Watch the slide show - the Missouri Girls State Website

June 21-27, 2015
University of Central Missouri
About us…
This program is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. The
ALA is the largest women’s organization with nearly 1 million
members. They promote the ideals and principles of the founding
fathers. Veteran’s Support and Children & Youth are just two more of
the many programs supported by the ALA. Missouri ALA has
sponsored a Girls State program since 1940.
WHAT? Missouri Girls State – Citizen participation in City, County and State
WHEN? Sunday, June 21, 2015 through Saturday, June 27, 2015
WHERE? University of Central Missouri (Ellis Dorm), Hwy 13, Warrensburg
Delegates learn how government and the democratic process work
on the city, county and state level. They learn about Government,
Patriotism, Leadership, Campaigning, Hands on Experience, and
Citizenship and Americanism…
Citizens learn flag
etiquette, the importance
of their vote, and the
history behind some of our
democratic processes and
A week in review…
Registration; City Elections
Classes: Communications & Media, Legislative Class,
Law, Executive Class, Business and Law Enforcement.
General Assembly Elections (Senators and House of
Senators and Representatives – sessions begin
Wednesday: County elections; Senators and Representatives travel to
Jefferson City; Party Convention
Thursday: State Primary Elections; State Fair; Talent show
Test in your class; State General Election; Inauguration
and Reception honoring newly elected State Officials ;
Festival of Lights,
Closing Ceremony at the Multi-Purpose Building. Awards
are presented at the time.
You can also find us on Facebook at “2015 Missouri Girls State”
The “Packet”…
The “Packet” can only be downloaded from the website.
• Address and Emergency Phone Numbers
• A list of items to bring
• Samsung Scholarship information* (optional)
• Girls Nation information* (optional)
• Health Form* that must be signed by your doctor
• “take at home”*
• Campaign Rules and Campaign Store Price List
• City Rules, signed by you and your parent/guardian
• MOChip permission form* (optional)
• Item for USO*
* Don’t pack these items away, as they will need to be turned in
during the registration process.
The schedule and manual…
The manual is the "textbook" of Missouri Girls
State. Information will be referenced the entire
week. Each citizen will receive a bound 3-ring
holed manual book upon arrival at MGS.
The schedule is the weeks’ worth of activities! You
can view a tentative copy on the website. A copy is
provided to you at MGS.
How MGS is organized…
MGS is made up of:
• 21 Cities = approximately 35-38 girls per city.
• 7 Counties = Each county has 3 cities.
• State = all cities and counties combined make up MGS
Due to time constraints, each delegate is assigned to a
political party.
• Nationalist – Blue name tag
• Federalist – Red name tag
What offices are available?
Delegates can run for the following offices during their week at
MGS. Each office listed below has a complete description in the
MGS manual.
City Offices: Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Municipal Judge,
City Collector, and Councilwomen.
County Offices: Presiding Commissioner, 2 Associate County
Commissioners, Sheriff, Prosecuting Attorney, Presiding Circuit
Judge, 2 Associate Circuit Judges, Clerk of the Circuit Court,
County Collector, County Treasurer, County Clerk, Recorder of
Deeds and Assessor.
State Offices: Governor, Lt
Governor, Attorney General,
Secretary of State, State
Treasurer, State Auditor, General
Assembly (Senators and House of
House and Senate
MGS travels to Jefferson City where
they conduct MGS business and pass
bills on the floor.
Campaigning and elections…
Do not bring any campaign materials. All campaign materials will be
provided at MGS in the Campaign Store (first floor of Ellis). Each girl will
be issued MGS Bucks to purchase supplies. A list of the campaign rules
is included in the packet. Please take a look at these before putting up
any campaign material at MGS.
Missouri Girls State Bucks: This is fake money that each girl will receive
when she arrives at MSG. She can use this money to purchase campaign
supplies, start her own business, and use for the state fair.
• * Executive
• * Legislative
• * Law
• * Media
• * Law Enforcement
• * Business
Other activities…
Band and Chorus, Talent Show, State Fair
Miscellaneous: There are various “nonpolitical” activities available. Some of
these include: Color Guard, Newspaper
Staff, Post Mistress, Broadcasting,
Highway Patrol Officer, and City Activity
Classes and college credit…
Your class, along with your participation at MGS, may make you
eligible for college credit though UCM. These are not automatic
credits for attending MGS. The test scores and participation
sheets (completed by each delegate) are turned over to the
college and they evaluate each delegate’s record for the week.
