Caucuses - Wellness Recovery Action Plan

Everything you need to know
about the WRAP Around the
World Conference
Presenter: Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D.
Mental Health Recovery Educator & Author
Christine Allers, Moderator
What is the WRAP Around the
World Conference?
A gathering of people that have come together from
around the world to explore WRAP® from a wide
variety of perspectives
August 1-3, 2011, Philadelphia, PA
• Revisiting the 2005 WRAP Conference
• Conference Attendance Benefits
• Conference Highlights
Keynote Speakers
Other activities
• Logistics
Remembering the WRAP Conference
in 2005
Amherst, MA
Conference Benefits
• Hear the latest news and
information about WRAP
• Get ideas on how you can
make the best use of this
remarkable innovation
Conference Benefits
• Network with people who
have common interests
and goals
• Participate in lively
discussions about WRAP
and recovery
Conference Benefits
• Meet leaders, staff
and people who have
been working with
WRAP for a long
• Get re-energized.
Conference Benefits
• Describe approaches for implementing mental
health recovery and WRAP
• Experience a world of diversity to promote
Conference Benefits
• Develop your facilitation skills
• Highlight your own success in creating recovery
More than 50 workshops including:
• WRAP for People with Eating Disorders
• Working with WRAP
• Maximizing Treatment Outcomes with
• Surviving Suicidal Crisis
• WRAP in Correction Facilities
• WRAP in Rural Texas
WRAP in Managed Care
Organizational WRAP
Feedback and De-briefing for Co-facilitators
WRAP goes to College
WRAP with Chinese People
WRAP in the City
• WRAP in the Hospital
• Incorporating WRAP into Formal Systems
of Care
• Hope as the Foundation of Recovery
• Developing Support Systems
• Advanced Care Planning
WRAP For Veterans and
People In The
Learn how others use WRAP. Explore new
ideas for WRAP solutions to Veteran issues.
Network with your Veteran brothers and
sisters to share, learn and grow.
Walter is an advanced level WRAP facilitator.
He also works for the Ohio Center for
Advocacy Training and Support where he
teaches Steps to Wellness, a self-help
program for people with mental health
Walter Hudson
Overcoming Challenges of Poverty in
Facilitating WRAP
Jane Winterling
Audrey Garfield
Audrey is a WRAP facilitator and strong
Jane is a Recovery Education Coordinator for
Vermont Psychiatric Survivors. Jane was the community activist. She is also a Board Member
of The Copeland Center.
inspiration for WRAP. She worked with me on
the initial writing of the first Wellness Recovery
Action Planning (WRAP©) book and is currently
an Advanced Level Facilitator.
WRAP Research
Judith A. Cook, Professor
of Psychiatry at the
University of Illinois at
Chicago (UICis wellknown for her rigorous
and highly respected
mental health recovery
research. She has
studied WRAP
Working with WRAP
Martin Wren
CEO of NOVA, a Disability Employment Service (DES),
with most funding coming through the Australian
Government's Department of Employment, Education &
Workplace Relations (DEEWR)
Leanne Wood
Anne Goyer
Employment Consultant at NOVA, a Disability Employment
Service (DES). Nova Tree Location
Training & Development Manager at NOVA, a Disability
Employment Service (DES). Nova Tree Location
Sharpening your WRAP Facilitation Skills
Sarah is a well-seasoned WRAP facilitator and an
Advanced Level Trainer who often presens on behalf
of the Copeland Center. Sarah was the first to
officially bring WRAP to New Mexico, training and
supporting over seventy-five WRAP Facilitators
around the state. Other program initiatives include
journal writing and peer counseling.
Sarah Brown
Using Art with WRAP
Janet is an Advanced Level WRAP Facilitator.
She is also an Advanced Level Peer Specialist
and an ARTbundance Creativity Coach. You will
really enjoy working with Janet and perhaps
absorbing some of her remarkable creativity.
Janet Laird
WRAP for Chronic Conditions: Diabetes
with Eric Larson
Eric is an Advanced Level WRAP Facilitator
and a WRAP Coordinator at The Institute for
Recovery and Community Integration. He has
used WRAP in his own life to deal with
diabetes. His presentation will help you adapt
your own WRAP for dealing with a chronic
medical condition, and will be of help to you if
you are working with others who have a
chronic condition.
Catch the enthusiasm of these two remarkable women.
