2014 - 5 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc

N.Z. Netherlands Society (Waikato) Inc. PO Box 9252 Hamilton 3240
May 2014
Van de voorzitter,
Ik hoop dat jullie allemaal een gezellige Pasen hebben gehad. Met zoveel vrije dagen in een korte tijd
kunnen we weer een beetje bijkomen. De zomer is
voorbij en hopenlijk betekent dat ook wat meer regen
om het gras te laten groeien. De koeien zullen het
droge voer wel vlug zat zijn! Herfst betekent ook dat
het tijd is voor de AGM. De Netherlands Society organiseert een aantal evenementen met veel plezier. Er
zijn altijd mensen bereid om te helpen, en dat is ook
hard nodig, daar de leden van het bestuur ook druk
zijn, of met gezin en werk, of met het feit dat ze genieten van een welverdiende ‘oude dag’ met veel
reizen. Om de Society draaiende to houden zijn er
meer bestuursleden nodig. We vergaderen hooguit
een keer per maand en vele handen maken licht
werk. Probeer het gewoon voor een jaar en neem de
kans om je ideeen naar voren te brengen. Zonder
bestuur kan de Netherlands Society niet bestaan.
The 13th of April gave us good weather for the
Easter-bunny to hide some eggs and for the children to find them. Numbers were down a bit from
last year, possibly to all the other events that were
on and the changeable weather. The families that
were there all had great fun. The parents joined in
in ‘egg-throwing’ with remarkable results! The
colouring-in completion was won by Isa de
Bruijn and Esme Koning. We also discussed the
possibility of getting together once a month to
learn some Dutch language, learn about Dutch
culture and even some songs and dances.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could perform at the
Tulip Festival? At present we are considering the
first Sunday of the month from 2 to 4pm. Please
email vandenberg@xtra.co.nz if you are interested in your children being part of this.
Wies van den Berg
DEADLINE 15 June 2014
Correspondentie adres:
Anneke Bloemink
91/37 Coleridge Street
Cambridge 3432
021 1127422
Ted Ruys (ANZ11F)
Sandra Dodunski (PIB)
Trevor Dodunski (ANZ11F)
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Visit from the
‘Nederlandse Ambassade.’
Two representatives from the Embassy came to inform us about the changes at the Auckland and
Christchurch Consulates. From 2015 passports will
only be available from the Wellington Embassy.
Further information can be found in the FSN news
in this K&K. We have invited the Embassy to further discuss this at the Tulip Festival in September,
so you have some time to come up with interesting
questions! Arie van der Wiel will be finishing his
mission shortly. He has been very supportive to our
Society and has enjoyed visiting the Waikato at a
number of occasions. We will have a card available
for signing at the AGM.
Wies van den Berg
AGM 17th May 2014
The AGM this year will be held at the Hamilton
Gardens Pavilion, Rotary Lounge. Thomas and
Sophia Beuker will be resigning as members of the
committee as they will be following their dream of
travelling through New Zealand. We will be looking
for someone with a feel for numbers to take over the
role of treasurer. We’ll be starting with coffee at
10.00 and start the AGM at 10.30
After the AGM we’ll have lunch of erwtesoep,
broodje kroket en krentebollen, followed with some
games and maybe a treasure-hunt through the beautiful Hamilton Gardens. We’ll find some time for a
couple of games of Bingo too! We have decided not
to charge entrée-fee, so come along and have some
Wies van den Berg
Vrijmarkt 26th April
Remember to come to Garden Place in Hamilton to
sell your pre-loved goods or get a bargain at the
Konings-dag Vrijmarkt. Anyone can have a spot to
sell toys, pots and pans, plants, anything, except
food items (a permit from HCC is required for this).
There will be cheese-tasting; music; cheese raffle
and lots of fun! Buskers are welcome too. The market will be held from 10.00 till 1 pm. See you there!
For further information contact
Yolande van Gaalen.
Wies van den Berg
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Morrinsville Klaverjas Club
Hi, The Morrinsville klaverjas club has
been going from the first of March, the membership
is still 16 and so far we have had three nights played
with four tables, it is nice to see a good attendance, it
shows we are determent to keep afloat.
Nice to see Cambridge got a good start.
For years we have played a four way competition
with Hamilton and two Auckland clubs twice a year
but a few years ago too many felt because of age
mainly the distance to great and the last couple of
years has just been between the two Waikato clubs
and perhaps Cambridge now also. Now we play just
for personal play, not interclub trophy as in the past,
for a few prizes just for the day’s play, usual it turns
out very good but sometimes the attendance is not
great but always pleasant.
