OTW PPT Presentation

Incoming Squadron Officers
District 16
25 February 2012
On-the-Water Training /
Boat Operator Certification
P/Lt/C Richard Edel, JN
Incoming DEO
NW BOC/OTW Committee
What are the USPS OTW
USPS has three separate programs with On The Water
(OTW) training components:
Entry-level; no experience required
Practical On Water Training (POWT) approx $200
Something new: ABC 3 with On The Water - much less $
Advanced Courses with On The Water Supplements
S, P*, AP, JN/N*, SA with on-the-water sections
Members Only**; skill demonstration and coaching
Boat Operator Certification (BOC)
Four levels of advancement possible
Huge refresher and confidence builder
* In development: P beta is available; **Non-members may enroll
Today’s presentation will expand
on all three OTW Programs
Advanced Courses with OTW Supplements
Practical On The Water Training
ABC 3 with OTW Supplement
Presented by Bob Anderson, Bremerton SPS
Boat Operator Certification
First Topic
Entry Level OTW Training
OTW – On-The-Water Training
Began within USPS 2009
Our new Insurance Policy allowed for:
Optional On-the-Water Training Supplements to
accompany ABC, S, P, AP, Sa, etc.
 POWT – Practical On Water Training
OTW Training for the public
POWT – Practical On Water
Began 2011
In the NW, Bob Sweet taught a beta class at
D16 rendezvous in Poulsbo
Teaches Small Boat Handling to the public
Two hours in classroom,
Four hours on the water,
Follow-up two hours back in classroom
Practical On Water Training
Most recent of three programs
Designed primarily for the public
Derived from Boat Operator Certification -Inland Navigator
Cost moderate – MSRP is ~ $200
POWT is:
A perfect combination of:
Classroom training
Based on USPS Seminars:
Boat Handling Under Power
Advanced Powerboat Handling
On the water training
Adapted from partner US Sailing’s Safe Powerboat
Handling Course
"Water Trainer"
Details of POWT
8-Hour total program
First 2-Hours in a classroom
Next 3-4 Hours on-the-water
Nature of Boats (why boats behave as they do)
Fundamentals of Boat Operation
Video Presentation of all OTW routines
Near dock and protected open water skills practice
At low- and high-speed operations
Finally, 2-more Hours in the Classroom
Follow-Up, Q&A, self-review, course assessment
What Does POWT Provide
Classroom provides visualization…
Helps the student plan and visualize maneuvers on the
water in advance of executing them
Plan, expect, control, correct, succeed
Students will learn the basis for what boats do and
This part accelerates student skills and on-the-water
learning and practice
On the water provides hands-on learning and
On the Water Exercises - 1
Close quarters maneuvering
Using lines effectively near the dock
Departing the dock
Operating in fairways & tight areas
Docking (not too extensive)
On the Water Exercises - 2
In protected open water
Maneuver to the exercise area
Steering - slalom
Holding course
Run a range
POWT Classroom Examples
The following slides are a sample of the
classroom presentations used in the POWT
morning classroom presentation
Slipping in a Turn
Pivot Point – Forward & Reverse
POWT Manual
Presentation and Powerboat Handling Illustrated © 2007 by R Sweet
book copyright assigned to McGraw-Hill, used with permission
For the Northwest Region
A New Entry-level Program called ABC 3
 What it is:
An OTW demo-cruise on a member’s boat
(Note: all OTW requirements apply)
Boat can be a 26- to 40+ footer
Students watch while instructor shows ABC 3 –
level of boating skills and other pertinent
Some student hands-on only if/when practical
ABC OTW Programs
All training is supported by the NW District Training
and Certification Committee
Any OTW / BOC training needs to be brought to
the regional committee’s attention
Check with your SEO or BOC Point of Contact
Squadrons are encouraged to be involved (many
are already) and advocate this program, but are
not required to do so
What We Mean by
ABC On the Water Training
ABC On-the-Water Supplement Includes OTW
Demonstrations by USPS Instructors of:
Onboard equipment operation
Securing the boat and knot demonstration
Basic radio operation
Slow and high speed maneuvering