Carol Bailey Floyd is the Director of Programs for
Mental Health Recovery and WRAP and has
facilitated WRAP since 2003
Carol Bailey Floyd
A Wellness Recovery Action Plan Advanced Level
Facilitator and Advocate
Jean Rogers
WRAP for Caregivers
with Raymond Federici
Matthew's brother is a trainer at the Institute for Recovery &
Community Integration, MHASP. You will enjoy working with him.
Values & Ethics Can Be Down Right Fun
Both these presenters have a vast store of information to share
with you on this critical topic.
Cynthis is a WRAP Trainer &
Facilitator who works with Mental
Health Consumer Concerns, Inc.
Steven Marks
Steven holds a Ph.D. in Organizational
Psychology from the California School of
Professional Psychology at Alliant
University & is a certified WRAP
Cynthia Staton
Topics include:
Eliminating Seclusion & Restraints
WRAP & Systems Leadership
WRAP for Small Business Entrepreneurs
Here are some highlights…
Grants Are Tools for Social Changers
Katherine is the founder of Heart Resources, a
social enterprise offering innovative grant-funded
solutions, training and coaching, and publications for
challenging community health issues.
Katherine F.H. Heart, M.Ed.
Advanced Level WRAP Refresher
BJ North
Debbie Andersen
Cheryl Sharp
Sarah Brown
Developing WRAP
Carol & Yvonne
These two incredible women have the bottom line answers about
developing your WRAP. They could make a list of wellness tools
that would boggle your mind.
Yvonne Smith
President, The Recovery
Group, Washington, D.C.
Carol Bailey Floyd
Director of Programs for Mental Health
Recovery and WRAP
Other Institutes
• Eliminating Seclusion and Restraint
• WRAP and Systems Leadership
• WRAP for Small Business Entrepreneures
• Wellness and Nutrition
10 Different Caucuses including “open” Caucuses
1.5 hours long
Topics include: Teen WRAP, Peer Support, Diversity….
Trauma Informed Care- Cheryl Sharp
Cheryl is a WRAP Outreach Project Coordinator
and a Wellness Recovery Action Planning
(WRAP) coordinator for Maryland.
This caucus will generate a robust discussion
around the issues related to those of us who
have experienced adverse childhood events
as well as the trauma that often comes with
being involved in a non trauma-informed
system of care.
Center Website
Addictions Recovery
and WRAPDebbie Andersen
Debbie is an Advanced Facilitator & Trainer
with the Copeland Center for Wellness and
Recovery. She is also a consultant to the
Centers of Excellence in Recovery Project of
On Our Own Maryland.
This caucus will provide participants with an
opportunity for discussion about WRAP and
addictions recovery as well as support for
our personal use of WRAP for addictions,
substance use and lifestyle change.
Other Caucuses
Peer support and WRAP
WRAP and Transition Age Youth
WRAP for Veterans and People in the
• Differing Perspectives of Cultural Diversity
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Highlight:
Arthur Evans, Ph.D.
The Commissioner of Philadelphia’s Department of
Behavioral and Intellectual disability services. Dr. Evans
is leading a major initiative to transform how behavioral and
healthcare are de- livered in the city.
Keynote Highlight:
Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D.
Mary Ellen has presented numerous workshops all over
the world and is well known in the mental health recovery
movement. She will be sharing her thoughts on WRAP,
the latest news in mental health recovery and more!
Conference Highlights:
WRAP World Perspectives Plenary Session
This collaborative presentation will feature speakers from
Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, Japan, China and
England. They will describe how they are developing and
dissseminating WRAP Around the World.
More Conference Highlights:
Door Prizes
Night Owl Additional Workshops & Networking
Yoga, Zentengles & More!
Check for updates
on the conference
Where is the WRAP Around the
World Conference?
Conference Room
Rate $139 per night.
Reserve by July 1!
Sheraton Society Hotel
One Dock Street (2nd and Walnut Streets)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
How do I register?
What resources will be available?
• Copeland Center position paper on Seclusion &
• WRAP and Recovery Books, DVD’s and CD’s
How much does it cost?
Registration: $350.00
Registration for WRAP Facilitator: $300.00
Registration for Advanced Level WRAP Facilitator: $285.00
Special room rate at the Sheraton- $139 per night (last day to
reserve is July 1, 2011)
How can I pay for it?
• Scholarships
• Speak to your employer
• Independent Contractors and those who are Self-
speak to an accountant about tax deductions for trade shows
& conferences
Will I have a good time?
It’s up to you!
Reception with Recovery Arts & Entertainment
Networking Events
Sites of the city!