dientengevolge
worden onderstaande artikelen van de Voorwaarden van Beheer en Bewaring als volgt gewijzigd:
Article 1. Definitions
De onderstaande vijf definities worden toegevoegd:
ENL Agent
The ENL (Euroclear Netherlands) Agent acts as issuing agent, transfer agent and paying agent. The
ENL Agent is KAS BANK N.V.
Fund Agent
The agent responsible for assessing and accepting or rejecting buy and sell orders placed in the stock
exchange order book. The Fund Agent performs this responsibility in accordance with the conditions
set out in this prospectus. After the closing of the order book, the Fund Agent will pass on the balance
of all buy and sell orders to the Fund. The transaction price at which these buy and sell orders are
settled on the next Business Day is delivered by us, through the Fund Agent, to Euronext. The Fund
Agent is KAS BANK N.V.
a Professional Investor or Other Investor
Other Investor
an investor who does not fall under the definition of Professional Investor.
Professional Investor
a professional investor as described in artikel 1:1 Wft
In de onderstaande definitie van “Depositary” wordt de cursieve tekst gewijzigd:
Kas Trust & Depositary Services B.V. is a limited liability company (besloten
vennootschap) organised under the laws of the Netherlands, or its respective successor duly appointed
as depositary of the Umbrella, in accordance with the prospectus.
Aan artikel 8 wordt de cursieve tekst toegevoegd:
Article 8 Units and Unit-Holders
Units of Unit Class type Ic
The Units of Unit Class Ic shall each be in registered form. No negotiable Unit certificates will be
issued. Each Unit shall represent an equal interest to the assets of a Fund of one Unit over any
other. Fractions of Units can also be issued (up to four decimal points) in accordance with the
provisions in the Prospectus.
A Register that will record the names and addresses of all Unit-Holders of Unit Class Ic, their
deposited amounts in the Base Currency, their number of Units in a Fund, the particulars of their
Units and their date of Subscription, will be kept and kept up to date by the Fund Manager.
The Fund Manager shall send to each Unit-Holder of Unit Class Ic, upon its request, an extract
from the Register in so far as it concerns its Unit(s). Such extract shall only serve as evidence of
the entry and is non-negotiable.
Units of Unit Class type A
The Units issued by the Fund entitle the Unit-Holder to a proportional share in the capital of
the Fund.
All Units of type A Unit Class are made out to bearer. These Units are securitised in a global
certificate. The Units have been admitted to trading on Euronext Amsterdam. Trading is
conducted through Euronext Fund Service.
Aan artikel 9 wordt de cursieve tekst toegevoegd:
Article 9 Issue of Units
Issue of Units of Unit Class type Ic
Subscription in the Funds Unit Class Ic is open to Professional Investors.
Upon issuance of the Units of Unit Class Ic in accordance with a relevant Subscription Form, the
Fund Manager will confirm the number and Net Asset Value per Unit of the Units so issued in a
letter (on behalf of the Fund Manager) as soon as possible.
Issue of Units of Unit Class type A
9.13 Participation in the Fund Unit Class A is open to both Professional Investors and Other
9.14 Units of Fund Unit Class A can be issued on any Business Day.
9.15 Requests for the issue of Units of Fund Unit Class A must be received by the Fund Agent no later
than 16:00 CET on a Business Day in order to be executed on the basis of the Net Asset Value
applicable on the next Business Day. Orders received by the Fund Agent after 16:00 CET are
not executed on the next Business Day, but one Business Day later on the basis of the then
applicable Net Asset Value.
9.16 The price at which the Fund Unit class A issues Units is equal to the Net Asset Value per Unit
plus a mark-up for the costs.
9.17 A Suspension Event may occur in accordance with the provisions on suspension in the
9.18 In case a Suspension Event shall have occurred or is continuing, the application to subscribe
for Units shall be considered as having no (further) force and effect and the relevant
Subscription Amount paid in respect thereof shall be returned without interest as soon as
practically possible.
9.19 In case of a Suspension Event, the Fund Manager will convene a Unit-Holders meeting to
provide information on the Suspension Event within one month of the occurrence of the
Suspension Event.
Aan artikel 10 wordt de cursieve tekst toegevoegd:
Article 10 Redemption of Units
Redemption of Units of Unit Class type Ic
10.1 Units of Fund Unit Class Ic may be redeemed at the request of a Unit-Holder at their respective
Net Asset Value.