Focus is on-boat Demonstration and Practice
D/16 On The Water 2012
ABC on-the-water supplement planned for
the following locations inside our NW
Des Moines/Tacoma/Olympia
Port Orchard/Bremerton
Port Angeles/Sequim/Port Townsend
Bellingham/Anacortes/Friday Harbor
Second Topic
Advanced Courses with On The
Water Supplements
Advanced Courses with On
The Water Supplements
Stf/C Bob Anderson, AP
Bremerton SPS
On the Water Training
Courses with currently approved “On the Water”
Piloting (in beta test)
Advanced Piloting
OTW Components Addition available online
OTW supplements are NOT required for these
courses, but students really like “On the Water”
Where to Find ‘S’ OTW Add-ons
Courses with OTW
components have
this banner under
Where to Find ‘AP’ OTW Add-ons
Courses with OTW
components have
this banner under
Where to Find Sail OTW Add-ons
Courses with OTW
components have
this banner under
Piloting Beta
Piloting OTW Add-on
Usable approved beta test addendum is available
from the Bremerton SPS SEO
National addendum not yet finalized
On the Water Training
Seamanship Addendum
Lesson Plan
On the Water Training
General Safety Considerations
Navigation Limits
Knowledge & Expectations
On the Water Training
All OTW programs must be pre-approved
by a Squadron or District to comply with
insurance coverage
On the Water Training
Never Forget:
It is MANDATORY that every person must be
wearing a PFD when entering the dock area and
while on board the vessel unless below deck.
Third Topic
Boat Operator Certification
Third Topic
BOC - Boat Operator Certification
Most misunderstood of the three programs
What is it:
A Member focused Program
Run by members primarily for members*
Comprised of
A collection of courses and seminars within a level
OTW skill demonstration
One on One coaching and training
Four levels of advancement (only 2 ready at present)
A huge skills refresher and confidence builder
* Theoretically it is possible for a non-member to do BOC at greater expense
BOC – Boat Operator Certification
Began within USPS in 2007
Copied from a similar Program in Europe
UN Resolution 40 “International Certificate for
Operators of Pleasure Craft”
 Boater’s Skills are checked and testing requirements
must be met
 When skills are demonstrated a Certificate is
Some European Countries accept USPS BOC
Not enough attempts or data at this time
 BOC CN holders reported success in Greece
BOC - For USPS Members
Boat Operator Certification (BOC) offers
Four Levels of Certification
1. Inland Navigator – Available now
Small boat operating principles
Applicable to navigation in bays, rivers, canals, and lakes
2. Coastal Navigator – Available now
Coastal piloting with GPS and Compass
3. Advanced Coastal Navigator - 2012 release expected
Adds Night Operations and longer cruises
4. Offshore Navigator – Future activity
Open Ocean navigation between 70o N and 70o S
Under Pre-development discussion
What Is BOC For?
A fabulous skills refresher opportunity
All takers report they learned something “New
and useful”
Small boat handling
Expanded knowledge / refresher or first time done
Extreme confidence builder
Including USCG OUPV and Master’s license holders
Likened to “Merit Badges” – shows you have
demonstrated your knowledge and skills in a
program setting
BOC Advantages
More confidence and assurance
Improved effectiveness of boat handling
Practice and mastering of seldom used skills
while with colleagues and friends who can help
out without criticism
Possible additional insurance discounts
See the USPS Boat Insurance web page for details
Certificates earned may help with chartering and
enable boating in foreign waters
Opportunity to become a Certifier and then help
your fellow members
BOC Inland Navigator
NASBLA-approved course (ABC)
USPS Seamanship
USPS Engine Maintenance
Marine Electrical Systems
Four Seminars
How to use a Chart
Onboard Weather or have taken Weather course
GPS or have taken more recent P or AP
VHF Radio/VHF DSC or Marine Communications Elective
A fun day on the water in a center console /
runabout-type boat
BOC Coastal Navigator and Beyond
Applicable for Candidates Who:
 Have bigger boats
 Travel greater distances along- or off-shore