On the tenth of May it is my pleasure to play host to
the Hamilton mob and we will be very happy to welcome the Cambridge people also to the Tasman village hall.
The day starts with morning tea/coffee at 9.30 and
play starts at 10, shared lunch about 12—12.30 then
the afternoons round and the day ends with presentation and afternoon tea around 4.
Morning tea the host club puts on, shared lunch
means everyone brings a plate with something on it,
all put on the table and we always have a varied
lunch, nice. Afternoon tea consists of the leftovers.
Want to know what 'gezellig' really means? Surprise your grandparents with your sudden knowledge of their mother tongue? Or just in the mood
for learning a new language?
Harry van der Laar
Letters to the editor guideline:
Letters may be edited without consultation to meet style
and available space.
Supplied photo’s with letters may be used if they are of
high enough quality both in content and in resolution.
Interested? Mail: ielse.broeksteeg@gmail.com
The course will be given in May and June at the
Waikato Institute of Education in Hamilton if a
minimum of 5 people apply.
PS: Did you know that as many as 100,000 New
Zealanders are estimated to be of Dutch descent?
•Speculaas 3 for $9.90
•Beschuit (blue)4 for $9.90
•Kindertaai $ 5.50
•Chocolate Letters $ 3.50
•Hille Candy Cake 3 for $ 5.00
•Hille Honeycake 3 for $ 5.00
HANDICAPS Men 0 - 36 Ladies 0 - 40.
Celebrating the first KING'S BIRTHDAY.
FSN news
Dear readers,
Hope you all have enjoyed the summer with its dry
sunny and hot weather. We did get the long expected
rain at last and what a difference it made, instantly
the paddocks, lawns and crops got a green shine on
them. And now there is a nip in the air in the mornings, the autumn is here and the daylight has
changed back again, so we have longer evenings and
shorter days. The trees are displaying their beautiful
autumn dress and prepare for a winter rest.
With people it is a little bit the same, the summer
rush with all its activities is slowing down and we
can enjoy the quietness and nice days of the autumn.
We hope you all have enjoyed Easter and have
rolled a few eggs down the hill with children and
At the FSN front we have made a start and have had
our first General meeting the 26th of March. It was a
quiet meeting, our CAB speaker Mrs Sylvia Hill
from Citizens Advice Bureau was not available on
the date, so we did discuss the Dutch Passport
Some of the changes are:
SHOP 3, THOMAS ROAD (07) 855 44 33
TAURANGA (07) 571 55 33
- New passports can also be issued at Schiphol Airport but appointments need to be booked beforehand, also in several other places in Nederland.
Registration Information for Dutch
passport holders living in NZ:
Leontine Moulijn en Maartje Thorn van de Embassy
waren in Netherville en behalve paspoorten
bespraken ze ook het opzetten van een registratie
lijst voor Nederlanders die in Niew Zealand wonen:
Moet ik me laten registreren bij de Nederlandse
Ambassade of het Consulaat?
In geval van nood, zoals bij een natuurramp of
(dreigende) onrust is het van levensbelang dat wij u
kunnen bereiken en/of informeren. Hiervoor bieden
wij u het Kompas online crisis contactsysteem aan.
Aanmelden is kosteloos, eenmalig en vrijblijvend en
neemt minder dan vijf minuten in beslag. U hoeft
daarna alleen nog uw gegevens te wijzigen als u op
reis gaat of verhuisd. Kompas bewaard en beveiligd
uw contact gegevens. De door u opgegeven
gegevens worden uitsluitend gebruikt om contact
met u op te nemen en u te helpen in geval van nood.
Ga naar Kompas online crisis contactsysteem om u
eenvoudig te registreren.
Het email adres om aan te melden voor registration
at the Nederlandse Ambassade is : https://
- The new Dutch Passports will be valid for 10 years
- From January 2015 onwards new passports have to
be applied for only in Wellington and not in Auckland anymore.
- The Embassy from than on will also have a mobile
passport issuing service two times a year in several
Ambasssadeur te Wellington, Nieuw Zeeland.
districts in NZ. For Hamilton this will probably be in
Netherville. The embassy will give notice about this Arie van der Wiel.
FSN dates:
The Games days for this year will be
Monday April 28, in Netherville Hall Hamilton,
10 AM start
Monday June 16, in Tasman Village Morrinsville
10 AM start
Monday September 8, in Netherville Hall at 10 AM
Monday November 24, in Tasman Village, this will
be the last Games day of the year.