10.2 Subject to the terms of the Prospectus, Units of Fund Unit Class Ic are redeemable daily,
provided no Suspension Event shall have occurred or is continuing. The Fund Manager is
authorised to fix additional dates for Redemption of Units.
10.3 Applications to redeem Units of Fund Unit Class Ic must be received in the form of the
Redemption Form by the Fund Manager - at least 12:00 CET on the Business Day before the
Redemption day. The Redemption Form must express the number of Units to be redeemed, the
amount in Euro (€) or the total amount of the requested Redemption. Payment of the
Redemption Amount must be made in Euro to the account of the Unit-Holder (as identified in
the Redemption Form) as soon as possible following the relevant date of Redemption.
10.4 Units of Fund Unit Class Ic will be redeemed against payment of the Redemption Amount. The
Redemption Amount payable by the Umbrella in respect of a Redemption shall be calculated by
multiplying the number of Units to be redeemed with the Net Asset Value per Unit.
10.7 Upon a Redemption of Units of Fund Unit Class Ic in accordance with a relevant Redemption
Form, the Fund Manager will confirm the Redemption Amount and the Net Asset Value per Unit
of the Units so redeemed as soon as possible.
10.9 Units of Fund Unit Class Ic are redeemed in accordance with and subject to the terms of these
Conditions and the Prospectus by the Fund Manager by means of registration thereof in the
Register. Any and all (fractions of) Units which are redeemed shall not be held by the Depositary,
but shall be automatically cancelled.
Redemption of Units of Unit Class type A
10.10 Units of type A Unit Class can be redeemed on any Business Day.
10.11 The Fund shall redeem Units of Fund Unit Class A at the Participant’s request.
10.12 Requests for the redemption of Units of Fund Unit Class A must be received by the Fund Agent
no later than 16:00 CET on a Business Day in order to be executed on the basis of the Net Asset
Value applicable on the next Business Day. Orders received by the Fund Agent after 16:00 CET
are not executed on the next Business Day, but one Business Day later, on the basis of the then
applicable Net Asset Value. The Fund Agent will in principle accept requests for the redemption
of Units, albeit without prejudice to the provisions in Article 10.
10.13 The price at which the Fund purchases Units of Fund Unit Class A is equal to the Net Asset
Value per Unit less a mark-down for the costs.
10.14 Units are cancelled after redemptions.
10.15 A Suspension Event may occur in accordance with the provisions on suspension in the
10.16 In case a Suspension Event shall have occurred or is continuing, the redemption of Units of
Fund Unit Class A shall be considered as having no (further) force and effect and the relevant
Redemption Amount paid in respect thereof shall be returned without interest as soon as
practically possible.
10.17 In case of a Suspension Event, the Fund Manager will convene a Unit-Holders meeting to
provide information on the Suspension Event within one month of the occurrence of the
Suspension Event.
Aan artikel 11 wordt de cursieve tekst toegevoegd:
Article 11 Transfer of Units of Unit Class type Ic
Units of Fund Unit Class Ic can only be transferred to the Umbrella, to another Fund and to the
Unit-Holders through the mediation of the Fund Manager. Units may also be transferred to third
parties provided that such third parties have been admitted to participate in the Umbrella and its
Funds in accordance with the provisions of the Prospectus and these Conditions.
11.2 The transfer of a Unit of Fund Unit Class Ic takes effect vis-à-vis the Fund Manager, the Legal
Owner and the Depositary for the first time after acknowledgement of the transfer by the Fund
Manager, which acknowledgement can only be evidenced by means of registration in the
Register of Unit-Holders. The Fund Manager shall only acknowledge transfer of a Unit after
receipt of a written request to that effect from the transferring Unit-Holder addressed to the
Fund Manager.
Aan artikel 12 wordt de cursieve tekst toegevoegd:
Article 12 Costs
12.1 x
costs of setting up a Fund;
12.1 xi Costs of listing.
De gewijzigde Fondsvoorwaarden worden op 1 juni 2014 of zoveel eerder als mogelijk aan de
participanten van het Fonds kenbaar gemaakt met inachtneming van het bepaalde in artikel 19.2.
De gewijzigde Fondsvoorwaarden worden van kracht met ingang van 1 juli 2014.
Namens de Beheerder,
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V.
w.g. P.A. Knoeff
Namens de Bewaarder,
Kas Trust & Depositary Services B.V.
w.g. S.F. Plesman
Namens de Juridisch Eigenaar,
Kas Trust & Depositary Services B.V.
w.g. S.F. Plesman