 Need more advanced navigation skills
May have to handle onboard emergencies
GPS, Radar, Sonar, Radios
Need to update backup skills based on traditional
methods (charts, DRs, fixes)
Current First Aid and CPR requirement
May be boating far from a marina facility
BOC Coastal Navigator
Completed Inland Navigation Certification
USPS Piloting (2005 or newer) with GPS
USPS Weather
USPS Marine Communications Systems
Mastering Rules of the Road
Mariner’s Compass
Tides and Currents (or USPS AP)
Demonstrate On-The-Water Navigation skills
Demonstrate Pyrotechnics (Signal Flares) skills
BOC Advanced CN
Good to 50 nmi offshore and for night passages
Seminars (In addition to those of CN)
Completed Coastal Navigation Certification
Cruise Planning
Marine Navigation Systems (when released in 2012)
Weather (or current Weather course)
Emergencies onboard (when released)
Marine mechanical series (when released)
Demonstrate more extensive navigation,
emergency handling and night boating skills
Cruise with overnight or complete darkness start or complete darkness finish
On the Water Instruction:
Instructor Requirements
On the Water Training
Course or Activity Type
Practical (Public) On Water
Training (POWT) Course
[Sometimes written POTW]
USPS Member qualified at Good people and
a minimum as a BOC
communication skills are
Inland Navigator Certifier helpful
ABC-3, S, P, AP, or Sail
Courses with On-the-Water
USPS Member with
current ID Instructor
Certification and good
people and boat handling
Although not required, it
is helpful if the
instructors have a BOC
level IN or CN certificate
Boat Operator Certification
(BOC) first level: Inland
Navigator (IN) certificate
USPS Member qualified
as an IN Certifier or
Contact your SEO or
BOC committee point of
contact with questions
Boat Operator Certification
(BOC) second level: Coastal
Navigator (CN) certificate
USPS Member qualified
Contact your SEO or
as a CN Certifier or better BOC committee point of
contact with questions
NW Region
Boat Operator Certifiers
IN Certifier Trainers
Bob Anderson
Otto Rasmussen
Chris Brown
John Sherrick
Dave Greene
James R. West
Rick Edel
Barry Williams
Terry Hummel
Steve Zinsmeister
CN Certifier Trainers
Bob Anderson
Otto Rasmussen
Chris Brown
John Sherrick
Dave Greene
James R. West
Rick Edel
Barry Williams
Terry Hummel
Steve Zinsmeister
Bob Anderson
Mark Balcom
James Beachell
Chris Brown
Rick Edel
Dave Greene
Terry Hummel
Chuck Leavitt
Otto Rasmussen
Ted Shanks
John Sherrick
Ray Thomas
James R. West
Barry Williams
Steve Zinsmeister
Bob Anderson
Mark Balcom
Chris Brown
Rick Edel
Dave Greene
Terry Hummel
Otto Rasmussen
Ted Shanks
John Sherrick
Ray Thomas
James R. West
Barry Williams
Steve Zinsmeister
Squadrons Assigned to Divisions
Bellevue, Seattle
South Central
Bellingham, Deception Pass, Everett, Skagit Bay
North Central
Agate Pass, Bremerton, Friday Harbor, N. Olympic,
Point Wilson
Olympia, Poverty Bay, Spokane, Tacoma
District 32
Division Leadership
We have divided the NW Region into Five Divisions
and assigned a manager to each
 West
Stf/C Bob Anderson, AP
 North
Lt/C James R. West, AP
(P/Lt/C Terry Hummel, JN)
 N. Central
P/Lt/C Dave Greene, SN
 S. Central
P/D/C Otto Rasmussen, SN
 South:
P/D/Lt/C Steve Zinsmeister, SN
 If someone asks about certification -- contact the
appropriate Division Manager
On The Water
Why and Why Not’s
Hints, Guidance and How-to’s
OTW: Why? … Why Not?
Driver Education: Classroom and “Behind-theWheel”
Airplane Pilots: “Ground School” and “Flight
Boaters: “Classroom” and…”What” ... ???
Why Worry about “What” being missing??? >>>>
Accidents, injuries, deaths, property losses …
And Why Not?...No genuine reasons, only lesser
issues to be identified, worked on and resolved!
Summary and Payoff
On the water instruction has the challenges
anything new does… but it is enjoyable
and fun!
It’s shown that OTW students get enthusiastic
and get more involved in Squadron activities
More active members…more active boaters!
And our USPS increasingly receives recognition for
encouraging and training the developing recreational
boater, who then grows and becomes a stronger
boater and advocate for all boating interests!