Wednesday May 7, AGM at 9.30 am
Wednesday July 23, General meeting, with CAB
speaker, (will be interesting), Netherville residents
are welcome to attend. 9.30 am
Wednesday October 15, General meeting with
speaker? 9.30 am.
Enjoy the good weather while it is here, very best
wishes for you all.
FSN Secretary
Riet van Rijen
Some photo’s from the bus trip
Fig Leaf is a boutique florist at 40 Enderley Avenue, Hamilton.
A variety of different flowers are grown here in the Fig Leaf
Garden to add flair to the standard flowers available
from the wholesaler. Making bouquets, posies,
wedding and funeral flowers unique.
Please call Teresa on
mob (027) 2324896 or (07)8552801
Hamilton Klaverjas Club
Cambridge Klaverjas Club.
Er is nog niet veel nieuws te vermelden deze keer.
We hebben nog een speelavond te gaan van de eerste tien weken periode en bijna iedere week is er
een nieuwe koploper. Het is wel een beetje
teleurstellend dat er zo weinig mensen komen opdagen op woensdagavond. Mischien word het iets
beter, nu de wintertijd weer is aangebroken.
We had our first evening of klaverjassen in Cambridge on the 10th of March. So far we have 15
players on our list. All of them have e mail and
that makes planning and communication so much
easier. We keep records of the games but it is
only an indication so far. A lot of players did not
play since they left the army and others are still
adapting to the Rotterdam rules. There are no
knives on the tables and gloves are left at home;
we are still in the process of educating etc. We
are getting there and I am sure in a few months
we are up to speed.
Voor zaterdag 10 Mei zijn we uitgenodigd door de
Morrinsville Club om bij hun te komen spelen. Dit
zijn altijd fijne en gezellige dagen en zeker de
moeite waard om deel te nemen.
Tot de volgende keer.
Top 10 Dunglish words
I like to thank the Hamilton and Morrinsville club
to help me to set it all up, providing me with a
working score sheet and the Federations rules.
Also I like to thank our Society for the grant we
received to give us the capital to get all the gear,
pay for the setting up costs etc. and providing us
with a pile of score sheets.
We are invited to come to the interclub competition is Morrinsville on the 10th of May. I have
already a number of our players who are keen.
Hope the more experience players amongst the
other clubs will accept we are beginners!
Greetings, Kees Zegwaard.
Invites you to the
Annual General Meeting
To be held on Saturday 17th May 2014
Morning tea at 10.00am; Meeting starts at 10.30am
Rotary Lounge – Pavilion- Hamilton Gardens
1. opening / apologies
2. minutes of AGM 2013
3. matters arising from these minutes
4. president’s report
5. financial report
6. election of officers:
Kitty Kanters
Wies van den Berg
Thomas Beuker
Sophia Beuker
Mary Bethel
Yolanda van Gaalen
Fieke van den Bogaard
Anneke Bloemink
not available
not available
not available
7. Membership fee 2014/2015
8. General business
9. Closing
All members are invited to attend this meeting; there will be coffee/tea provided.
Nominations have to be in accordance with the rules of the Society.
Please take this opportunity to be informed and have your say regarding the running
and direction of your Society.
nomination form
For Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 17th May 2014
The undersigned would like to nominate the following person as a candidate for
The Committee of the NZ Netherlands Society (Waikato) Inc.
Nomination for the following function……….…………………………………………….….….
Signature Nominee……………………...…..
Signature Nominator……………………..…
Signature Seconder…………………………..
Nomination forms will have to be in the hands of the NZ Netherlands Society’s Secretary prior to the
commencement of the meeting.
Country Meadow
Herbal Clinic
Riet van Rijen Dip. Herbal Medicine
Prof. Member NZAMH
Herbal medicine provides a gentle, effective
natural treatment for many conditions such
· Winter colds and flu
· Urinary & prostate problems
· Digestive & liver dysfunction
· Respiratory conditions
· Insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression
· Support and relieve for arthritis. Etc.
Services and treatments:
Consultations, health and dietary advice,
Iridology readings, Bach flower remedies.
Use this form to join the club and receive our
magazine every two months.
Membership is $30.00 a year.
Member details:
Remedies in stock:
Medicinal tinctures
A variety of medicinal herbal teas
Fish oils, zinc, vit. B, & anti cholesterol supplements
Natural Herbal Creams, ointments, lip balms and
massage oils
Please send this form and cheque made out to:
NZ Netherlands Society Waikato Inc. to:
NZ Netherlands Society (Waikato) Inc.