The college will notify you by email (usually in October)
the results of your test and if you are eligible to apply for
• You have 30 days to make application for these
• You will pay the transcript fee to have them sent to
the college of your choice.
• This is not an automatic credit and it will be up to
that college to accept or reject the credits.
• Girls can apply for the 2-hour pass/fail credit or the
three hour graded credit. UCM’s dual credit tuition
rate for 2013 was $85 per credit hour.
• More information is provided at MGS.
We have MANY guest speakers throughout
the week.
Speakers and guests are to be treated with
the utmost respect. Most speakers will
accept questions from the citizens, based
on the time available.
Questions asked are to be appropriate to
the subject matter presented by the
speaker. Nothing embarrassing or
personal is appropriate.
Courtesy also means staying awake
during the seminars.
Military Leaders
Local politicians
1. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would expect to be
treated – staff, delegates and guests.
2. Harassment and Bullying will not be tolerated. For purposes of
this policy, they are defined as intimidation or harassment of a
delegate or multiple delegates perpetuated by individuals or
groups. Bullying includes, but is not limited to: physical actions,
including violence, gestures, theft, or damaging property; oral or
written taunts, including name-calling, put-downs, extortion, or
threats; or threats of retaliation for reporting such acts.
3. UCM holds summer classes during our time on campus. Please
extend all courtesies to UCM faculty, staff, and students.
4. Other camps and organizations are also on campus during our
stay. Please use only the buildings designated in the schedule as
we have made arrangements with the University for these
buildings. Please extend courtesy to these other organizations by
not inferring with their activities.
5. UCM is a SMOKE FREE campus.
What to bring…
• Bring enough clean clothes to last all week. Laundry
facilities are not available.
• All shorts and skirts must follow the “fingertip rule” .
• At no time are halter tops, tube tops, halter dresses, backless
dresses, or strapless dresses acceptable.
• Daytime: Shorts or skirts, jeans, capris, and t-shirts.
• Evening: dress, pant suit, skirt and blouse, or nice slacks.
• Friday evening: ALL BLACK dress, suit, skirt and blouse, or
slacks, for inauguration
• If you are to be on the stage at ANY time: follow the dress
code for evening wear
• If, at any time, a counselor or staff members feels a
delegate’s clothing is too revealing, or inappropriate, she may
be asked to change.
What to bring…continued…
• Rain Gear: remember to bring a jacket and/or umbrella.
• Personal toiletry items (hand soap, shampoo, toothbrush,
toothpaste, body wash, hand sanitizer, etc.), towels and wash
cloths, and alarm clock.
• UCM provides some bedding.
• Comfortable shoes. It is UCM’s policy that all persons wear
shoes at all times – EVEN in the dorms.
• Hangers
• A backpack or bag to carry your things each day, pens,
pencils, notebook, and 3–ring binder.
• Do not bring valuable jewelry or electronic items. MGS is not
responsible for lost or stolen items.
Ellis Hall….
All Delegates and Staff are housed in Ellis.
There are staff members on each floor, in each hall.
There are 5 floors (ground floor through 4th floor).
NO elevators.
This is a dorm and not a hotel. You WILL NOT be provided
hand soap, hair dryers, complimentary shampoo and
conditioner, or towels.
• UCM does provide 2 flat sheets, 1 blanket, 1 pillow, and 1
pillow case. The dorm is air-conditioned, and can be cold, so
you might want to bring an extra blanket. If you want to bring
your own sheets, the beds are extra-long twin sized beds (4”
• If in doubt, bring it from home.
Taxes and other services…
Shopper: If you’ve forgotten something, or need
something, the Shopper will go to Wal-Mart for you.
She won’t buy food or drinks.
Taxes: Delegates need to bring $3.00 in US currency.
This money is used for 2 scholarships awarded at the
end of the week.
Banker: Deposit your money for safekeeping with the
Banker when you register, or anytime during the week.
MGS Shoppe: Snacks, Drinks, Clothing.
• Debit, Credit, cash, checks
• Open when girls are in the dorm, hours posted
• In 2014, delegates felt $50 was enough for the
Cafeteria style food is served in 3
shifts. The first meal is served on
Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Be sure that
you eat before arriving on Sunday.
Once you are registered with MGS,
you can’t leave campus. Mom and
Dad can go get food for you, as long
as it is delivered before 12:15 p.m.
(the first City Meeting begins at 12:15
Snacks are available for purchase in
the MGS Shoppe.
Special Diet: If you require a
special diet, or have medical
problems requiring a special room
assignment, please notify the
director, Natalie Riley, immediately
Cell Phones…
Cell phones are a wonderful way for delegates to stay in touch
with their family during MGS. They may be brought and used
only in Ellis Hall during free time. Free time is clearly marked
in the schedule. They are not allowed in Ellis Dining Hall. Cell
phones used outside of Ellis will be confiscated and returned
to you on Saturday. This includes assemblies, class, and
other events. Cell phones CAN NOT be used as a camera.
If your phone is
confiscated, you will be
able to use it at the
Director’s office during
free time.
Room Keys…
Room keys are available. If you
lose your key, you owe $90 to
The return of the room key or
payment of the $90.00 lost key
fee is a prerequisite for the
delegate’s successful completion
of Missouri Girls State.
Delegates from St Louis area and St Louis County can ride a bus
to Warrensburg. Other delegates must ride with their parents,
carpool with other delegates, or drive themselves.
• Parents are asked to park behind Ellis Hall (from Hwy 13,
turn East on Christopher street) when dropping off and
picking up the girls. Please do not park on the north side of
this parking lot (the side of the parking lot closest to
Christopher Street), as the buses will load and unload here.
This area should be blocked off.
• We prefer the girls not drive themselves
due to the tiring week and late bedtime hours.
If the girls do drive themselves, they will be
asked to turn over their car keys to the
Missouri State Highway Patrol staff members
on Sunday when they register. The keys are
returned Saturday morning. The Missouri
State Highway Patrol will monitor the cars
MOChip Child ID Program…(optional)
• Working with the Mason’s to bring this free program to
• Digital photos, fingerprints, emergency contacts, dental bite
impression, 2 laminated ID cards
• Delegates can turn in their paperwork at registration. We
will complete this activity later in the week.
• Delegates will receive their ID kit before leaving MGS
• More information and the REQUIRED permission form are in
the packet.
Girls Nation – July 25-Aug1, 2015
• 4-H Conference Center
• Chevy Chase, Maryland
2014 MGS delegate
Delaney Tevis was
awarded the $20,000
National Samsung
Outstanding Political Citizen, $500
Samsung Scholarship, $1000
Governor Scholarship, $1000
Model City
Additional Scholarships
In 2009, the MGS GN Senator – Marilyn Wang, was
elected Vice-President of Girls Nation! She and
Elizabeth Yu are pictured here with 82 year old
Nesse Godin, a Holocaust survivor, who spoke to
both Girls nation in DC.
Parent Information
Throughout the week pictures, election results, and
news articles will be added to the “2015 Session”
page. Emergency Calls may be made to 660543-4500. Campus Security phone numbers are in
the packet and can be used for any “middle of the
night” calls.
Nurses are on duty 24 hours a day. Missouri State
Hwy Patrol is on duty 24 hours a day. Ellis Dorm is
locked down each night and all visitors are
monitored by UCM staff during the day. The
Warrensburg Police Department and Campus
Security are also available.
Experiences to last a lifetime…
About 90 volunteer staff volunteer for MGS every year.
We will have applications for Assistant Counselors at MGS!!
If mom, sister, grandmother or aunt is a MGS Alumni,
she can sign up on the MGS website! They receive
email updates of events and are invited to an Alumni
dinner on Thursday night, prior to the talent show.
They are also invited to attend the talent show with
the delegates.
Our staff is made up of nearly ALL alumni!!
Missouri Girls State…
You’ve heard a lot of information today.
MGS not for you?
Don’t be a “no show”….make a courtesy call to your
• They have made an investment in you!
• If you don’t come, or leave early, they are notified.
• Some sponsors may require you to repay them.
• Another girl may be able to attend in your place