PO Box 9252
Hamilton 3240
For appointments, health advice or herbal
products ring: 07-823 8388
Do you want to be a part of
the Dutch Kids Club?
If so then email your name, age, address and
email to us and let the fun begin!!!
We have had interest for a Dutch dance group
to be started and for the Dutch language to
be taught.
We look forward to hearing about what you
would like to see happening in the club and we
are very excited about getting started!
Email all interests to:
Yes, we have made it to the 21st century...
We now have a page on Facebook:
NZ Netherlands Society (Waikato) inc.
Here you can find the latest news about what is happening in
the Waikato. You can leave messages for the committee and
for others with shared interests. There is a link to the Netherlands Embassy with the latest bit of info. We also post
photos of the latest events. When you visit the page make
sure you make comment so we know what you are interested in (or not!).
Wies van den Berg
Fantail Respite and
Retirement Home
For more information please contact
Barbara on
021-2649245 or email
Located in Katikati in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, surrounded by gardens and orchards,
we are taking in guests for respite care and full time residents.
We spreken Nederlands en bieden Brabantse gezelligheid.
I do have limited space at home. Any large items,
i.e. solid furniture, have to be stored somewhere
else. The Trust is renting a storage room in Foxton.
Ons Museum en Cultureel Centrum
There are some changes within the Dutch Connection
Trust. I stood down as a treasurer and Trustee for logistic reasons. Four of the Trustees live in Auckland and
Joost de Bruin is the liaison officer near Foxton. Meetings are held or in Auckland or in or near Foxton. Obviously I could not attend all the meetings. I took on the
role of local museum coordinator outside the Trust.
With the fundraising now in progress I felt that, although I have bookkeeping skills and certificates, I am
not an accountant. Yolande van de Wetering will do the
financial administration now; she has access to an accountant.
The museum project is at present the best the Dutch
Community can offer to New Zealand and our offspring
to show were their families came from and how they
settled in New Zealand and also what the Dutch have
achieved in New Zealand.
In my new role as the Local Museum Coordinator I like
to procure any articles we can use, store or present in
our Museum please feel free to contact me. I can already tell you we got plenty of books and magazines.
However there are some exemptions of course. Books
and magazines older than 75 years might be useful.
We are merely looking for articles, goods people took
to New Zealand. And those articles need to have a
story, for example who bought it and where, price paid
for it, used it, how old it is etc.
Kees Zegwaard.
Committee NZ Netherlands Society Waikato
PO Box 9252
Hamilton 3240
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Editor Koetjes & Kalfjes
Wies van den Berg
Fieke van den Bogaard
Tom Beuker
Sophia Beuker
Mary Bethel
Yolande van Gaalen
Kitty van der Drift
Anneke Bloemink
Website Federation NZ Netherlands Societies:
Website Dutch Connection:
Website Facebook:
07 827 9395 vandenberg@xtra.co.nz
07 846 7435 sophia_0001@hotmail.com
07 887 6602 buildingassessmentsltd@xtra.co.nz
07 887 6602 buildingassessmentsltd@xtra.co.nz
07 854 9331 bvicbethell@xtra.co.nz
07 834 2116 yolandesloet@hotmail.com
07 854 1110 cornelia.vddrift@gmail.com
07 827 6643 koetjes.en.kalfjes@hotmail.com
Mobile: 021 112 7422
www.facebook.com/pages/NZ-Netherlands-Society3Waikato Inc/155770734494737
Affiliated and other clubs:
Klaverjas & Rummikub - Hamilton
Martin van der Aa
07 854 0638
Klaverjas - Morrinsville
Harry van de Laar
07 889 5221
Kees Zegwaard
07 823 3407
Ria Kuipers
07 827 3633
Hamilton Tulip Festival Trust
Wies van den Berg
07 827 9395
Friendly Support Network (FSN)
Ria van Vugt
Riet van Rijen
Lou Nouwens
07 834 3233
07-823 8388
07 855 2184
Never Too Old Club
Te Awamutu
07 871 6002
07 854 6216
Bep Captein
Maria Kanters
Netherville Retirement Village Inc. - Hamilton
Barry Collins
07 854 0131
Tasman Village Society Inc. - Morrinsville
Murray Fowler
Games Day Netherville
Klaverjas Day Morrinsville
AGM NZ Neth. Society
Games Day Tasman Village
Games Day Netherville
Tulip Festival
07 889 4595
28 April
10 May
17 May
16 June
8 September
14 September
If undelivered, please return to:
NZ Netherlands Society (Waikato) Inc.
PO Box 9252
Hamilton 3240